newt's Forum Posts

  • Well in my opinion you really don't need more than two angles in this case.

    I'm a big believer in having new users figure things out for themselves, but I will give you a hint.

    Your character's angle will be either 0, or 180 degrees, and the fire's x value will either be more or less than your character's x value.

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  • <img src="">

    That might work in some cases, but you really should be picking sprite 2 somewhere in the condition.

  • I think what you want is Mouse & Keyboard's Control State.

    + MouseKeyboard: On player 1 pressed "Control 1"

    -> Do this

    + System: MouseKeyboard.ControlState("Control 1", 1)=1

    -> Do this

    Note you will have to define the key in preferences for F1.

  • Its hard to say for sure without seeing your events, but to me it sounds like your destroying the bricks in the same event your telling it to bounce.

    I would suggest using the function object something like:

    Sprite on collision with brick

    ->sprite bounce

    -> call function "destroy" remember picked

    On function"destroy"

    -> brick destroy

  • Well there is a big difference between a private variable, and a global.

    If you change a global variable that value will be the new value in other layouts. If you change a private variable that value will revert to its initial setting..... unless you make the object that the private variable belongs to global.

    You see not all objects are necessarily global, but all are usable across all layouts.

    I should mention you will probably need to copy and paste an existing object into another layout in order to use it.

  • You could place the sprite into a family, and have it check for a collision with family. That should solve the picking issue without having to introduce a private variable.

    Also "solid" is an attribute that some behaviors use. Its basically a way to do automatic collision detection. So unless your using a behavior its probably un needed.

  • Not sure if you really need timedelta here.

    + cursor: On collision between cursor and Sprite

    -+ System: Trigger once

    --> Sprite: Set filter to

    --> Sprite: Set collision mode to None

    --> Function: Call function "timer 1" after 5000 ms

    + Function: On function "timer 1"

    -> Sprite: Set filter to

    -> Sprite: Set collision mode to Per Pixel

  • Any benchmarks for speed/ # of objects yet?

    Also I'm kind of curious (before I download and test) as to what your using for bullets, sprite etc.

  • Yes the canvas object is pretty bugged at the moment, hopefully it will have a major over haul before too long. It's a pretty powerful plug, that I would say is a must have for 1.0.

    In the mean time for a work around I would suggest "paste object" as a work around.

    Once you paste an object into the canvas you can destroy the sprite, and update your collision mask.

  • Sorry, but that wont work. For starters the object is bugged, and there is no current way to share information between windows.

  • L5j's Idea is the way to go. Just make your window bigger to compensate.

  • No, but you could probably remove the window's borders and position it over the layout.

  • What version of Construct?

  • Call it the Pandora's box complex. Once the information is available it can't be placed back in the box.

    That being said, it's impossible to police it all, and they know that. Hence the bait -n- switch, and general runaround you received.

    On the other hand the same could be said about your inquiry. Once the question is asked, you cant un-ask it.

    Um yeah, lets make that "don't ask, don't ask"

  • Exporting is one thing, importing...quite another.