Cheers tunepunk
I think that is my problem.
I don’t know what type of game I want to make.
I started messing with C2 just for relaxation, like someone might take up painting, never had a mission to actually finish or release a game.
So never worried about these things.
But now im getting ideas about actually completing and releasing a game these thoughts introduce a lot of confusion.
The idea of having random enemy patterns in a shmup is almost sacrilege to me.
If the experience is not the same for every player then score based / time based competition goes out the window…Is that acceptable?……I don’t know…maybe I am just too old fashioned in my thoughts….What is the yardstick for measuring success in a shmup against others if it is different for everyone on every play?……..…hmmmm
I like your idea of trying to incorporate some radomocity in another way though maybe through weapon upgrade order or level order…need to go away and do some serious musing on the philosophy of good video games and what actually lights my fire.
One thing is for sure, Im liking the look and feel of Archer so looking fwd to play the full release.....