nimos100's Forum Posts

  • I agree for personal use, but as a business license owner I am already fairly invested into C2 and would rather see it capable of making games rather than needing to move on now, and I don't feel like I'm the only one who thinks that.

    I completely agree with you on that, using a method where people pay a monthly fee for a business license is not a problem in it self. If that will help make C2/C3 a better program. That weren't my point. It was that regardless of whether they do it the current way or with a fee system. They rely on people upgrading to a business license and that requires that people release applications, otherwise they wont upgrade.

    But if C2/C3 doesn't allow a range of games, platforms etc to work correctly then less games will be released and would prevent people from upgrading and then they are back to square one.

  • rexrainbow Agreed, and something like that would be nice especially if they can do it with the money from purchases of C3, or by switching the commercial licence of C3 into a monthly subscription to cover expansion of Scirra

    Don't think that is a good idea. The way the C2 license work now is that if your applications/games make more than 5000$ you have to upgrade to a business license. Which I think is a nice way to do it. Because the better applications users make the more will upgrade. So its more like a collaboration between users and Scirra. The problem as I see it, as others have also mentioned in this post and others, is if projects never reach a point where they are sellable. Some project gets dropped because of new ideas by the creator etc. But also lots of projects gets dropped because people run into limitations with C2. Not that I know a lot about mobile apps to take an example, so this is just in general and what the OP mentioned as well, but no one will release a mobile app which delivers poor performance for the buyer, because they will get complains and not be able to fix the problem will leave them in a very poor situation, so they might shelf there application. Which is a huge frustration for the developer but also a potential loss for Scirra.

    So if Scirra can't promise superb performance on certain platforms, I would be very surprised if anyone would pay a monthly fee for a business license. To me Scirra have to make sure that the tools us users request and errors that are reported gets fixed. So as few projects gets dropped.

    For instant as xanxion mention in his post:

    [quote:350bly24]Personally, i have trashed and dropped about 18 of my games and apps that i have developed with C2. And i have around 6 published out there

    (A couple of my apps are popular, but not my games, because of performance issues)

    That's potentially 18 games that could result in him/her upgrading to a business license and personally I have dropped a lot of projects my self. Due to the reasons of new ideas, but definitely not uncommon that I drop applications due to limitations in C2 and having dropped a lot so far, its at moment more common that the ideas never even gets into C2, because i can in most cases judge whether something will be possible or not, depending on what features are going to be in the game. And some of the features are just to buggy so when adding all the things together you can see that the final product is not something that you would be able to sell, because its just not smooth enough to what a buyer would expect or it is simply not going to work. Which is really sad i think.

  • BasicTribe

    Have to admit that I to some degree can follow the frustration that you express, not in relation to mobile apps as I don't make anything for those. But the frustration of having put a lot of effort into making something, and then the project gets "screwed" for whatever reason. Not that I think that all of it can be pointed at Scirra.

    But there are a lot of things/problems in C2, some of them more severe than others, but overall it generate a lot of frustration, especially because the more programs you make and sack due to running into problems that can't be fixed. You have to design you things based on this, rather than what you want to make. And personally to me, I think its fine that they want to make C3 etc. But cant help feeling like they are abandon ship Meaning that C2 when bought back in the days and to r200 have been a program under development. Loads of the things in it now weren't there at the beginning, which can be nice, but it also means that a lot of things have been added along the way and that C2 is pretty much always in some sort of testing phase, or the stable version lack certain features etc. But to me at least it also appears, that so many new features have been added, that not a lot of them are very deep and a lot of very annoying problems and missing features affect a lot of the functionality that you expect for certain things.

    And since so many features are added, they don't really seem to have time or want to further improve old functionality rather than just bug fixing them a little. Meant that when you release something it will take the community some time to give you some really solid feedback on the new features. But at least to me, following the forum a long time, there have been countless post of suggestions of how to improve workflow, features etc. and most of them are really good ideas, yet I don't think any or hardly any have been added. Which is a real shame I think. Especially because C3 is under development now and they have stated that the amount of releases for C2 will slow down, it just frustrating because C2 is so close to being a really really cool program, if it just weren't for all those small annoying things, that gives the impression that it just need a lot of features, but they don't have to be 100% top notch, just have to be enough.

    And then we move on to C3, its not really encouraging me to invest in C3, because why should it be any different, if C3 is released as C2 was, meaning a program under development and then features are just added a long the way. And major design flaws are just not possible to fix, due to the way it was designed when it was released. Which could have been corrected if the features had been there from the beginning, then you might risk the same thing with C3.

    So personally I think its a very nice program it just lacks the last bit needed to make it really cool.

  • But in the screenshot in the other post where you spawn every 2 seconds. You are spawning NinjaSpawnSpikes is that correct? because it seems wrong why you would select a random NinjaSpawnSpikes and then spawn the same object from it, based on the description and the image you provided. If NinjaSpawnSpikes are your enemies, you have to pick one of the spawn places in that event right? otherwise if the NinjaSpawnSpikes are your spawning place, shouldn't you create enemies in that event rather than more NinjaSpawnSpikes, it just seems like there is something wrong.

