Right click the example - copy direct link
That condition was depreciated in R318.
Multiplayer: deprecate 'Supports multiplayer' condition as it has been widely supported by all browsers for years now
Set sprite animation frame to floor(random(sprite.animationframecount) to change them all to the same random frame.
If you want to set a random order of frames, use the advanced random plugin's permutation table.
Instances by far. Each instance/copy of an object effectively doesn't take any additional graphical memory at all.
Text - Set text to Array.At(floor(random(Array.Width)))
No need to shuffle.
If you do shuffle, then put set text after the shuffle, and Set text to Array.At(0)
The webhost should have no impact on the multiplayer plugin's functionality - the game is downloaded from the webhost onto the user device, and all multiplayer data is communicated directly to and from the multiplayer host's device - it does not go through or get handled by itch.io.
You should look into NAT issues, or utilizing a TURN server.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Correct. I'm assuming you'll be using your IDs as the tag, as they are already unique and supposed to be associated with the data requested.
Use the ajax.tag expression with the on any completed trigger to identify the tag/id of the request it was sent in response from.
Use messages to sync peers if realtime sync is not necessary, if your goal is to save bandwidth.
Note that even in Normal bandwidth mode, objects which are not changing gradually reduce their bandwidth to twice a second anyway, so static objects will still end up using Very low bandwidth mode. Therefore it is not normally necessary to change this, and it is suitable to use Normal bandwidth even for objects which rarely change.
I'd heavily advise against using physics for this application.
Try a bullet behavior with the bounce off solids property. If the bounce of solids is unacceptable for whatever reason, use the line of sight ray casting feature to get the angle of reflection to do what you want with it instead.
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Your ideal solution would be an html launcher website or app.
You can do the similar in a c3 project by opening a link with the go to url action in the browser object, or by using the iframe object but that might be kinda silly since that's what webpages are made to do.
For each box (or object)
Set object.angle to box.angle
Or you can do it on created instead of for each.
Set bullet angle of motion to angle(bullet.x,bullet.y,player.x,player.y).
The bullet will move towards the player, and if you have the set angle property disabled, they will not orient towards the angle of motion.