nimos100's Forum Posts

  • [quote:163lw5z8]This is exhausting and life-sucking, I can't imagine how hard it is for him to do this for this long, and I understand he just can't profile every game on earth / fix all bugs with only 24 hours in a day. Aaaand, then back to [Every X days - Trigger Once while true] > cause at the same time I feel so frustrated to see such a great tool only based on html5 and only on a one man army.

    Well I do agree with you that C2 in general is a very cool program so wouldn't disagree with you on that. But look at the bright side, even though it might be frustrating to answer and listen to all the "Complain/Feedback". I think (well at least for me) its not to have a go at Scirra or Ashley, they are very involved in the forum and as you say respond to people, which is really good customer service compared to a lot of other websites, where they don't react to anything.

    But to be honest I think a majority of people just want C2 to be as good as possible, but out of frustration the message is not always delivered in the most civilized way . But on the other hand it shows that people actually care I think and in the end it also helps Scirra to improve the program, imagine if no one gave any feedback but just instead left in silence, then it would be even harder for Scirra to know what people wanted.

    And also remember a forum like this will automatically be the number 1 place for people to go complain about it, there are not really anywhere else where it makes sense to do it. So of course it can appear overwhelming, but honestly I don't think its any different than any other forum out there, from my experience at least. Its just part of the game I guess

  • Problem Description

    Not really sure if this is a bug or not, so if someone could double check it, it would be great. But using NWjs Open browser doesn't seem to work for me.

    If I preview it In Chrome or IE, it doesn't open the URL and no error is given, nothing happens.

    In NWjs if I use a path like "C:\Users\" or an URL, I get the following error:

    However in NWjs it does actually work in both cases. Even though it gives the error message.

    Attach a Capx

    Not really needed for testing.

    Just add NWjs to a project and then use Open browser with an url.

    Description of Capx

    Just opens an url using NWjs open browser functionality

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Observed Result

    Gives error message. However works in NWjs, but not Chrome or IE

    Expected Result

    That it didn't give an error message.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (Don't know)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    (And NWjs)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • On mouse left click 
    Pick object with UID = <Something>
    --> Set Object.angle = Object.angle + 10
  • NWjs

    Delete folder - For some reason its possible to delete a file, but not a folder. So would be nice If that was possible as well.

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  • Problem Description

    Sorry for posting yet another one with this load image from url, but might as well get it fixed

    Think this problem might be somewhat related to:

    The problem is that you can't select individual sprites for loading image from URL, it doesn't respect picking.

    This is an overview of the test program:

    Three different images which each are linked to a sprite. Each sprite have 3 frames.

    Using the code "Load image from URL" will give the following result. Even though it uses a For each and each of the sprite have different images attached.

    Using the code "Load image from URL using index" will make the load from url load the correct images.

    However using an index to load the images into the correct frames gives some problems. Since this is only a valid way to do it, as long as you know exactly how many images you need. If there are less frames in the sprite it wont work. So causes some issues, one is that load from url is not dynamic, but also picking certain sprites to be used for load from url is completely ignored and the image is loaded for all sprites and controlled by the number of frames in the sprite if you want to load separate images to them.

    This also means that if you want to make it dynamic, in the sense that you don't know before hand how many images you need to load. You have to add empty frames to the sprite, which will use memory for no reason.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Just load 3 images into 3 sprite instances

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Just run the program. Disable one of the groups.

    Observed Result

    Picking of sprites is not used when using Load image from URL. Resulting in use of unnecessary memory if you want to use it dynamically.

    Expected Result

    That images was load for the picked sprite and not just all of them.

    Affected Browsers

    Tested with NW.js

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • [quote:3e7lt2rs]- Pathfinding could fire "then" after the path is found

    Doesn't it already work like that, "On path found"? What would be different or the benefit?

    [quote:3e7lt2rs]Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Good idea or bad idea? Perhaps there's an even better way it could be approached?

    Im not 100% sure I understand the benefit in this. Completely agree with the "When data loaded" kind of thing, which is very useful.

    But if you make a game and do a Async read of data, wont the data be to old when needed as you write the game will continue on. So when the data is actually need you would have to get it once more, in case it have changed.

    Wouldn't that leave two options, either you have to make sure that the data is there when you need it, so would require you to wait for it regardless of how it is read?

    The other one is that if you have a program that requires to load larger amount of data, you would wait for it to load. So you would put it at the start of layout or somewhere where you would wait for it to load, or it would be data that will not "impact" the game, so it wouldn't really matter if it was read as Async or not.

    But maybe I just misunderstood the benefits?

    As I see it the problem with Wait is that it just wait a specific time, which is fine for what it should be used for. But often it is used to "Trick" the code. Which is not nice I think. Whereas "Wait for signal" will allow the program to wait for something to be done or happen before moving on.

    So maybe a better idea is to just add more "Finalize triggers" to different things. Like you have "On path found" etc. It could be "On local data read", "On local data written", "On audio file loaded", "On video loaded" and so forth.

    Or is that not what you are trying to achieve with this?

    But regardless I do agree that "Then" is probably a bit confusing name. Then "Async. completed" or something might be better.

  • Someone posted this at some point and guess that is what you are referring to? Which is the best way to do it I think.

    Otherwise you could hardcode it yourself, by just going through the tilemap, tile by tile and setup all the rules you need. But again would use the method in the link.

  • Don't you have any code in the game? or is it just 3 sprites and poor performance?

