Noga's Forum Posts

  • So when new challenge starts? Sorry, couldn't wait anymore<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I am trying come up with 'random level' generator...

    It shouldn't be hard, but maybe it just doesn't look difficult <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> . Anyway, everthing sounds good, gl with creating.

  • It looks very polished, everything works as it should. I have mixed feelings from it, it looks good, nice effects, but I haven't used them much. They come too easy and there is lot of them, I didn't know what scrolls/tomes do. There isn't much of a challenge, I was just pressing left/right and sometimes up/down, but there was no timing, I just wanted to see how an effect looks like rather than to help me get rid of bugs or whatever it should do.

    I'll wait for next versions, good luck! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Cool, how long it takes to build a game like that with the builder? How lonk it took you, everything - graphics, sounds, music?

    When I clicked try again, the game started, but the music stopped playing and the time meter below also stopped animating.

  • You mean some post-it over the code and/or layout ?

    Over layout. I remember it from Photoshop where it's really helpful when you make say, template for a website and you can leave comments for a coding guy.

  • Can't download it says not available

  • While working with a cap for the help section I realized, there could be a good feature in the Construct 2. I've wanted to show the guy I was helping that I edited an object on the layout, I had to wrote a comment to the event sheet editor. Would be great, if there was a drawing tool, which I could use to draw a pointer to the object and left a note. Something like in Photoshop. I think, it could be good for cooperation, when working with a team on a source, so a problem or change could be quickly recognized.

  • I've changed few things in your cap, but it's all commented. Hope that's how you've wanted.


  • Make a condition where you'll compare shell's angle. Something like

    Shell angle is between 0-25 > bounce

    upload a cap, if you'll need more help

  • 404 Error

    As for loops - I don't know what exactly you wanna do, but I'd say yes, you could use Repeat and then set how many times to repeat an action.

  • For the object MovingPlatformVert change in properties Collisions from Bouding Box to Per Pixel.

  • I don't see any "You have X PMs"? Does it appear only when I receive one?


    I just noticed this little crop.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I like match 3, good thing with that hellometer. The game could finish when there are no moves left, I had to wait until the field filled up with skulls. In the main menu, the sound is deleyed when switching and selecting options, is it because of my slow computer?

    Could be a good game when finished, will you make more levels?

  • Hi, I've played it on a laptop and pity it's slow, it looks good. I'd guess <30fps, Intel Core2Duo 2Ghz, GeForce 9300M GS 256MB, 3Gb RAM. I'll have to wait for the lowres version.

    When I run right or left and than press the arrow in opposite direction, there is a frame where the character stands still, than the animation runs correctly. It's just a split second. Maybe, after running is finnished there could be a slight delay before he returns into the still pose.

    In the level 2-2, I couldn't get to the end, there are two points where I couldn't jump on. First is after the start, go right, than up and than there are small platforms. I can jump first one but not second. And the second point is from first point to the far left, after clouds, can't get any higher. It looks like I'm missing just few pixels to get there. What I'm dooing wrong?

    I found a bug in the menu. In the game, when I press Esc, to get to the menu, then select Exit, I'll get back to the game, than press Esc again and in the menu select Options, the game crashes and I got runtime error.

  • I don't know if you can pass parameters, maybe with Python? I'd put all parameters into the .bat file.