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  • Construct uses the Reverb Convolution to work. This means it needs an audio file. They are called "IR" (Impulse responses).

    The bad thing is that to change in runtime that IR, you have to use an event and select the audio file to use in a list. So i have to create an event for each one, if i have 100 or more, well....

    I was thinking to use some event like: Set = "IR" & IRnumber & ".webm"

    So with just one event, in runtime i change the IRnumber variable to select another one but seems is not possible.

    Is there any workaround to avoid add one event for each one?


    Edit: Also the audio use for convolution is on "add effect" , there is no "set effect param" to change the audio file, that will be perfect.

    And, there is no effect parameter to change "Normalize" / "Don't normalize".

    I think you should raise this with the devs as a suggestion.

    for those working with music apps or getting deep into audio effects for games

    It would be a very valuable feature.

  • Im investigating using construct to develop a simple real-time instrument music app. However Ive noticed that touch input lag can vary wildly between devices from minimum estimated 40/50ms on newer higher end phones to, on some older or cheaper phones, more than maybe 200ms (making a real-time music app unfeasible for many devices).

    I still may go ahead as 40/50ms is getting into the realm of usable but is there anything I can do to reduce it further?

    For example, I am assuming "on touch object" or "on any touch start" is the best way to go rather than "on tap" (as this may be waiting for a second tap.)

    Are there any other things I should be considering. Is there any code I can add in that optimizes touch input processing etc.

    Can stuff like mentioned in this article be of any benefit?

    any advice is appreciated cheers.

    edit. sorry I just realized Im am being a little dumb as the lag could also be on the audio processor end or other software hardware. Essentially, I am looking to reduce the time as much as possible between touch event and a play sound/ change sound action.

    in most games even a 200ms delay may not be noticeable but for a music/sound app any delay is very perceivable and longer delays like 100ms + make real-time playing almost impossible. Im told that Ios processes sound much faster than android but I have not tested any ios devices.

    anyone have experience in this area?

  • I havent used it for years but am pretty sure that Tiled saves as, or at least exports to, TMX which can be imported to C3.

  • It should be in the C3 "Menu" drop-down "Install as App"

    or there is also a chrome option in the three dots drop-down in chrome "Install Construct 3..."

    im not sure if they do the same thing.

    (edit) deleting my last statement about making shortcut, as putting shortcut you still have browser tabs etc.)

  • Hi all! :)

    I have a PNG image, which consists in a gradient of transparency: the bottom of the image is fully opaque, and transparency increases towards the top of the image, which is fully transparent.

    When I import it into Construct 3, I see it different than the original image, like if it has been compressed. See the attached image for a comparison between the original image (top) and the same image imported in Construct (bottom), both with a black background, to view the gradient better.

    Any ideas? Maybe there is a setting for images compression that I need to change? Thank you in advance for your help! :)

    Yea have noticed this as well on the background in my game. Its not just on tiled backgrounds it appears on any blended/transparent gradient sprites also.

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    Damn that looks sweet. (I will play tonight). The speed and quality of your output is inspiring!

  • dop2000

    I see,,, noob mistake

    here, I tried the snake idea. (cos its more interesting than working on my own game!)

    its very rough but its nearly there. and you can fire unlimited bullets. small issue which I cant figure out the line sometimes bends between hits, maybe need bullet step for more accuracy or more segments.

  • Im still alive.

    I haven’t done anything on this for months, too busy and also kinda got bored of the whole thing,

    any leisure time ive been playing a ton of Overwatch and have really got back into playing flute

    but I have been tinkering here and there and this is where I’m at. Yes its embarrassing how little progress there is but it is what it is im in no rush and still enjoying the process.

    So what have I done. yes it may look like the game is in worse state than 12 months ago however most of the tinkering has been around enemy wave creation. It may be hard to see but previously, different waves could do different things but each wave could only have one type of enemy and the whole wave had to do the same things at the same time. eg follow curve, go into grid etc. Now I have made it so that a wave can have multiple different enemy types and the wave can be split into up to 5 groups that can go off and do totally different things then they can even return to single formation and do the same things. as the same thing could have been achieved with individual waves the only real reason for this is scoring. as you get the big points for killing a whole wave it allows me to make the individual waves more interesting.

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  • Hey dop2000

    for some reason your c3p is just showing me a white screen with a red dot on it.

    anyway unleashedstudio

    I would say, looking at that game slowed down, what you have there is a "snake" following the bullet.

    i.e. make a very long side on triangle sprite that fades right to left. Cut it up into say 10-20 pieces.

    then use these pieces in the frames of a sprite as the segments of a snake that follows the bullet around.

    There should be a few snake examples on here somewhere. Generally it involves making an array for each bullet to record its positions at certain intervals as it moves. Then use these recorded coordinates to set the position , angle and length of each segment sprite every tick so they follow along after the bullet. as you will have a higher frame number the further the segment from the bullet it looks like it is a tracer fading away.

    I could be wrong, there are a few ways to achive the same effect, but anyway another idea to try.

  • Yea but arrays can be created and destroyed in events during runtime and can also be members of families with family variables and can also have thier own set of instance variables.

  • I always **** in at this point, like a broken record to say....

    With C3, previewing in the browser is usually gonna give some jank, and is not indicative of web hosted or exported performance. Just use it as a rough guide.

    Upload it to a server or export it to nwjs and, on the same machine you should see little to no meaningful jank and noticeably higher and smoother performance.

    edit and if you are on a laptop or tablet make sure you are not running on battery saver (or equivalent). in fact plug in and max the performance settings if you can.

  • Hey, was there an announcement for this?, I must have missed the announcement. (Im not on the social media sites). anyway looks great will have a proper dig around later. Awesome..

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  • Tom shouldn't that tab be floating in the middle all the time? (On mobile) If not, it should.

  • Lolz yea.... hope nobody take offence.... iz just geme

    anyway no prob I hope you can find a way to integrate it into your game.

    Just FYI

    1)you can mess with the velocity and gravity but if out of range it may not be able to calculate properly so I would maybe have the enemy just face the player until within a certain range that you know works then run the calc.

    2) You can take out the choose and just replace with + or - depending if you want the high or low trajectory

    3) probably best not to make trails using bullet step like that it will kill perforamce just did it for the effect.

    4)sorry (edit) one more thing i just realised. the calculation is made from the pivot point of the "cannon" but the bullet is fired from the end of the "cannon" . you want these points to be as close as possible for best accuracy, i.e. if you had a long cannon where the pivot and exit are far apart you may start missing the target as the length of the cannon is not considered in the calculation. in fact it is best if they are the same point.


    basically same formula as above

    note there are allways 2 solutions for a given velocity as it is a squareroot. one is high and one is low, Ive randomly chosen one or the other here.