newt's Forum Posts

  • Not to be rude, but perhaps you should try something simpler. Something more finished, with a similar method of eventing, and still teaches game design.

  • On a grid of 3d boxes.

    For each ordered by 3dbox y set z to loopindex*n.

    Also doable on sprite.

    Unless you mean something else.

  • Added liquid containers, and maps to the list.

    Don't think I'll add clocks tho....or Google.

    Too bad, gonna miss the net.

  • Lots of food camouflaged as two homeless guys fighting over a piece of bean. Robbers won't bother for a simple bean.

    Camouflage is a good idea, but it wont work good against the zombies. Unless....

    Let a zombie bite you. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

    Zombie repellent/ zombie lure, excellent. That's actually a little like zombie camouflage.

  • Not an easy answer for that. Generally, I'd go for coins, after 100 collected you get extra life, that might help you survive first wave. What level you are at?

    Best would be if you could upload the .cap.

    Ok, yeah I guess some form of currency would be good. Although regular money would be just about useless, rare metals would still be valuable.

    [quote:405awhao]What level you are at?

    Hadn't thought about levels, but I would say I'm a novice collector.

    Yeah I know.

    Wonder if they're doing inoculations?

  • Well the formula I used was:

    set pv1 to ran(100)+1, set pv2 to ran(100)+1

    if pv1 is less than pv2 set pv3 to pv1

    if pv2 is less than pv1 set pv3 to pv2

    So basically duplicates are bypassed.

  • Please help!

    I need to prepare for the apocalypse.

    Please give me suggestions for items I should collect.

  • ^

    Just tested this out and it works pretty good, with the exception that the number 100 will never be returned because your always choosing the lower value.

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  • I'll stick to chili-cheese fries. Its at least memorable, if the heartburn doesn't bring back memories, the trip to the lou will.

  • Might want to upload a cap. There's just too many possibilities to try to reproduce what your talking about.

  • Cant really seem to make myself sit down and watch stuff I've seen before like i used to, but if I were to make a desert island list it would be:

    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon



    Ninja Scroll


    The Watchers


  • Imagelist works off of a tilemap without an alpha, so it probably wont work for what your wanting.

    Here's an example anyways.

  • Todo Plug

    heh, ok app should be doable tho....

  • You can use just image manipulator.

    +trigger -image manipulator copy from sprite

    ->image manipulator -flip image // known bug

    ->for each in array -image manipulator set rgb at current x, current y to arraygetvalue at current x, current y

    -> call function after delay // you need a tick to read from gpu, function object works well

    + on function -image manipulator copy to sprite.

    You may have to make sure the sprite has a channel, an alpha of 1 will do.

  • Sounds like the hotspot is being changed because of the size difference.

    You can set it manually using set pivot point.