NetOne's Forum Posts

  • .... to check out Crypt of the Necrodancer.

    it looks bizarre... i will check it out cheers....

  • Also if you are loading from a string / text json to array you need double quotes on strings and whole json in quotes

    using example from above notice the double quotes on all strings including "array" "true" "size"

    "{""c2array"":true,""size"":[10,3,1],""data"":[ [[1],[""Jeffrey""],[5]],


    [2],[""Lisa""],[72]], [

    [3],[""Pamela""],[31]], [

    [4],[""Anna""],[67]], [

    [5],[""Antonio""],[28]], [

    [6],[""Judith""],[45]], [

    [7],[""Billy""],[88]], [

    [8],[""Amy""],[76]], [

    [9],[""Theresa""],[69]], [



  • Also just a heads up. There is a bulletML plug-in in the store. This is the general standard scripting used for making the bullet patterns bullet hell shooters. I haven't tried it myself. But just FYI...

  • Sounds like you are trying to use a 3d array to simulate 3d space? Each cube representing a possible position?

    It would be better to use a 2d array to store the coordinates of each object instead. Then you can make the 3d space any size you want...

  • Cheers tunepunk

    I think that is my problem.

    I don’t know what type of game I want to make.

    I started messing with C2 just for relaxation, like someone might take up painting, never had a mission to actually finish or release a game.

    So never worried about these things.

    But now im getting ideas about actually completing and releasing a game these thoughts introduce a lot of confusion.

    The idea of having random enemy patterns in a shmup is almost sacrilege to me.

    If the experience is not the same for every player then score based / time based competition goes out the window…Is that acceptable?……I don’t know…maybe I am just too old fashioned in my thoughts….What is the yardstick for measuring success in a shmup against others if it is different for everyone on every play?……..…hmmmm

    I like your idea of trying to incorporate some radomocity in another way though maybe through weapon upgrade order or level order…need to go away and do some serious musing on the philosophy of good video games and what actually lights my fire.

    One thing is for sure, Im liking the look and feel of Archer so looking fwd to play the full release.....

  • Using the term in the loose manner it seems to be applied these days. i.e. incorporating some manner of randomised procedural level generation and or controlled randomly generated enemy types etc. (not necessarily high difficulty / permadeath / or turn based gaming etc ).

    Do you think it is essential for indi developers to incorporate “roguelike” elements into their games?

    It’s clearly a key marketing point and sales driver in many of the successful indi titles in recent years.

    Ive played a few shmups recently that randomise the enemy/bullet patterns so its impossible to memorise them which is almost counter to the whole Shmup culture. Also something like Enter the Gungeon. It’s great (and I do recommend it, its also very tough you have been warned), but for me the random generated dungeon and enemy types/spawns are the one thing I didn’t like about it because the focus always becomes about play skill rather than any type of exploration /discovery.

    But it seems to me that roguelike stuff is all the rage these days and you need it in your game.

    Im asking as Im at this point in my Shmup game engine that I need to either commit to fully scripted enemy/bullet patterns or get my head around trying to code in some roguelike randomisation.

    Just wondering what you guys think…and if you are planning some roguelike elements for your games..?

  • good. just tried out the beta on my sp4 pretty much cant use it as touch is as above plus normally what would be a touch and drag to pan kind of pans but also selects moves randomly whatever sprites are under your finger. also the scroll bars on the layout view are doing the opposite of input eg left is up and up is right.

    to note though in general touch dosent work well on chrome on windows 10 surface pros anyway, feels buggy and does strange things sometimes especially in full screen mode.

    edge touch works perfectly. you would think ms are deliberately gimping chrome on their surface pros. either that or chrome just havent worked out how to do browser touch properly on desktop yet... which is hard to believe.

  • This app is not compatible with your device's country ? (uk)

  • Love it....

  • really cool man....

  • Looks awesome man, I will vote...

  • yea

    Im still trying to get my head around it.

    looking at 99Instances2Go's capx

    even if you deactivate the group on start of layout, or even just right click disable the group in the editor, the trigger still runs if the set text code is outside the group!!!!

    This is screwing with my head. just when I though i was understanding C2,,,,

  • 99Instances2Go

    Holy cow......OK..i see.....well, that changes a lot of things.......

    thanks for taking the time......I am enlightened...

    will delete my post above......(and try to stop being a noob)....


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  • Video log

    This list of videos from the posts below

    I started this game around January 2017 (after previously messing with C2 for a few months). As i didn't know the first thing about game development , or programming and didn't know much about C2 capabilities there was little point in making a plan. The only plan is that I was going to make a side scrolling shmup.

    There still isnt any plan. the way it works is that I have an idea, I try it out, maybe it works maybe it doesn't, if not I try something else.

    Everything here is done in with construct events, mostly by following tutorials I have found on the forum and help from forum members and the Scirra devs.

    Note to prospective indi game developers!

    I dont want to put you off so please note that this dev log is not a real indication of how long things would normally take. If you were able to do this full time you could probably do what i have done below in a few weeks or even days.

    I just do this for relaxation as one of my (too many other) hobbies when not at work or doing family / social stuff. I dip in for a few hours a week, mostly on the weekend, usually with an intention of trying to implement something I have been daydreaming about during the week.

    I'm not actually sure I will ever make a finished game. There is so much more to it that I ever imagined. But for now it has a life of its own and it will evolve as it wants.

    I am just its custodian. A slave to its needs. Lets see where it goes.



    Jan("3D") ... sp=sharing

    FEB ("3D" and bezier)

    ("3D" and bezier and lazer)

    MARCH(Working on Formations)

    APRIL (Messing with Z and scaling)

    MAY (got enemies following paths listed in an array)

    JUNE (changing AR and adding Z and parallax backgrounds

    JULY (starting editor)

    SEPTEMBER (fisrt try scrolling parallax background)

    (working touch! Almost...)

    (just trying different things with background cut up a deviant art pic and made it parallax)

    OCTOBER-ISH death respawn system, sound system, score system and menu system started

    November A little driveclub stylee rain for you sir....


    (Note over Christmas Ive made the jump to C3 but will keep the dev log here for now)


    January Fun with letters for start screen

    April 3 months since last video !!! and so little progress.....meh....

  • the code is always run downwards it would not go up to check if the group is active. if the group was not active the key press trigger will not even run.

    As you wish & whatever dude.

    Allow me to quote some one smarter

    > --- left out a few lines here--

    > Triggers in subevents check all their parent Events are true, but the "else" is checked on its own without referring to previous events in that case, so it probably doesn't do what you want.


    I wasn't trying to be smart / rude. Sorry if it came over like that. I was just trying to be helpfull with what can be quite a confusing subject.

    I am still pretty much a noob here and very happy to be corrected for the benefit of myself and others reading.

    Ashley is talking about Triggers in sub events but you are talking about Trigger events inside Groups.

    My thinking was that, as the code runs down, if it finds a deactivated group then it just bypasses all the Events within. So its like that Trigger Event doesn't even exist for that cycle.

    But you are saying that Groups are actually just Events with a "Is group active" flag? And that if a Group is deactivated the Trigger Events inside still fire but they also go up to check if the parent Group Event is active before running any of their Actions???

    I am happy to entertain that, it makes sense, and the outcome should be the same.

    If this is correct I am happy to delete my post above to avoid confusion.

    Are we 100% that those triggers are still checked? It would be good to know as I read a lot of people on here spending a lot of time using groups to "Optimize their code" rather than just for turning bits on and off here and there. It would make that sort of optimization pointless if all those triggers are still being checked.