mrtumbles's Forum Posts

  • Yay! I HELPED SOMEBODY! That's not even sarcasm. Chuffed to have helped sir. Chuffed indeed. I'll post any advancements I make to it (working on strafing atm)

  • In brief, it was much easier to do than I'd anticipated. I simply checked if the enemy ship was clockwise or counter-clockwise of:

    [ Angle(enemy.X, enemy.Y, player.X, player.Y) ]

    Then when within 20 degrees of

    [ Angle(enemy.X, enemy.Y, player.X, player.Y) ] the enemy accelerates. The same check could be used to start the enemy firing their weapons.

  • Yes. It turns out it was demonically simple - as am I!

    Here's the CapX:

  • Hold on - might have a solution, pending a bit of testing. Will post test capx in a minute...

  • Awesome stuff guys! Thanks - looking into both of these now. It's sposed to be for an arena-shooter type game - I wanted the enemies to behave dynamically, and have the same level of control over themselves as the player. I like the car behaviour because of the drift mechanic, which is why I wanted to simulate control rather than dictate movement directly.

    The trouble I'm having is really that I need the enemy ship to know when it's facing the player - and thus to stop steering (and start shooting). Also having it steer in an appropriate direction (steering left when the player is to the left, rather than doing a full loop right as mine seems to keep doing!)

    Loving the Boids by the way blackhornet - definitely going in my plugin folder for future use!

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  • Hallo.

    I've had a search and can't really find this anywhere, so I've come to pick everyone's brains. Please feel free to reply with the obvious link I missed :P

    What I'd like is for AI players (using car behaviour) to be constantly steering towards the player-character when aggro'd. In order to do this I figure I'll calculate the angle between the AI and the enemy player, and if it's outside a certain range then begin steering, and if it's within a certain range then start accelerating again. I was hoping the behaviour would look something like a fly buzzing around a ham. Unfortunately what I've got so far doesn't seem to be working:

    Angle(AI.X, AI.Y, PC.X, PC.Y)

    Which seems to give the relative angle between the AI and the PC, but not taking into account the direction in which the AI is facing... does anyone know of any solutions?

    • Mr Tumbles
  • the_chosen_byte - works delightfully. Tested on my PC, iMac, iPad 2, iPhone and SGS2 - flawless on all!

    ParCutz - very interesting. I still haven't looked over any of the tutorials or examples. I also still haven't uploaded that CapX yet - just tried and I appear to have made some significantly poor decisions early this morning, as it no longer works. Will roll back and forth, and let you know when it's up.

  • Cheers ParCutz - I'll get it on Dropbox tomorrow. Quite tired now! Quick Q - how did you do the spotlight thing in your menu? I've not seen it done that smoothly before.

  • Updated! D'oh.

  • Forgot to say - an unexplained presence in this demo is powerups - they were added late in the day and didn't get the intro they deserved. Green is used to resurrect dead ninjas (simply click the icon when a dead ninja is highlighted), red is used to make a big hole (click it and your ninja forms the centre of a massive explosion. He remains unhurt of course. He's a ninja), and blue is used to teleport (click the icon then click destination - can be anywhere visible).

    Right. Have at it.

    • Mr Tumbles
  • Hallooo! Do people still post tests here? I've been working on this for the past few hours trying to rig up a basic dynamic darkness thinger. Have a play about - can post .capx if anyone's interested - let me know if you've seen anything similar (have done the usual forum searches etc) as would love to know!

  • Hallo!

    I present a Beta for you. It's a three-level demo of a squad-in-turn-based platform puzzler (!) which I've been working on for a few weeks. It's tentatively titled 'Super Ninjas - Temple Guardians' for now, and may be released on some platforms at some point in the future.

    What I'm struggling with the most at the moment is getting the FPS to a manageable level on low-spec machines. So the really valuable information for me right now is:

    • Roughly how long did it take you to get to the point where you gave up - and where was that?
    • What sort of FPS are you getting as indicated bottom-right of the screen? (and a brief overview of system specs if possible)

    That being said, all criticisms of all kinds both negative and positive gladly received :)

    -Mr Tumbles

    Here's the link:

  • A friend of mine is internet-less at the moment - I showed him Construct 2 and he handed back the pile of DVDs and books I'd lent him and asked me to put it on a stick for him. Gladly did. It speaks for itself quite nicely doesn't it?

  • Yeah I've already dropped the glow for performance reasons. Plus you're right, it made it hard to read. Spent so long staring at the thing I can hardly see it now!

    Just rebuilding for efficiency at the moment. Adding a randomly-generated bad-guy complicated things greatly, so I've had to reverse-engineer some dodgy late-night work from a few days back.

  • As I've now iterated twice, it's a tech demo, alpha, a WIP.

    I'll be updating that address as I add new functionalities. Next on the list is an enemy to destroy - and after that an enemy that'll fight back, and after that an XP system, and after that a skills and levelling system, and questing in a randomly-generated universe (roguelike) having semi-turn-based battle (JRPG) and doing quests. I'm just sharing what I have of my creation so far, that's all :)