oOScuByOo's Forum Posts

  • Only One thing to say ... Perfect a big thanks to you Aphrodite, another beer to pay ^^

  • Hello people,

    Today i'm looking for make an objective Marker.

    This Marker will have the function to indicate the position of the Mission Objectives in the Game's Window by turning all around the Window. ( Hope you see what i mean XD )

    So befor posting i've try to make it by using the Anchor Behavior and set the Parrallax to 0,0 the problem was when i set the Marker ( Sprite1 ) position to the Objective ( Sprite2 ) position the Marker ( Sprite1 ) don't appear on the sreen ... Then i have also try with the Anchor and Parrallax set to 100,100, but with this one the Marker ( Sprite1 ) stay on the Objectives ( Sprites2 ) position and only the Angle was modify ...

    Hope some Hero can help me ^^

    Thank you =)

  • Thank you Dutoit and Stain,

    I have modify the method of Stain and try with your method Dutoit, the two works fines, now i have to make it work for the second feature, i think i have to modify the code, because i use particle on the second feature and position them on the object X and Y so i have to find a way for make when player activate the action ON that's create the particle on the Activated Object and only him ... Then the other if he activate them ...

    Thanks Bro =)

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  • Hello poeple,

    Today i'm looking for something specific on Instance variable.

    I have create an Object ( We will name it Door ) with two Instance variables : ID_ and On ( ID_ Can have multiple Value and On can only have 0 or 1 )

    Then what i looking for is :

    When i create a new object ( Door ) on the layer i would like to set his ID_ variable to a new one than the previous one, for exemple :

    If i have one object ( Door ) on the layer with the ID_0, when i create a new object ( Door ) on the Layer i would like his ID_ was different than the previous one ( ID_1 ) and this evry time i create a new object ( Door ) on the layer. ( ID_2, ID_3, ID_4, etc... )

    This is the first thing i need, so now the second.

    If i interact with this object ( Door ) i have add an action for set the On variable to 1, then if i have multiple object when i interact with one it will set all the object ( Door ) to 1, but i want to set this variable only to the object ( Door ) i interact with.

    Hope someone have the solution.

    Thank you =D

  • No problem this is the prototype =)

    Ok found the way to do what i want =)

    The solution was to change the range on enter in LOS =)

    Thank you poeple =)

  • Ok add some parameters and then more target the problem ...

    So this is my action system :

    On ObjectA have ObjectB in LOS >> ObjectA move Along path ( I don't will detail the PathFinding action here it's working well ^^, the problem don't come from the path i think XD )

    So the problem is the ObjectA "Load the path ( It's hard to sy it but he "move" along the path without moving XD ... If you prefer i have add n action that's load and animation when ObjectA is moving along Path and when the ObjectB enter in his LOS the animation Start so i think the ObjectA is moving along the path but don't really MOVE )

    But when the ObjectB is leaving the LOS "Area" the ObjectA now really move to the point X,Y.

    I hope it's not hard to understand hehe ^^

  • Hello community,

    I come to you because i have a little problem with the LOS Behviors, i will explain how i think it's work, after what i've done and then what's my problem =)

    For the Behaviors LOS you have 4 parameters : Obstacles, range, cone of view, Collisions Cells ... So if i set Range to 300 pixel and Cone of view to 360° i think it create a circle of 300px on the Specify object. ( Correct me if it's no that ^^ )

    Then i would like to make the ObjectA move randomly to another point (X,Y) on the map when he have ObjectB on LOS. ( That's work but not really ... )

    So the problem was the ObjectA don't move when ObjectB enter in his LOS, he move when ObjectB enter the left his LOS ... =s ...

    Is there someone who have an idea to make ObjectA move evry time ObjectB enter on his LOS.

    Thank you ! =D

  • Thanks for all the help given =)

    Stain this is the good solution =), i have modify a little bit ( just add a function for set text to 0 if X don't check the value =D

    Big thanks to you two =) ( Not U2 ... Stain and BlackHornet XD )

  • Thank you blackhornet, the problem was with this Inventory the object don't spawn at specific slots, they spawn randomly.

    So the object can be one moment at X=1 and another moment at X=9 =s ...

    Then is there a way for specify it =s ...

    Exemple :

    The Object Sword have the ID_3 and is on the Slot 4 ( X=3 ) one time after it was at Slot 1 ( X=0 ) so how can i get at evry time is position ( X=... ) for apply the At(X,Y) =s ...

    Thank you =)

  • No one know how to do it ? ^^

  • Hello,

    I use the Inventory Systemmade by EncryptedCow.

    Then i would like to know if someone know how to :

    • Set one text to the value Y of X ( Something like Get the value stored on Y axis of a specific X like x = 1 or 2 or 3 etc ... )

    Then after

    • When i do one action Substract1,2,3,4 etc ... point from the Y value of the specific X ( Approximatly same thing as up, but instead of Set the text to, substract a certain amount from the Y value )

    Hope someone can help me =) Thank you =D

  • Hum thanks for your answer Stain ... It's what i think too =s ... i will test the limits for my pc then make stats ^^

  • Hello,

    I am currently making a game based on an Open World, for get it simple i make all the game ( Graphics and actions ) only on one Layout and Event sheet ), no problem for this actually ...

    But my question is ... When it will be lagging ...

    For the moment i don't get any problem ( world based on 12000x12000), but i would like to know if someone have already make an open world like this and push it to the limit of the engine.

    Thanks for your answer =)

  • I've found a way for make it by my own, i post it here because i think it can be usefull for poeple who have the same problem as me and want a way for make a Time Counter in game and make a Day/Night system who fall/wakeup in fade ... For the moment the Capx is in french when i have more time i will make it in English and probably create a Tutorial, this capx use LifeTween Behavior made by LunArray a big thanks to him for this Behavior ^^.

    Day/Night System based on a Time Counter.

  • Nothing was wrong ^^,

    This cycle work perfectly, the problem is i would to add to this Cycle a Counter ( See it in Game UID ),

    So when the Circle make a complete revolution it add 1 day to the counter and each time the circle accomplish 15° ( Based on 360° ) it add hour to the counter etc ...

    and select the hours to have Day or Night.

    I hope it's more comprehensible =s ...