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    I think people talking about being "locked out" or "holding projects hostage" are deliberately trying to make it sound worse than it is. It's the same as going back to the free edition of C2.

    The problem with your analogy is we don't go back to the free edition of C2, we can always edit our projects whenever we want. Keyword there being edit, meaning we can still work on projects.

    At the moment, with C3 you are either subscribed and can do everything or not subscribed and limited to the free editor and export options, how about adding a third state? So those who have subscribed in the past can still edit their projects, just not export them to all options.


    Never subscribed: limited editor, limited export (free edition)

    Subscribed: unlimited editor, unlimited export

    Lapsed Subscription: unlimited editor, limited export

    I think this would encourage hobbyists who might otherwise not subscribe to get the subscription at least once to unlock the editor.

  • I cannot animate for the life of me.


    I make new code at a very random rate, so I don't want to work with anybody else.

    I was in the same boat.

    I finally took the plunge and bought some art asset packs that fit one of my game ideas, and I must say having good art that I've paid for is a real motivator in making the game.

    If you're not ready to buy art yet, then Kenney has a lot of free art to fit most game types.

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  • legendaryarcane

    I've voted for Legendary Arcane and added it to my C2 Greenlight Game Collection

    The game looks good, and "haunt survivors relentlessly as a ghost" sounds like an interesting mechanic.

  • Hello everyone! I was just making the first enemy in my game (a ninja) and I realized I would have lot's of enemys. I've been thinking, is it possible to add classes and tags to objects? I would use this so I can add a event somewhat like "On collision with .enemy" If you know if you can do this please tell me.

    Families sort work like classes (requires license), and I often use them in a similar way to your example.

    Instance variables can be used to create tags, amongst other things.

  • Turaco

    Comparing by Y works, if you compare the object to a Family of that object.

    You can use instance variables to remember their old position and local variables as temp storage for swapping position and instance variables.

    Here's an example capx (r244)

  • So sub events are ONLY for sprite animations?

    No, sub-events can be for pretty much anything, they just happen after the main event has been checked and is true. They are often used where there is something in common that you could check first.

    For example, you might need to check lot's of different things, but only when an object is on screen. Instead of lot's of separate events that each check Is On Screen as one of their conditions, you could do Is On Screen as the main event, and then make all the other events sub-events of that.

  • EDplus

    When you play a sound, there is an option for a Tag, set that to the RainCloud's UID which is unique to that object, then stop the sound using that Tag.

    RainCloud - On Created - Play sound Rain, Tag = RainCloud.UID

    RainCloud - On Destroyed - Stop sound, Tag = RainCloud.UID

  • We're developing mobile card game.


    we draw all sprites in x2 size (like the original art is drawn in 696x696 and then scaled to .5) to give our sprites some kind of "reserve" in quality.

    On the other hand, "approximate download" and "memory use" grow rapidly when a new portion of art comes.

    A 696x696 sprite will be treated as a 1024x1024 sprite, since a lot of graphics cards (particularly on mobile) need to work with power of 2 images (i.e. 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048) and will pad out the image to the next size up.

    See this blog post here

    If you reduce the sprite to 512x512, it will only take a quarter of the memory of your current images and will probably give you a better balance between quality and performance.

    Memory Usage:

    256x256 = 256kb

    512x512 = 1MB

    1024x1024 = 4MB

    2048x2048 = 16MB

    Assuming you're filling your screen with 15 (5x3) cards, you could reduce your memory usage from 60MB down to 15MB, which is a big saving on mobile.

    Also, just wanted to say that it's nice looking art you have.

  • Bobbyneal100

    Look for an app that can bundle all your files into a single executable.

    You can sort of do this with WinRAR, but it creates a temp folder that it extracts everything to before running, so the assets are still accessible, just not immediately obvious to basic users. There are also issues with saves/local storage, since they can't go into the WinRAR package.

    Other executable bundlers might have similar issues.

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  • JoshVillaluz

    Glad to help. And sure, you can put the action to play the animation in the same event.

  • JoshVillaluz

    Use Set vector Y and put a negative value (e.g. -128) to make the player bounce up.

    You can also use Set vector X to make the player bounce away from the obstacle

    Here's an example, that will bounce the Player back or forwards depending on where they are in relation to the Spike:

    Set vector X = Player.X < Spike.X ? -128 : 128

    Edit: Here's an example with higher values:

    capx (r244)

  • Not really in much of a position to commision an artist for the artwork but if anyone artist like out there was generous enough (and I know artist need to make a living too) I could donate $20AUD through PayPal for them

    Maybe take a look on Fiverr, there are some quality artists working very cheaply there.

  • its really a Little bit disappointing that nobody writes a comment

    That's weird, I did post a comment with links, but it's not here now. Maybe some glitch with the website made it not post correctly, because I keep getting logged out every now and then.

    Anyway, I commented how your story reminded me a little bit of Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, which is a great game.

    And I also commented that if you needed graphics for the prototype, you could look at using Kenney's Art Assets, but I see now you already have decent enough graphics with which to prototype.

    Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged if people don't post.

  • I posted a solution for dansilveira in another thread:

    I'll update the dropbox link in that post soon.

    EDIT: I've updated the dropbox link for the example capx (r233)