jayderyu ,
as promissed, I worked on my game this week, trying to mimic a SCUMM based games:
What took me the longest were the fonts. Since I want to support multiple languages, everything has to be rendered with sprite fonts (while it would have been tempting to just uses plain images for the action buttons). The are three different fonts the the moment, and except from the dialog font (the one you see if the main menu), I ended up making them from scratch in photoshop, based on screenshot of the game, a real pain in the ****
Anyway, I manage to get the action interface behave like the real one, including the default action on right click (you can test on the windows, the only "interactive part for now, just for testing)
I also implemented the pause on space bar, and quit on alt-x. I'll take care of the save menu later when necessary.
I tried to mimic everything as close as possible, which was hard because the font actually change from a game to another, so I settle on the VGA version of the first monkey island.
More to come soon