mutajon's Forum Posts

  • Hi!

    So I have this simple setup - two small colorful squares (in the same family - named 'Lenses') and one big white rectangle.

    I want it to be so that when I hover with the mouse over any of the small squares, the big white one will change color to match theirs.

    I tried getting it by using the set color to the colorValue property of the small squares, but this does not work... why?

    And how do I make it work?

    Thanks :-)

  • Thanks!

  • Hi!

    Say I want to create one of several sprites, depending on the value of a parameter. Then, I also want to move said sprite and do other stuff with it.

    Is there a way to build this into a function that would take in a string as the name of the sprite to create/move etc?

    As you can see from the pic, currently I just repeated the process, changing the sprite each time...(not very elegant/efficient)

    Thanks :-)

  • Hi!

    Say I want a sprite to move from A to B, using a tween, but I want it to move in an arc rather than a straight line - is there a simple way to accomplish this?

    Thanks :-)

  • Title :-)


  • That did it!


  • Thanks for the idea!

    I forgot to mention that this loop is already inside another loop... how do I distinguish loopIndex of one loop from the other?

    (If I do it like in the pic below, they get destroyed before actually moving)

  • Hi!

    So I have a group of diggers (instances of a sprite).

    I want them to move to a point, and only after ALL of them are at that point, destroy them.

    I can't figure out where to put the destroy action so that it won't destroy them before they moved or destroy each one as he reaches said point.... Like I said, I want all of them to reach the point first, then destroy them all.

    Thanks a lot! :)

    (in the example in this pic, diggers are destroyed one after the other as they reach the point)

  • Thanks!

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  • Hi!

    So I have a collection of instances of a sprite, that I want to all walk in a column towards a random point on the screen.

    Any ideas how to achieve that?


    To clarify:

    They don't actually have to follow each other, it just has to look that way. So, for instance, if it is simpler to have each of them walk the same path, and it will make it look like they're walking in a column - great! (but I still don't know how to achieve that either :-()

  • Perfect!

    Thanks a lot :)

  • Hi!

    So, Say I have 10 sound files named 'soundX.mp4', where X can be any number from 1 to 10.

    How can I have an action/function, into which I pass a number/variable, and it plays the desired sound from the 10 possibilities.

    Thanks! :-)

  • InDWrekt

    It sure does.

    And thank you for taking the time to explain it so clearly :)

  • brushfe

    That did it!


    Every day I learn something new about this program...

  • Really!?

    local variables constantly reset!? Do you know the logic of why this is so?

    this makes them rather limited and forces me to use global when there isn't really a need for it to be global other than this weird limitation...