    Or in another way.

    What is the name of your Spawn area? and what are the enemies name? (In C2 under name tab)

  • Im pretty sure it wont work, if you have "Pick a random Ninjaspawnplace" and there are none in the layout, then that will turn False and it will never create any new ninjasspawnplace for you.

    It seems a bit weird why you would pick a random Spawn place and then create another spawn place? From your original description, it sounded like you wanted to spawn enemies at the spawn locations and not new spawn places? but maybe I misunderstood that.

  • Also, it would be great to point out, which triggers are actually fake (Trigger once while true and collisions are obvious, but what about On animation "" finished)?

    You can spot triggers by the Green arrow (If I understand what you mean correctly). For instant "On Mouse click" is a trigger and will trigger whenever you click.

    On animation finished is a trigger. Some ought to be triggers in my opinion, but ain't for some unknown reason. For instant Video ended is not a trigger, but would make sense if it was.

    [quote:2xvwkt1x]For each - Generally, when you want apply a code for every instance of a Type in several programming languages (no idea about HTML), you'd use "For each" or another loop. What is the difference between For each Object set variable to 0 and Pick all Object set variable to 0? Is there a difference in performance?

    I don't think there are any performance difference between them and if there is. I doubt its worth worrying about.

    Pick all is something that is often misunderstood, you don't actually need it in 95% of the case as C2 will do that automatically.

    To use pick all correctly imagine something like this:

    ->Bullet hit enemy   (In this case you have picked a bullet and an enemy)
    Imagine that you wanted to damage all other enemies as well, if the enemy dies from the hit.
    Since you have already picked an enemy you need to reset the picking, which you can do with a "Pick all Enemy" in a sub event. Which will then allow you to apply damage to those. So you don't have to split up your events etc. 
    For each is pretty much as you stated and used whenever you want to work with a group of objects but still as individuals.
    [quote:2xvwkt1x]but there's a problem - C2 will not let you create triggers in loops, which is quite understadable as trigger is something to be called only in certain conditions. However there are also rather conviniet fake triggers, that are not really triggers, because they are evaluated every tick. 
    Im not sure if it would actually make any sense if triggers worked inside loops. I would assume its because you might organize your things a bit wrong then instead. 
    As with the "On mouse click" it would be a bit strange to put it in a loop. because it needs to trigger whenever you press the mouse button and not during the loop. But might have misunderstood you depending what you are referring to.  
    [quote:2xvwkt1x]My problem is - if I start the code for a certain Type with For each-, so I could spare myself trouble with Picking deeper in the code, I will not be able make conditions, that would prevent pointless evaluations for fake triggers.
    But you always want to pick as deep and precise as possible. It sounds a bit like you are confusing how triggers works. but maybe if you give an example of what you are trying to do, it might be easier to understand your problem.
  • Problem Description

    This might be a bit difficult to explain, because it makes little sense. But it appears that when you use NWjs to open an image and load it into a sprite using "load image from url", but at the same time copy the file to a new destination and tell it to use that one instead. And then load a new image it still uses the old image despite it doesn't exist anymore. Guess it might read it from memory maybe?

    Added from old post

    [quote:1g8zpd8h]'Load image from URL' is asynchronous: the action only starts it working, and it completes later when 'On image URL loaded' triggers. During the loading you synchronously copy and overwrite the file that is currently being loaded. This effectively makes it random which image you load, depending on which the system manages to do first: read the file, or copy the file over it. Further reading and writing to C:\ normally requires admin permissions on most systems, which C2 games don't run with by default.

    If you still think there is a problem, please file a new bug report that has a clearly ordered sequence of operations, and doesn't attempt to read or write files to/from system locations that normally require admin permissions to access.


    I have moved the files to my users folder and the files are copied only in this directory. And the problem is the same. I think you might have misunderstood the problem as its a bit weird to explain. But you write that it "depends on which the system manages to do first".

    But its not relevant in this case, because the two things are not happening at the same time.

    Meaning, between the copy and actually using the URL from where it was copied to, I can wait 5-10 seconds or whatever before I even tell it to use that path, and it will still load the old image even though that image have been deleted from the hard disk. Also the files are 1.85kb in size, so it should be more or less instant regardless.

    The problem happened when you do it exactly the way I descripted in the old post, but ill try to explain it again.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Allows you to select a jpg file and load it into a sprite. At the same time copying the file to "C:\Users\<Name>\Test\Test.jpg" Right clicking the image will load the image from C:\Users\<Name>\Test\Test.jpg.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    1. Double click one of the images and select a jpg file. The two images now uses the image selected through the chosenpath. At the same time a copy of the file is copied to "C:\Users\<Name>\Test\Test.jpg".

    2. Right click one of the images to use the URL "C:\Users\<Name>\Test\Test.jpg".

    3. Double click one of the images and select another jpg files than in step 1. The images now changes to this file as expected.

