NotionGames's Forum Posts

  • > Thanks! And WOW. What did you use to make that? Unity? It's pretty impressive! I voted for it.

    Thanks for the vote. The engine was custom built by one of our programmers, I mostly did Lua coding for quests and gameplay.

    Voted for Super Ubi Land and TowerClimb

    Keep posting your games so I can vote for them <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Thank you! I voted for you guys as well ^__^

  • I don't think voters can see the downvotes a game gets so it doesn't sway other voter's opinions.

  • I just made a steam greenlight page as well. Great to see another construct 2 game up there!

    Super Ubi Land GREENLIGHT PAGE

  • I'm pretty much a complete beginner in game dev. I'm making super ubi land.

  • Good improvement!

    Very noticeable difference. Ubi looks more vibrant now too!

    Thanks! I love your Irrational Fear of Unicorns game by the way! Really entertaining

  • I could do some testing on the kindle fire for you if you would like :)

    That would be great :) Thanks

    -Update 8/23/2012-

    I am working on everything, even the title screen. Trying to make everything a bit more colorful

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I pulled this line off of the Awesomium website:

    "Non-Commercial Use Limitations

    Cannot be used for products created with the intention for profit"

    I am creating my games with the intention of making a profit. So does that mean I do not qualify for the free license?

  • I honestly think it's pretty steep too. $2,900?! Like wow... what's up with that. I understand they have to eat as well, but why not if anything make everyone have to pay a low one time fee. Pay for the exe export in general. The fee that they're charging now just seems like they're getting all of the money that they could have made from everyone as a whole from only the successful devs just because they happened to be successful. I'm glad it's free for now (I wouldn't mind paying an extra smaller fee for the export itself) but I doubt i'll ever enjoy coming off of $2,900 for the exe export...

    And from what I understand with GameMaker Studio, you pay for the exports individually but NO WHERE NEAR $2,900! I think it's like around $599 for everything and you don't have to pay that PER game. I'm not understanding why they chose to make it like this. Granted, most people probably won't make 100 grand in one year but why charge the ones that have/do that much?

  • Well I was told Image Offset wouldn't even be possible until shaders are added, and figured it'd be easier to implement as a shader than build in to the Tiled BG itself.

    As far as it only working on Chrome and FF...well, ya don't really want people playing your game on other browsers anyway ^^; Plus there's the .exe exporter (and Mac/Linux possibly) which I'll probably use exclusively for various reasons.

    I'm most likely going to use the exe exporter exclusively as well

  • Seems like a great thing to me

  • this happens everytime i try to run a build on my ipad2 but im guessing its because of the ipad.

  • Nice!

    It makes me wonder did you receive early SDK for OUYA?

    No we Haven't received anything yet. I'll update when we do.


    Here's the new Game Over Sequence:

    <img src="" border="0">

    And the video showing the game over in action:

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  • <img src="" border="0" />

    We have backed the OUYA kickstarter and got the developer special so we are now planning for SUL to be on the console when it drops!

    And here are some new screenshots from an early build of World 1 Level 6!

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • > I'd put Loot-Pursuit here too, it has pretty good graphics,

    <img src="" border="0" />

    > not great

    <img src="" border="0" />

    > .. but it has a good style going!

    <img src="" border="0" />

    that was great lol.

    And 97 percent done? finish it up so we can play it!

  • ^ I can't lie, it can be hard to sit and make sure to get everything looking really nice in your game... I'm struggling a bit with that in Super Ubi Land at the moment. I'm planning on using spriter once version 1.0 is released but in the mean time I'm stuck with drawing everything frame by frame with pencils and paper :)

    I'll also give mention to this game:

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