mumu64's Forum Posts

  • says:

    Note that Physics is an exception. By default it does not use dt, and therefore is framerate dependent. This is because dt usually has small random variations. These variations can make the same setup in a physics game give different results even if exactly the same thing is done twice. This is often annoying for physics games, so by default it is framerate dependent.

    My question:

    What can I expect from a square or ball-sprite with "set stepping to framerate independant" set to on and a ball-sprite set to "fixed"?

    Only: prepare to see possible different movement everytime the layout is run?

    Are there other things to keep in mind when choosing for one or the other option?

  • Thanks, I will try this!

  • How do I count rotations of a sprite?

    (I want to combine rotation count with time.

    The sprite is moved with the cursor buttons and uses a physics behavior)

    The idea behind this question is: for example in Excitebike you want to tell the player: "good! You did 2 rotations in 2 seconds!"

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thanks, it's solved!

    I didn't check the collision polygons.

  • I am testing the following:

    brown sprite: player (platform object).

    green line: ground (solid object).

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The brown sprite falls through the green line in the area right under it, but can stand on the line in the middle part of the green line.

    I wonder why. Is it too thin?

  • Thanks!

  • hello,

    Is there a tutorial or thread about event-organizing-tips?

    For example: when to make seperate sheets/groups and what the pros/cons are?

    I tend to place everything in 1 big messy pile and I am interested in reading more about organizing. (for either CC or C2)

  • When should I choose for inserting all conditions in 1 event-block or inserting them as sub events?



    + System: Is global variable 'Switch' Less than 1

    + Sprite1: Sprite1 overlaps Sprite2

    + Sprite3: Is on-screen

    -> do something


    + System: Is global variable 'Switch' Less than 1

       + Sprite1: Sprite1 overlaps Sprite2

          + Sprite3: Is on-screen

          -> do something

    I -think- option B is more useful for 2 reasons:

    • if you want to add something, you can add it to a sub event.
    • if a certain condition asks for cpu, Construct won't bother if the first condition is not met.

    Am I correct?

  • This is nog a bug report, but questions about a (I think) known bug.

    Sometimes I can't select a single event or action.

    When I click on it, it selects the whole page or all events. This is an unwanted result.

    A workaround (someone on this forum once told me) is: scrolling with the mouse up and down.


    is it known what causes this bug?

    Can I prevent it?

  • If a game creates eventually around 20-70 sprites and one action makes use of a certain (fade) behavior, would it be better to replace the sprite with the same sprite, but WITH the behavior?

    So that the game doesn't create all other sprites with the behavior and not using this behavior?

    Or wouldn't the unused behavior have an impact on the performance?

    So I'm thinking:

    to ease on performance, when the certain action occurs, delete the sprite and immediately replace it with the same sprite that has the fade-behavior.

    Good or unnecessary?

    Thanks for answering in advance.

    (language edit: google chrome's spelling check suggested me to write "behavior" instead of "behaviour" - I guess that's USA vs UK spelling)

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  • Addictive! I Like.

    It's hard to control the tank manually with the cursor, as it is moving slowly and changes angle, if you place soldiers at the base.

  • In the debugger I was paying attention to the creation of objects.

    It is not the case that more and more objects are created.

    So, at some time it says: 400 objects created and it stays around this amount, while the framedrop happens.

    So it could be a loop, the foreach, or something else.

    With this topic, I wanted to learn some general things about performance.

    (and perhaps it could help with my own problem)

  • The group holds a collection of events, where most of the events check for overlapping/collision, as described in the starting post.

  • Since the fps, ingame, sometimes drops from 35 to 10, for about 2-3 seconds (I found out which group is responsible for it) and goes back to ~35, I have the following questions:

    1 sprite gets created (as in tetris blocks, but all blocks are the same) multiple times (not at once), so that eventually there are 20-60 instances of this sprite are on screen.

    question 1:

    • do the amount of private variables (in this case) affect performance?
    • do the amount of animations (ranging from 1-5 frames) affect performance?

    question 2:

    Can it be that the "for each"-condition can be the cause of the framedrop, when there are 30-50 sprites on screen?

    (the for each-condition states: for each sprite that overlaps with a certain box, create a new "extra points"-sprite. - so that every box, that overlaps that certain box, shows to the gamer that it is earning the extra points - by displaying that "extra points-sprite".)

  • I think Gropwel is neither a graphical artist or a programming artist. He mostly designed levels and most recently (co-)designed the Spiderman combat-system. So I think Gropwel is a design artist. :)

    Gropwel, did you create levels in the Quake/Duke Nukem era as a hobby?