    4. Right click one of the images again to use the URL "C:\Users\<Name>\Test\Test.jpg" However instead of using the image from step 3, it uses the image from step 1, even though it is not at that URL anymore, and the image from step 3 is in that location it doesn't load it.

    Expected Result

    That it would read the file from the path its told and not from maybe memory.

    Affected Browsers

    Don't know.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Problem Description

    Not sure If its related to my other bug report. -

    This bug appears to be when using loops together with "Load image from Url"

    Shows the code and a correct sized image and color of the image load.

    Pressing "Test 1" button create a sprite and load the test image.

    The image size is correct, however the color is changed for some reason.

    Pressing "Test 5" button (Without restarting application, important as it gives different results)

    Will create 5 images and load them, however the resize to fit image is ignored and the colors are still screwed up.

    Restarting the app.

    Pressing "Test 5" button.

    Now a random object will resize correctly, while the other fails.

    Doing this once more,

    Now another object resize correctly.

    Pressing "Test 5" again without restarting.

    Now all the images fails. Same thing happens when pressing "Test 1"

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Create a sprite and load an image from disk

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    See above.

    Observed Result

    Completely unreliable behaviour. Settings are ignored colors are changed.

    Colors bug might be due to the image being PNG. And the gray in the original image is wrongfully seen as opacity when loaded from URL.

    Expected Result

    That it worked as described.

    Affected Browsers

    Above testing was done in NWjs.

    Testing in Chrome and IE fails to load the image all together. And give different errors.

    Chrome: Pressing "Test 1"

    Chrome: Pressing "Test 5"

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


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  • Problem Description

    This contains 2 bugs with the NWjs Open folder dialog together with ChosenPath and ListAt.

    1. Problem:

    The open dialog doesn't return the path to a folder as stated in the manual.

    [quote:208blwpo]Show folder dialog

    Open a dialog allowing the user to pick a folder on their local system. If the user selects OK, On folder dialog OK triggers and the ChosenPath expression contains the selected folder.

    Doing a simple test, I made a folder which I select with the open folder dialog. Instead of giving the path to the folder as stated in the manual. It gives a path to all the files in the folder.

    2. Problem

    Since Open dialog doesn't return the folder, ListAt(index) doesn't work with chosen path.

    Replacing the chosenPath with a fixed path it works correctly.

    These problems ruins a huge part of the "Open folder dialog" and listAt, since they are not compatible.

    Please fix these problems its really beyond just annoying, that there are so many lacks, bugs and problems with the NWjs functionality in general.

    Even if the open dialog is working as intended please make it more solid, so NWjs is able to return what users actually need and not just some random stuff. (Drive, Folder, File and Complete path as separate options, that can then be used and combined as we need them.)

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Just open a folder to be used with the ListAt funtionality

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Use open folder dialog, ChosenPath and ListAt

    Observed Result

    Open dialog folder is unable to return the path to the folder.

    Expected Result

    Returns every single file and subfolder in the selected folder.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • nimos100 the best way would be the have those events happen is the place them before the close actions. as Egyptoon said once the app is closed it's closed and cant do anything just like any other app works.

    There are lots of apps, that for instant ask you if you want to save before closing, its not an uncommon feature. What Egyptoon suggested is a good idea, but would be nice if it would catch all terminating actions. Anyway it was just a suggestion of what would be nice to have, which is the purpose of this thread in the first place

  • nimos100

    whatever you decide the closing trigger that may be pressing ESC key or click/touch a graphic button etc. the action will be ----> (Browser : close), for the browser object.

    then you can add another action before (close)

    For example :-

    on touched object A ----- > play sound , do this, do that, browser : close.

    Ok I see what you mean, but that was not exactly what I was referring to. What I meant was if the user closes the application, imagine you are not in full screen and they close for instant the application by pressing the X in the top corner. So the trigger should be when the application is terminated. Im not even sure if that's possible or if it interferes with the browser or NWjs.

  • nimos100 "On exit program " can be achieved using "on pressing the close button" or any condition triggers the closing action.

    Might have missed that one, where do you find that, I looked for it and couldn't find anything that triggers on "On pressing the close button" or a condition that triggers on closing action.

  • NWjs

    Expanding triggers - Would be very useful I think if the following triggers could be added to NWjs.

    On file being copied - Trigger when a file is currently being copied. Would be useful for making copy file progress bars.

    On file copied - Trigger when a file have completed being copied.

    On file deleted - Trigger after a file have been erased.

    On file moved - Trigger after a file have been moved.

    On file being moved - Same as "On file being copied" would be handy for progress bars.

    C2 General

    On exit program - Would trigger when your program is closing. Could be used for saving progress etc.

  • There is a "clear local storage" for the webstorage object, might be what you mean?

  • Yes if you mean use a "C:\image.jpg" etc that will work. However it is a bit bugged it seems, if you try to reload using "load from url" at the moment. but hopefully it will be fixed.