oOScuByOo's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I'm using AJAX/PhP/MySQL, for run my game, so i use some AJAX Request for update my DataBase and maintain her Up to Date,

    so the first time i'm ask a request for Create or Delete a char this work but some time not ... So i don't really know if it's because the DB link was close or other thing ...

    So be sure the request was complete i would like to know if there is a way for Retry the request until it's done ( and not with the error option, because there is no error ^^ )

    Hope you understand !

    Thank you =)

  • Hello,

    i come to you for receive your idea for found a Free DB Hoster with a good BandWidth, i hve found Olympia but i have a lot of problem for load my Data ^^' ...

    For exemple when i try to create or delete a Character Data in one slot the app freeze to this action and after i lost the connexion and can't delete or create the char without reaload the whole game ^^' ...

    So i'm open to your suggestions ^^

  • As i say Lordshiva it's not a problem for me to share it, but with people who want to help =s

  • Already Done but don't work this is the problem =s ...

  • inquiesco : Thx for your answer, but i don't need to use the progress bar system, i can make it one with the Loader Layou by added a simple Action like for exemple "150 * loadingprogress", the problem i have is the Loader layout don't load The Next Layout ( Welcome Layout ) but he load the Loading layout ... =s

    DuckfaceNinja : I understand the problem and it wasn't a problem for me to share the Capx ... But not the complete capx ... So i don't know which part is needed =s

  • Last Bump ='(

  • Regga354 Hello Regga sorry for the time =s ... This is cool you want to help me, but i've spend a lot of time and many work on the game so i can't share the sources =s ...

    Is there anyone who know how to make a Loader please ? =s

  • The simpliest way is to add the event you want to disable on a group and then when you make some action this action group was disabled or if you make an other action it was enabled.

  • Little Bump =)

  • Hello,

    I have a big problem for loading my game ...

    This is the problem :

    I have create an open world with really big size, so when i'm starting the game it need to load this world size, so it's take time ... Between 5 and 10 seconds ( depend of the PC performance .

    For make it "transparent" for the player i have decided to make a Loader Layout wich display picture like Name of game with percentage bar ... So the problem is when i start the game it correctly launch the Loader layout instantly but the percentage bar set it's completly load and you can clik anywhere for go to the next layout ... This is cool and what i need ... But the problem is when the player click for go to the next layout it's load it and you have to wait the 5 ~ 10 seconds ... So i think the loader layout load only the First Layout but no all other ...

    I would like to know if there is a way for load this big world like in some game when you launch a new game a Screen appear with a picture and a loading bar like

    If someone have an idea thank you ! =)

    ( Edit : Forget to say i'm using Node-WebKit plateform )

  • ( Global or local variable can also be object variable )

    Add Variable Charge set to 0

    Add Variable Damage set to 2

    ( Event for the "Charging" effect )

    Event :

    If Charge = 0 ----> Damage = 2

    If Charge = 1 ----> Damage = 3

    If Charge = 2 ----> Damage = 4

    If Charge = 3 ----> Damage = 5

    ( Event for set the maximum charge of the Weapon )

    Event :

    Evry tick --->

    Charge = ( Max Charge for exemple 3 seconds ) 3 ----> Set Charge to 3

    ( Event who define how many time you charge your weapon )

    Event :

    Evry 1 seconds ---->

    On mouse button is down ---> add 1 to Charge

    ( Wepon event )

    On Mouse button released ----> Spawn Bullet

    -----> Set Charge to 0

    ( Ennemy Side )

    Event :

    On bullet overlapping ennemy ----> Destroy Bullet

    -----> Substract Damage to Ennemy.Life

    Hope it's what you need ! =)

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  • Or you can also add a blank sprite and make the event : On start of layout/On zombie Kill ---> Create/Spawn object from (Sprite ("imagepoint" ) or origin ).

  • Hello Stain, one ofmy best friend hehe ^^' ...

    ( *Sorry for the time just looking the reply =s ... )

    Can you explain me how to set up the Position relative please =s ... ( Don't know how to do it XD )

    So when i say "Give the player the possibility to adapt the Game Window to is own Window"?, i mean it :

    Create an Option Window where the player can choose some options like Window Size : 800x600, 1280x720, 1600x900, etc ... An other option for set the Window in FullScreen mode etc ...

    When i have see your method by using Viewport, i have understand what you explain but don't really know how to perform it hehe ^^' ... But i think this cn be the solution of my problem =)

  • Little Bump.

  • Hello community,

    After read some exemple and Tut's i have no others solutions than ask you if someone can help me ...

    This is the problem :

    I've create all my game with a Window Size for the project of 900x600 ( This work good )

    • One Layer named "UI" with the propriety Scale Rate : 100, Parallax : 100,100 ( In the "UI" layout and ) Scale Rate : 100, Parallax : 0,0 ( In "Game" layout )
    • One Layer named "Game" with the propriety Scale Rate : 100, Parallax : 100,100 ( In "UI" and "Game" Layout )

    This work perfectly ...

    Now i'm trying to give the player the possibility to adapt the Game Window to is own Window, for exemple 1920x1080 ...

    So for this i have add : On start of Layout --> Set FullScreen Scaling to low quality/Set canvas size to 1920x1080 ... ( Just for test and after make an option panel ... but when it work hehe ^^ )

    And this work BUT change all the Layout size héhé ... So as i say all my game was based on a 900x600 Window Screen and now i see all what is in the margin of "UI" Layout and the layout was in the center of the screen =s ...

    So i've try to add Anchor but i can't really add anchor for all my UI because i have a lot of things XD ... Then the Objects in the Margins Are here too, and for finish when i zoom the UI zoom too XD ...

    So i hope some one can help me =)

    Thank you.