Nimtrix's Forum Posts

  • Hi, welcome to the community. It sounds like you did something else unintentionally, global variables shouldn't affect anything like that. I can't tell you what's wrong, but if you register for a free dropbox account you can upload your .capx there and post the link in this thread.

    Also, make sure you've selected "Save as single file" when saving your project. If you're stuck on dropbox sharing, feel free to ask.

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  • Hi, welcome to the community. If you use an instance boolean and the lerp expression you can move the logo in and out smoothly like this:

    LogoLerp.capx (r123.2)

    If you want to learn more about how lerp works (linear interpolation), have a look at the FAQ thread in this sub-forum. Also, instance variables are covered in the manual.

  • GeometriX, fassFlash

    Anchor is not meant to be an alternative to parallaxing. It's for supporting multiple screensizes, to ensure your objects are positioned at the right place regardless of screensize. Read the manual entry for more info.

    Objects using the Anchor behavior should also be played on a layer with its parallax set to 0, 0. Otherwise as the game scrolls the objects may "lag" behind the screen.

  • Both your door frames were the same size, so you can make them frames in one animation without having to move around the image-points like I did in the other example.

    Here's the best and easiest way to do it (in my opinion):

    doobiedoctor_edited.capx (r123.2)

  • Open the animation editor for the object "Actionseditdeleteicon". There you will see two frames, one "cross" and one "check" mark. These frames run as an animation by default, so you can either set the animation speed to 0 (in the top left corner when you click the animation "default").

    Or you could delete the green "check" frame entirely like blackhornet said.

  • You should be able to do something similar by putting all the sprites you want distorted on the same layer and experiment with a "wave" or "water" effect applied to the layer. This will only work with WebGL by the way.

  • If we're talking Red Faction style destruction, terrain doesn't have to be destructible, only buildings and other objects, right? You could probably fake that with particles like the rocks in this demo:

    So pretty much what TELLES said, but it's probably gonna be a bit of work if you're doing it for all the objects.

  • 'choose' is a system expression (see manual). In your case you would use the action "Set text" and when prompted for what text you want to display, type 'choose(A, B, C, D)'.

    Every time the text is set a random string will be picked from the parameters of the expression. (A, B, C or D)

  • Awesome indeed, and about time imho. Thanks for sharing.

  • It's hard to say what's going on without seeing your .capx or event sheet.

    Anyway, I wanted to try some things with 3D animated sprites, so I made a door example for you while I was at it. All the frames of the animations have been cropped so they are different sizes, so if you look at the image-points in the animation editor you can see how I've moved them around to compensate for the different sizes of the frames.

    Hope it's helpful in some way, if not you should post your .capx:

    OpenDoor.capx (r123.2)

  • Sprite.Animationframe returns the current frame in the "Sprite" object. So for example if you wanted to display the frame with a text object, set the text to 'Sprite.Animationframe' and the current frame number will be displayed.

  • Make an event that sets the platform object's Vector X and Vector Y on collision and you'll get a knockback/bounce.

  • Are you using the platform behaviour on the player? The physics behaviour isn't really meant to be used with other behaviours, but you could make your player a physics object and simulate controls like this:

    PhysicsRock.capx (r123.2)

  • Any time. By the way czar, ThunderLion; there was a variable and action in there I ended up not using, forgot to remove it. In case you were wondering the purpose of those.

  • Something like this?

    TurretLaser.capx (r121)