mumu64's Forum Posts

  • I got this working, but I was just wondering if this was something common, where experienced (construct-)programmers had some advice for.

    This is not urgent.

  • Thanks Nifl, for the offer, thinking and earlier post.

    I'm glad I just got it working! (thanks to R0J0hound's suggestion of UID's)

    event 1

    + Weapon: Value 'ammo' Equal to 0

    + Weapon: Value 'Reloading' Equal to 0

    -> System: Create object reloading on layer 1 at (Weapon.x, Weapon.y)

    -> reloading: Set 'WeaponUID' to Weapon.UID

    -> Weapon: Set 'Reloading' to 1

    event 2

    + reloading: Animation "Default" finished

    + Weapon: Unique ID is reloading.value('WeaponUID')

    -> reloading: Destroy

    -> Weapon: Set 'ammo' to 3

    -> Weapon: Set 'Reloading' to 0

    This simple event took me 3 hours, I think. <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    When R0J0hound mentioned pairing, I thought I could use the Container feature/property, but it didn't work or I didn't know how.

    If there's a more quicker/elegant way to achieve the above result, I am interested.

  • R0J0hound, that sounds so right, but it didn't work.


    Now I'm trying to figure out the first part first:

    assigning every weapon that runs out of ammo a reloading-sprite, because it seems that the "trigger once"-condition gives the unwanted result: only applying it to 1 weapon.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    With your suggestion it doesn't execute/look at the subevent ("reloading: Animation "Default" finished).

    <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    (Tried in CC 1.2 as well)

  • I can't solve this:


    When a self firing weapon(/turret) runs out of ammo, it reloads. After reloading it can fire again.


    With more than 1 weapon on screen, they start to synchronize (unwanted result) after 1 reload and reload and fire bullets at the same time.

    (1 weapon on the screen works fine)

    + Weapon: Value 'ammo' Equal to 0

       + System: Trigger once*

       -> System: Create object reloading on layer 1 at (Weapon.x, Weapon.y)

       + reloading: Animation "Default" finished

       -> reloading: Destroy

       -> Weapon: Set 'ammo' to 3

    * when I don't use "trigger once", it keeps creating sprites, because ammo stays "0" for several seconds. But this way, it creates only 1 sprite "reloading" for 1 weapon, while there are several weapons on the screen.

    (CC v0.99.84)

  • Construct goes through the event list from top to bottom and checks if the condition is true, otherwise it ignores it.

    (event 1)

    + if switch is 1

    -> say "1"

    (event 2)

    + if switch is 2

    -> set switch to 1

    -> say "2"

    -> set switch to 2

    My expectation would be (when switch = 2) what construct would do:

    • ignore event 1
    • go inside event 2, change switch to 1
    • say "2"
    • set switch to 2

    Screen result: "2".

    But when I preview this, it seems to also do something with event 1!

    I don't understand this.

    (using v0.99.84)

  • I'm also going to put it in a Check-Out-Later-folder!

    Thanks Tulamide.

    Maybe we need to click on the +1 to show appreciation^_^?

  • I asked if the "e-mail me, when this topic gets a reply"-option could return.

    Tom (the website builder) replied:

    Yes sorry about this. I'd love to give a time when it will be done but problems with the forum are really involved to fix usually, it will get done soon hopefully though.

  • Thanks, Noga.

  • What would be an elegant/efficient way to do the following:

    In game, in a menu:

    Items can get upgraded.

    Click on the item to upgrade it.

    After clicked on the item, and it is upgraded, it is visually shown by a circle-sprite behind it.


    <sword> X X X (not upgraded)

    <sword> O X X (upgraded once)

    <sword> O O X (upgraded twice)

    I was thinking about the following solution, but it is cumbersome, I think:

    +With every creation of the upgrade-menu:

    -> place X-sprites on the correct positions.

    -> give every X-sprite its own number, so that you know which number is which X-sprite.

    + Sword: Is global variable 'SwordUpgrade' Equal to 1

    + X-sprite: identify the first X-sprite (number 1)

    -> UpgradeStar: Set animation frame to Circle-sprite-frame.

  • I'm trying to understand and work with arrays.

    I've read the wiki and C2-article about it.

    Using it in CC (v0.99.84), is hard to understand, because I wanted to see what's inside the array, using debug-mode, but I get a result I did not expect.

    In the array-object I inserted the following properties:

    x: 4

    y: 4

    Z: 0

    My expection would be, that the array now looks like this:





    When running debug mode, the instance of the array shows the following:

    1,0,0 value: 0

    2,0,0 value: 0

    3,0,0 value: 0

    4,0,0 value: 0

    What does the "value" mean? Which value is it showing? Perhaps the value of a coordinate?

  • Would it be useful to have a How To Use Debugging-article/wiki page?

    (I am too inexperienced to write this. I think I don't use the debugging-part not to its fullest.)

    This page about Visual Studio's debugging is very detailed.

    I suppose the debugging in CC/C2 isn't as deep as in a Visual Studio-environment, and maybe it doesn't need to (I don't know).

    But I am thinking a few "tips and tricks" and the reason behind debugging should be nice to see documented.

  • Thanks for the explanation of clamp. I hope the wiki (of CC and C2) will get more extensive.

  • In game design everything is about teaching. Everything can make perfect sense in your head but the real work is about making it about just as clear in about anybody else's mind. Learning is fun!

    The designer is usually the best at determining what needs to be taught. Then he sets his learning curve in motion and ask production for necessary assets and HUD element, voice overs, upgrade system, mechanic distribution, etc... validate everything, keep testing with people who never played the game to see what information is getting across, and which one is just falling flat in pain on the pavement.

    But the best is when you have a playtest lab at your disposal. The designer can sit with ergonomics and playtest experts to really design an experience where learning is completely blending with gameplay and the player is learning without realizing it or reading a single line of text. Then you're really having a blast.

    I agree about texts as explanation from a personal point of view as a gamer. I sometimes wanted to start with a game and didn't read all text it was giving me in the tutorial.

    But abandoning text is not necessary, as long as it is not too "meaty" (I like to use this expression - I hope I used this right. Not native English myself, so excuse me if my use of language gives anyone goosebumps here <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> ).

    I guess (and I don't have much experience with game making/thinking so far) it's all about a balance between methods of teaching (as you said: voice overs, GUI-help, texts) and play testing.

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  • Gropwel, you have worked on a combat system (in a Spiderman game).

    Does working on the combat system include thinking about the explanation of this system, or were you only working on the system and someone else was working on how to explain it to the gamer?

    2nd question about the same topic: were you able to be as innovative as you wanted, or did the producer or publisher give you limits/boundries (for example: make the combat look/play like game x)?