If you know the dummy was overlapping you know it was mouse.
The mouse cursor is aways on the screen.
Just use is overlapping with a dummy object.
I'm guessing because its a lot of effort for little return.
The angle inheritance would have to be removed as it would be problematic for someone down the line, just like removing it would break backwards compatibility.
As is it still makes sense in a few situations.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Spawn means make an object at the object that "spawned" it, and give it its angle.
Its sort of a relic from the old engine that was designed to simplify the use of bullet type mechanics.
You would compare the mouse xy using CanvasToLayerX(layer, x, y, layerZ)
CanvasToLayerY(layer, x, y, layerZ), and LayerToCanvasX(layer, x, y, z)
LayerToCanvasY(layer, x, y, z)
Make a function, or perhaps a simplification request would be in order.
Also, Families are also restricted: I can't use them in the free version :/
I guess I should have said containers.
Nope, but you can use multiples in a family.
Cool. Tell us about the MMO RPG you're planning. Or do we need to sign and NDA to hear about it?
The vast majority of Rex's plugs were for C2.
He ported them for the transitional C3 that supported the C2 runtime.
Then they made changes to C3 that required all of those plugs be changed a second time.
I' don't remember if he was still around for modules support but that required some changes as well.
Rex was a prolific plug developer.
Also, oh hey there's a plug api: construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/addon-sdk
Just set its speed in events, random(75,200)
Not really. It is endless, but to get seamless you could maybe mirror from the middle of the size you are using. The plug could use some reworking imo, but the person who made it is gone, so that may not be an option.
A none wasm lite version would be nice, especially since Advance Random was excluded from Animate. Perhaps if they split up some of its components.
Seems like their new model is aimed at AAA any way.
Pushback for EU rules most likely.
Not just lighting, you can even use them to draw.
Draw a painting, a sprite... a map.
Oh. Yeah seems like Chrome is going down hill lately.