NetOne's Forum Posts

  • why don't you just download from scirra website to pc 2?

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  • Havok

    Im not a maths guru or programmer but I found it really beneficial learning how to do this in events and actions myself. Forced me to learn to use things like functions and arrays which in turn enabled me to start implementing far more deeper, interesting, mechanics in my game than I had previously envisioned. (well, as deep as it gets for a Shmup)…..what Im trying to say is that sometimes it can be a good thing not having plug ins for everything. Not saying that a curve plug in wouldn’t be awesome though.

  • not a plug-in but.....

    ....sparkly (cubic) bezier requested ?

    its only one section but could be used to generate waypoints if you want

    happy to upload capx anyone wants.

    its quite CPU intensive to increase the number of nodes on a bezier though usually you would just join 2 or more cubics.

    there are , I think better, ways to do curves/paths though, like the (more commonly used in games) catmull-rom splines

    or even just hand draw them by generating a waypoints at distance/intervals under mouse pointer or touch

    there is a really good capx demo on here somewhere for the catmull-rom splines generating waypoints ill update later if I can find.

    • Post link icon

    > So Tom are you going to do anything about the members here trying to disrupt this thread ....what is going on.


    You're now banned for accusing me of trying to manipulate people into driving you off the website.

    Everyone else feel free to continue discussing your thoughts on C3 so far.

    Thank f**k for that.....

    and I hate saying it cos you(Lamar) helped me in the past.... but dude ... what the hell man...

  • Ok perusing some non related stuff I found the answer, its probably well known by the pros but for the noobs...

    the quirky thing is that all text strings within the JSON array file have to be in double quotes.

    so I just did a find and replace on the quotes and all works OK.

    (And the string itself has to be in single quotes)


  • Guys, I thought I could just load in the JSON text generated from a different array into another no?

    eg I have a load of curve points here generated in JSON from a previous array

    trying to load it to this array on start up (Load from JSON string)

    but is doesn't like the formatting.

    Ive put it in quotes , taken out the first section just leaving the bracketed stuff

    but it dosent like anything.

    Is it possible to do this directly like this without having to reference a text file or such?

  • Wouldn't just being able to copy a Group from one project into another carrying all referenced/dependant, variables, functions, sprites and other plugins with their behaviours, layers referenced, with all appropriate settings etc from within that Group...solve the same issue and be wider in scope?

    It wouldn’t guarantee that the pasted group would function properly straight away but you would be a lot closer a lot faster than picking through events line by line copying variables and other objects referenced, then finally copying the events.

    I assume this is something similar to the modular system you guys are talking about. If I’m totally off subject please ignore me I’m a little groggy this morning….

  • this is not an issue or bug

    PlayStation Dual-shock controllers use different mapping to Xbox/(Standard).

    I think right stick y is index 5 or 7 for dualshock

    I cant remember what the mapping is but it is in a different order to xbox/standard mapping

    you can find them all yourself by making a text box on the screen and updating it every tick with

    "Axis 1-"&Axis(0, 1)&newline&

    "Axis 2-"&Axis(0, 2)&newline&

    "Axis 3-"&Axis(0, 3)&newline&


    "Axis 7-"&Axis(0, 7)&newline&


    and do the same for the buttons.

    then run the game and you will be able to see what index each dualshock control is mapped to

    you should still keep mapping for xbox/standard joypad though as this is what most windows users joypads will be mapped to.

    If you want the ability to use dual shock then you should program some type of user option to switch between xbox/standard and dualshock mappng

  • LoL...

    I'll just shut up from now on and wait for the announcements

    Simply awesome....

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  • I was just wondering, and I have no idea how these things work so this may be a proper noob question, but....

    As C3 will be able to run on mobile,

    is there a possibility that we could host a preview from mobile while being out and about ( i.e. without being on a fixed LAN)

    maybe by simultaneously hosting a wifi hotspot , or over bluetooth maybe with a client app , or other

    this would be great for getting friends to test our games on their individual devices or to enable impromptu progress updates for interested parties.


  • Added Winstratos - its currently beta but Im adding as he's now got a demo and its looking very mature.

  • O . M . F . G


  • Sombrero

    edit. sorry I just saw you are looking for android game. don't know.

  • Ashley [quote:3o0uf9js]For example you could use 10 static locals inside a group, when only just that group uses them, and they never appear anywhere else in the event system, and the variables themselves are close to where they are used. I think this is an under-used feature and would do a lot to solve the "global overload" problem.

    Speaking from experience, from a non-programmer background noob,

    It takes a few runs to figure out why using all global variables is a bad idea,

    in fact it takes a few runs to figure out how to use things like groups and functions and local variables properly

    its only when you start to understand and use these sort of features that you really begin to appreciate what you guys have achieved with Construct 2.