Noga's Forum Posts

  • Yes, cause now it's like driving in a fog, I can't see much ahead where I'm going.

  • You have PumpfBox and Pumpf sprites positioned on the layout left to the playing screen, when the program starts they start falling out, than you create another enemy from those sprites and you have 2 enemies, but only one is on the screen. If that was the problem, just destroy one enemy.

    And to the second problem, on Animation event sheet - Event 5 - you have>

    + PumpfBox: is walking -> Pumpf: Set animation to "laufen"

    + System: Else -> Pumpf: Set animation to "Default"

    when PumpfBox isn't walking, you set animation to "Default", and when it collides with the player, it's set to "beiss", but than again it's set to "Default", because PumpfBox isn't walking and so on. When you disable the else event, it works.

  • Don't know anything which could be added, maybe after touching the program I'll think up something. Can't wait to try it out, looks good, I like per frame collision boxes.

  • I've had the same problem. It can be really annoying as it looked it should work, but for some reason didn't and than after countless tries and hair pulled, deleting and creating it again worked. Fortunately, last time it happend was in 99.96 or 97.

  • The playing window should be much bigger. Could be good when finnished.

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  • I got error while loading and just when I posted the problem I found out I put the behavior into the plugin's folder <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • That's great, I've wanted to make it in CC, but never really finished, thank you.

  • "Most users ever online was 109, Yesterday at 8:45pm" <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    What did I miss? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I think debug mode in CC will only show values of 1-D array, so better not use it and make your own, with e.g. Text object. There is an example on the forum, I'll try to find it.

    first example in the post

  • I have almost completly opposite opinion than Davio. Graphics and performance great, nice to see something like that moving good in a browser. I only agree with the polished turd thing, but I always fall for that, can't help it even it's shiny only on the outside.

  • It happens often, when there is a commercial break on a tv and I switch to other channel just to check out if there is anything more interesting going on, and voila!, there is exactly the same commercial, just few seconds delayed or forward. Than I like to switch between the channels and wath the d?j? vu <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I think I copied it into the runetime folder, but I'm not sure what I did anymore, doesn't matter now, it works. It's 6am here, probably should go to bed..

  • I didn't know such plugin exists. I copied the file over original and now I get runetime error.

  • There's nothing for sfx, sprites, only in the music section there is>

    "You are free to use all bundled music that comes with your edition exclusively for creations made in Construct 2 within the terms of the edition you are using"

    so I thought better ask first...

  • Can I use sfx, music etc. from C2 free bundle in Construct Classic or it's exclusively only for C2?