niallobrien's Forum Posts

  • Sorry for the bump, been a while since i was here.

    Ashley How does construct fair these days for making commercial games?

  • From looking at AppMobi's pricing long as your game is free, then there won't be any problems. But if you want to release a commercial game...

    So basically, you're screwed either way. Stencyl might be a better option for some...

  • Great, so for true commercial potential, we've to rely on third parties? And people complain about GameMaker: Studio's pricing? Lol!

  • Or you could just install Windows on a local VM...It works fine for me.

  • Oh of course, it would be nice to know if or when these will be a valid option though. I know there's a lot to iron out before any of these features become a primary focus, but really, it's very hard to compete when we have limited, buggy exporters that are pretty dependant on third party developers (all with their own hidden costs).

  • Hey all, now that r100 is out, what does the future hold in terms of making money with our games? Will Steam be an option for desktop games? Mac app store?

    Mobile: iAds, in-app purchases, Game Center etc.

    Or are all of these features far into the future? If so, Construct2 is nothing more than a toy (to me).

  • Actually not true, business closing hours are fast approaching. I don't know many businesses that would release a build five minutes before logging out and going home...!

  • Isn't this supposed to be out already...?!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I guess that really means that Construct2's performance outside of the browser (relatively speaking) is completely in a 3rd party's hands...?! That's not good...!

  • Can you post a browser version please? Thanks.

  • Jesus, sounds like most here can pull better framerates with Doom3 than they can with this 2D demo (I know there's a big technical difference). Just placing it into perspective...

  • Ah damn. Thanks anyways. Unfortunately that means I'll probably have to stick with GameMaker: Studio for a while (I run Construct and GM:S via a VM on Mac).

    Regarding other posts I've seen about Flash, you are aware that Flash now has full hardware accelerated 3D support? Unity3d have had their Flash exporter in beta for a while now and it's pretty sweet.

    At the moment, I'm seeing nothing but problems for Construct in terms of deployment (mobile issues, desktop browser issues, various wrappers with their own issues, lack of platform specific integrations such as Steam API, iAds, Facebook & Twitter etc.) Linux deployment should also be placed on the roadmap. Most indie devs (non-hobby) aren't really interested in deploying to the browser. I doubt there's many here targeting Facebook to compete with the likes of Zynga etc.

    Personally, I'd love to use something like Construct but with more programming possibilities (UnityScript does this very well).

    But I know you guys are trying your best, so keep up the good work.


  • Less than two weeks to go! :)

  • Will r100 allow us to target the Mac also with .app exporting?

  • I just want an easy to use, solid, dev tool with cross-platform exporters. :)