Multiplayer - About bandwidth consumption

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The official Scirra Multiplayer Signalling Server for helping peers find and connect to each other
  • Hello, thank you in advance for the information that always helps me, this time I have a question related to the bandwidth consumption of synchronized variables.

    Direct question:

    Does the synchronized variable save bandwidth when not modified?

    For example, if I have a variable: UID_PEER-HOST

    Which I use for the host to give its UID to the object created on all screens... Since this synchronized variable only changes at the beginning when the object is created, am I not wasting bandwidth with it? This way, if I create some variables that are LITTLE USED, I will also be optimizing them as skins that only update at the beginning... Type of weapon that would be every 5 minutes as a weapon respawns...?!

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  • Use messages to sync peers if realtime sync is not necessary, if your goal is to save bandwidth.

    Note that even in Normal bandwidth mode, objects which are not changing gradually reduce their bandwidth to twice a second anyway, so static objects will still end up using Very low bandwidth mode. Therefore it is not normally necessary to change this, and it is suitable to use Normal bandwidth even for objects which rarely change.

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