oOScuByOo's Forum Posts

  • Hello MrSheet,

    I didn't really understand why you need to detect which controller was used by the user as C2 already do the job for this, the easiest solution you have was to make function based event to call when action need to be performed ...


    On keyboard 'F' press

    or ---> function call "interact".

    On gamepad button 'A' press


    On function "interact" ---> YOUR ACTION EVENT HERE


    And this normally works ...

    But for mouse it's a little trickier you need to make two distinct event to perform this if it was based on mouse position (Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) if not it will work the same as the previous one with mouse click.

    Hope this could help if not post the sample capx and i will try to solve it with you =)

  • Hello guys,

    anyone could help me sync entities like enemys, objects, etc.

    This is what is needed : ( for the exemple i will take enemy i think basically it's the same for all other objects )

    - On room created --> init enemy with their own position.

    - On another actor join room --> update player "view" with current room state number of actual enemy / their position / life / etc ...

    - On enemy killed --> Destroy enemy and then respawn after x seconds to it's own spawn point and update it to all current player ...

    I know it's not a basic thing i was asking for ^^' ...

    So far i've made a pseudo sort of thing for update enemy position ... Something like :

    Every x.xx second --> Photon raise event x with *familyEnemy.X&|&*familyEnemy.Y payload to others, target "", group 0 (DoNotCache, forward: No)

    Photon on event x --> *familyEnemy set position to (*X pos = (int(tokenat(Photon.EventData,0,"|"))) , (*Y pos = (int(tokenat(Photon.EventData,1,"|"))).

    But that seems to doesn't work really well, when there is more than one enemy they was bugged as hell and all try to get the same position ... They also don't keep the enemy skin for each of them in the group *familyEnemy.

    I think it's because i don't take each Enemy separetly.

    If something was not clear don't hesitate to ask ^^.

    Thanks guys =D

  • Hey,

    Always a big thanks for R0J0hound ^^ as avery time ^^

    But is there a way to only record the 3/4 seconds until death ?

    Thank you =D

  • Hello there,

    ThePhotons i would like to say a big thanks for this great plugin,

    Then i would like to ask some question for know if what i would like to achieve was possible or not with your plugin ^^

    1 - After Login ( For this part i use Firebase ^^ ) all players enter in a global HUB where they can chat or create/see party/room to join ( For this i know it's possible and i know how to achieve it it's more for understand the other things i need ^^' ... )

    2 - When players enter or create a room ( 4 players max ) they start on a layout where they have to select a level but i would like to offer the possibility to all players can choose and not only the host something like :

    Player 1 select level 2 accept or decline

    And when all the players have accept they go to the selected layout, else they stay on the "select level" layout and need to do it again ...

    3 - The last problem was my "Selected Level" layout have some random properties/stats and when the players finish the "level" layout and they come back to the "Selected Level" Layout, i need to update the previous one with the same stats/properties for all the 4 players in this room.

    So bassically All players are on a hub > They form a "group" of 4 players max in a room > They play together, select level and enter in level until they leave the "party"

    1 was not hard to complete and already done, but for the 2 and the 3 step i have some problem.

    I hope this can be done and wait for your help =)

    Thanks to everyone

    Happy Making.

  • Hello guys,

    Sorry to bump this topic since all this time ^^' ... I prefer reopenit instead of open a new one ...

    So this is why i'm here, i would like to make the Generation in a different way and i have start something that work well, but i'm stuck in this point, when i generate the link i would like a way for the algo do not create a link on a one that already exists or on a node near him, just can create link where no one exists and beetween random 0 to 3.

    This is the begining of the CapX : https://www.dropbox.com/s/uqar7eh32i4px ... .capx?dl=0

    Hope someone can help =D

  • Hello everyone,

    In a first time i would say thanks to Rex for this great plugin,

    Then i would ask if some poeple have test the features offer by Firebase and have some data to share with us, currently I'm using Firebase auth with database connection saveslots and chat feature for my game and use the MP P2P native to construct for sync data in real time with players and make them play together, so for this no problem but when i check my data usage in Firebase Dashboard it seems that i've used 1.2mb of DL, not son much you will say ... But when you know i've test only with 2 accounts connected, and there is only 5 elements to check ( for the moment ) in the db and only spare like 20 messages in chat between the 2 players, i find this a little too big ...

    So my question was if some users have make some test of data usage in real time and can share it with us ... Because the plan offer by Firebase wasn't so clear and the only thing clear was with free plan you have 50 account connected simultaneously instead of approx. 10000 with a total of 100o/s max of Data DL by players with the 25 bucks Plan ... So i hope someone understand me and was able to share with us approx. How many messages your players can send by month and How many data DL in db can be used montly too.

    Thanks guys =)

  • It seems that roman numerals can't be more than 4988 after you need to use a upper bar on the top of a letter for higest number but it can be false I'm not a specialist ^^' so i think after a certain number i will replace it by something else ^^

  • Wow buddy you cannot explain it better =D

    A big thanks to you

  • Hello everyone,

    Is anybody have an idea on how to automaticaly convert an Arabic Numeral like 1 to the correct Roman Numeral I.

    And this for any number without doing it manually.

    Thanks guys =)

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  • Hello community =)

    I'm actually looking for some help making a simple website looking http://downwellgame.com/

    If someone have some Idea on how to make it ^^

    Thanks =D

  • Hello guys,

    Today i've a question about the gameplay...

    I would like to make Something like metal gear solid or fps like games ... This thing was when the character was near a wall if you push a button like "space", "ctrl" etc ... the player "paste" to the wall and can move along without take damage and you need to push again for go away from the wall i hope you understand the way i would it work and its for a top down view game.

    Ty guys =)

  • Hello,

    I've ask in the How do I ? Section how to make something specific with the multiplayer object.

    So i would like to know if someone was able to make this work for me, not the whole game ^^ ... Only the specified feature ... So this is what i need :

    • In a first time i would like to give the players the choice to select between an existing room or to create a new room with the name of his choice for exemple : "Fun and rage, Destroy all".
    • In a second time i would like to change between Host and Peer. For exemple if the host disconnect actually you lost the connection and you need to close the game and create a new room, so i would like to make something for give the room Host to someone else when the host disconnect and until there are one player on this room.

    If someone was interested you can PM me for speak about the price and anything else ^^.

    Thank you =)

  • Anyone ^^ ?

  • Hello,

    i come to you because i have some question about the Multiplayer Object.

    In a first time i would like to know if it's possible to give the players the choice to select between an existing room or to create a new room with the name of his choice for exemple : "Fun and rage, Destroy all".

    And if it's possible how make it.

    In a second time i would like to know if it's possible to change between Host and Peer. For exemple if the host disconnect actually you lost the connection and you need to close the game and create a new room, so i would like to make something for give the room Host to someone else when the host disconnect and until there are one player on this room.

    I've see some topic about it and poeple say it's possible but no one explain the process to make it ^^' ...

    So if some of you have idea about it and can help me that's will be cool ^^

    Thank you =).

  • Hello Lennaert,

    I have solve the problem ^^' ... The request work correctly the problem come from the Request ^^' ...

    I have forget to delete one event that continuously repeat the request hehe ^^' ... So the app never have the time to update the values ^^' ...

    Now work correctly,

    So i have see your Tut's about the Ajax Pong game and inspire my self for make my request ^^' ... So thank for your help =)