  • Cant you just try to add it different places, and see what it does?

    But would guess that it should be: RunTrack.X - (dt * 200 * RunTrack.Speed + TrackSpeed)

  • Your download link doesn't work I think. The reason you cant upload files are probably because you lack reputation. (Just a guess though)

  • Think you have to explain a bit more. Try to post your code?

  • I think this problem is somewhat the same as with video, it can't figure out how to be precise, have the exact same problem in my program just with a video, it kind of skips around a bit. But haven't gotten around to make a workaround yet. But at least in my case I know by how much it skips, so hopefully I can add or subtract that from the video to make it appear to not doing it. So maybe you can do something similar in your case, if you know how much it skips. But its just a guess/suggestion since I use a video object. But it sounds like somewhat the same problem.

  • Problem Description

    This is a remake of the other post since im not sure you read or reply to them, when they are in the closed bug section.

    So ill just focus on one of the problems.

    If you use NW.js open folder dialog you can select folder on your disk.

    Then you can use "List files from path "C:\Users\" etc.

    However if you use it with "On open folder dialog". Which would make sense since both functionalities are from NW.js you will notice that "List files from path" doesn't work with "Chosenpath" because when that is used with "Open folder dialog" it doesn't return the selected folder. Instead it return all files and sub folders that are in the selected folder.

    That means if you do something like this "List files from path = NWjs.Chosenpath" which would be the most logic thing to do. It doesn't work, because chosenpath returns everything in the folder including sub folder names, but not the selected folder. If you choose an empty folder for instant it doesn't return anything at all. Making "Open folder dialog", "List files from path" and "Chosenpath" not compatible.

    It works in different ways depending on, how you use "List files from path" which complicate the explanation a bit.


    1. If the folder selected is empty, meaning no files in it. It doesn't return the folder name as expected. It will return nothing.

    2. If there are files in the folder it doesn't return the folder name, but instead it returns the file names and sub folder names of all the folders in the selected one, under one condition that there are files in the sub folder, those sub folders where there are no files are not returned.

    The problem occurs since "List files from path" requires a folder path ("C:\Users\") and doesn't work if the file name is included ("C:\Users\Test.txt"). It would be logic that "Open folder dialog" which actually let you select a folder, would be compatible with "List files from path" since this needs a folder to work.

    If you compare "List files from path" where you write the path manually like : "C:\Test folder\" and through the "Open folder dialog" where you select the "Test folder" you get the following results.

    Example 1: Uses "Open folder dialog"

    First of all it doesn't actually return the selected folder, but it returns all the files in the folder including those sub folders which have files in it. Comparing that to Example 2, you can see that there is actually a folder in there called "Sub folder 2" which is empty.

    Example 2: Manual written path

    Again it doesn't return the folder name, which is logic, since its manually written. however it does return all the content, except the file d.txt which are in the Sub folder. And which is returned in example 1.

    So putting it all together, its a huge "mess" of incompatible functionality that gives different results depending on how they are used. Which makes it difficult and not very logic to work with, because all things have to be corrected, parsed etc. to make it work.

    That's why it was hard to explain it the first time as a single problem, because it involve a lot of things. Hope it makes a bit more sense now, why there is something wrong with how you as user would expect it to work, compared to how it actually works. Because as it is now its more or less impossible to work with, and requires a lot of workaround to make any use out of it.

    (PS. As I started out saying im not sure if you read closed bug reports, but could you please take a look at this if you normally don't. Whether that would be possible or not:

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Just open a folder to be used with the ListAt funtionality

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Use open folder dialog, ChosenPath and ListAt

    Observed Result

    Open dialog folder is unable to return the path to the folder.

    Expected Result

    Returns every single file and subfolder in the selected folder.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • The problem is the image is chosen by the user of the application through NW.js file dialog and when copied the files are automatically renamed, due to a load and save functionality in my program, so the image(s) needs to be overwritten if the user choose another file and then update the file in my program. However it wont do that because of this problem, which makes NW.js somewhat incompatible when reading an image from the disk when used with the file/folder dialog.

    And my program already have so many workarounds for video not showing when loading, so to fix that, you have to play the video, then stop it, reverse it back to start and pause it. Not able to load audio files during runtime, so to fix that I had to make another workaround to use a video object instead, which makes little sense and also looses all features from the audio object. So I had to apply another fix to the audio functionality as well. The resize of image load had a workaround as well. (which is fix in the last release which is awesome, so thanks a lot for that, really neat.)

    The other bug report regarding the several folders uses a fix as well. I installed the NW.js 0.12.0 Alpha from here: pretty sure I already had that one, but if that's the one you are referring to as 0.12.0 in the other post, then the problem is still the same. I will reply to that one in the other post.

    But this is just some of the workarounds, can't remember them all. but they just seem to keep pilling up. So its workaround after workaround and it just keeps lowering the quality of the application im trying to make, because I constantly have to remove things, make weird solutions etc.

    Wouldn't it be possible to simply duplicate the "Load image from URL" and make one called "Load image from disk" which forces update and then if you need one for web you use the first one and if its from the disk where internet speed is not an issues you can use the other one?

  • Sure Ill stick to one problem. Just thought it would be easier since in the example they are related. But im not sure which version of NW.js I use so ill get the newest version and do another test. And see if it have been fixed.

    Would it be possible for you to make a link to it as well in the Download stable and beta release. Since I remember that its no longer part of the download right? Its not crucial but just thought it would be handy.