OlivierC's Forum Posts

  • notnsane, I implemented the FPS hack that Arima suggested to you in another thread and it seems to work (check my previous link, i keep updating the same folder)

    i simulates 12 FPS. I could not find Monkey island actual fps, but I think it's something like that.

    I don't know if I'm going to keep it because it looks like the game is running slow because of poor programming ^^

    The good thing is it's done with only two events so it's easy to urn on and off. I can even make it an option

    Ok, next update, I'll post in my own wIP thread and stop highjacking his one

  • ah yes indeed, even better. I idn't know you could attach an 'else' to this kind or event

  • Wow, nice trick Arima, works well. Thanks a lot

    Not sure if I actually want to use it in my oldschool looking game, but I just put those events in a group and decide to turn it on or off

  • Well, like they say: "If it's not broken, don't fix it"

    If it works like you intend, then it's fine.

    the code is clean and easily be implemented in construct. The only thing I could recommend is to replace some numbers with constant variables like you did for ROWSIZE and COLUMNSIZE, this way you can easily modify the maze properties (proximity of starting point from borders, surrounding check radius, choke size) by just changing a couple variables

  • you are right, it's not exactly the same thing. The reasonn he does not start walking right away I think is because I use he pathfinding behavior with a cell size of 1 which takes longer to find paths. If I use bigger cells, some narrow areas like the stairs don't work (the character scalling on the stairs is broken at the moment btw, I need to adjust it)

    I played the real monkey island this week end to take notes on the interface and also noticed a few thing: the scrolling is a lot choppier while it's smooth in my case, and same thing with the charater. While I think I can do something for scrolling (update it every 0.2 second instead of every click) I don't know for the character, since I'm using a default behavior, I'll have to check if I can modify the stepping rate, not sure.

    I worked a bit on the game last night, but nothing you can actually see, just some opimization. I decided to stop supporting touch for now and focus on mouse only. It was clunky and the events were getting really messy. So I revemped the controls for mouse only and it's a lot cleaner now. I'll make a new set of control for touch later, when I get the thing to actually work with a mouse.

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  • Thank you. I noticed that when you hoover the windows it says "Walk to look" while it should say "walk to sky". It used to work fine, I must have messed something up with my excessive cut/copy/paste. I'll look into it tonight.

  • Hi notnsane jayderyu ,

    as promissed, I worked on my game this week, trying to mimic a SCUMM based games:


    What took me the longest were the fonts. Since I want to support multiple languages, everything has to be rendered with sprite fonts (while it would have been tempting to just uses plain images for the action buttons). The are three different fonts the the moment, and except from the dialog font (the one you see if the main menu), I ended up making them from scratch in photoshop, based on screenshot of the game, a real pain in the ****

    Anyway, I manage to get the action interface behave like the real one, including the default action on right click (you can test on the windows, the only "interactive part for now, just for testing)

    I also implemented the pause on space bar, and quit on alt-x. I'll take care of the save menu later when necessary.

    I tried to mimic everything as close as possible, which was hard because the font actually change from a game to another, so I settle on the VGA version of the first monkey island.

    More to come soon

  • You can first test if one is overlapping and then as a sub-event, you can test if the smaller's bounding box against the bigger one's:

    -Sprite1 is overlapping Sprite2

         - Sprite1.BBoxTop > Sprite2.BBoxTop

           Sprite1.BBoxBottom < Sprite2.BBoxBottom

           Sprite1.BBoxLeft > Sprite2.BBoxLeft

           Sprite1.BBoxRight < Sprite2.BBoxRight

  • It can be done with WebSocket but you'll need a server set up for this

  • Thanks for your feedback

    Fester Mudd looks really nice indeed, the kind of thing I want to to do.

    Scalling should look more like the real thing once the current beta goes live, with the new low-resolution rendering, the layout will actually be rendered in 320*200 and up-scalled, so the character sprite will pixelated as it is scalled down. But if you mean the scale ratio is wrong ( that it shrinks to much with distance or not enough), yes it probably is, it's just a test, it's just a variable that can be adjusted for each scene.

  • Well, I will post a WIP thread in the "your creation" section when I have something worth showing, probably next week. But I'll be mostly focusing on the engine part first, using existing sprites. So you won't see Guybrush wielding a lightsaber soon

  • What narFsnw said, apply effect on layers if you're gonna have multiple objects with the same effect. Not only it will be probably better performance wise, it will be easier to manage. And Yes, this kind of webGL effects (with transformations, not just altering the color output) are a bit too heavy for mobile devices, when supported. Try to keep their usage as low as possible

  • jayderyu

    Yes I had seen your game a few weeks back when you posted it. I remember the whole thing was pretty nice but the sound effects were really a turn off: I'd rather have no sound at all than poor quality sound.

    This week end I decided to branch my project to make a real clone of the SCUMM engine, with the big action buttons, only for desktop pc and eventually tablets. I actually spent several hours this weekend recreating the sprite font from monkey island (no the dialog one, the other, used everywhere else). For the game itself, I want to make a monkey island/star wars mash-up (Guybrush Cloudrider wants to become a jedi knight) Of course I was not try to make any money from this game or some people will try to sue my **** I'm really excited about the new low rez rendering feature, this will really help me to achieve the look and feel of the original games

  • Hi, I started working on my point and click game about two months ago, as a learning project for Construct. I'm trying to make something like the good old lucasart games. In fact I'm more or less trying to make a clone. I'm trying to do something like the first monkey island/indy 4 era but with controls from the later games like monkey island 3 or full throttle (a popup menu and invnetory instead or a fixed interface at the bottom of the screen) because I believe they are more suitable for touch and gamepad controls.

    this is what I have so far: http://soletme.free.fr/PointNClick/

    I have mostly been focusing on building some kind of framework, the scenes and menus are loaded dynamically from xml files, so I only need two or three layouts for the whole game, no matter how many backgrounds there are.This way if i decide to add or rename a layer, I only have to do it one one layout.

    I only started working on interactions with the environment, I implemented the action interface and inventory (hold left click and right click) but they don't do much yet.

    Next will be the dialogs, the hardest part, but I already have some ideas on how to do it, again mostly by implementing some kind of database in xml.

    for now the game support mouse, touch, keyboard and gamepad controls seamlessly. It was challenging but interesting to implement. It also supports multi-language for menus (only french and english at the moment) and will do so for dialogs and interface.

    However, I'm having second thoughts. I think I might want to turn it into a real clone of the old lucasart games, with the full verb interface, and keep the multi-control concept for a simpler game, more action oriented with a single button action and no inventory (more like Another World). Let me know what you think. I know what I'm trying to domalready exists with AGS, but that the point, AGSis no Construct :)

  • I think your logic is wrong. Instead of constantly checking if an object is in your array and apply its effects, you should only update your game state when you add/remove something from your inventory. On Pick Up boots > add to inventory and add 50 speed. On Drop boots > remove item from inventory and sub 50 speed.