Mr Wolf's Forum Posts

  • I found this with the search tool. I was wondering how to do this very thing. Did anyone discover a way to do it? Will it be added in a future version maybe? Because right now the lack of this leaves minimap much less useful...

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  • It doesn't run for me. This is the first Construct game to crash upon opening... using Windows 7 64-bit.

    You could try running it in Compatability Mode.

  • No offense, but why does the original player sprite never change? The weapon and shield change decently (although the shield animation could look smoother or more natural). You even drew simplistic facial expressions over the sprite's face for your animations... It looks like you took a sprite from somewhere and can't do the art for the animations. I'm not saying you did that, but it looks very unusual. (Edit: I thought they might be placeholder, but just in case...)

    The topmost three blocks which the boulders are resting against to the right are solid from below rather than platforms.

    As for selling the game, don't get too ahead of yourself. Making a game, let alone a series of episodes, is a big project. It isn't wrong to think about selling your game, but ask yourself two things:

    1) Am I getting too concerned with the selling of this game that it is detracting from my work on the project?

    2) Will anyone actually want to buy this? Is it worth buying? What makes it stand out from free Flash games and similar?

    I'd also think deeply about how you want your platform creation to work. Having them spawn right where you are standing might not be the best. I found it awkward to use.

    Finally, you said you wanted to show off the main features, but there isn't much to show in the demo. It would be nice to see how you plan to handle items.

    /Constructive Criticism

  • > "it is good to note that large images can freeze Construct like when you remove them from animations."


    This is what newer users need a tutorial on. They need optimization tips on how to deal with the fact you cant just pile graphics on.

    And how to achieve the same results in better ways. Like instead of using a giant sprite, use tiles and tiled backgrounds.

  • What I do right now (as a practical, but annoying solution) is have an object. I copy the animation I want to add hitboxes to and paste it on this object. I think Go over the sprite with boxes and trim out what doesn't fit right. Then I set animation speed to 0, and give it the same animation name.

    Then every frame it's position is set to that of the player, it's animation is set to that of the player and it's frame of animation is changed to that of the player.

    Then you modify the original animation and do this ALL OVER AGAIN, but hey, what can you do?

    I'm not sure I follow you. Why modify the original animation?

    I was thinking you'd just do this: Take your sprite animation that you want the hitbox for and copy it to another object. Trim down whatever you don't want to be part of that hitbox (or change it completely for whatever shape you want) and color the hitbox sprite a different color or outline it or something. Of course you'd cut the image down smaller to only where the hitbox is because empty canvas area still takes processing power. Create an image point on the original sprite animation for the hitbox sprite to glue itself to when it is needed. Only spawn the hitbox sprite when you need it then destroy it when the animation is finished (if it isn't supposed to be there always). Also, for example, if you have two kicking attacks, you can still just use one hitbox sprite with two animations if you don't like using lots of sprites. Depending on what you were doing, using one sprite for two attacks would not work well enough, but in that case you might want seperate sprites anyway.

  • I think it would be cool to know more about effects and ways to use them.

    BTW, for optimization, it is good to note that large images can freeze Construct like when you remove them from animations. Then again, removing effects often freezes it too...

  • > There's a better object list in the project bar, and in that one you can have folders..


    Right, but you can't drag stuff out of it onto the layout, or copy from it . At least, not yet.

    With folders in the object list too you could hide (read: not show in the list) whatever part of the layout you weren't working on (eg. wanting to mess with terrain instead of particle effects).

  • Okay, this should be simple, but I cannot figure out how to reopen the Obect List after closing it

    Also, I'm not sure what Show Object Tree does, but all I can see is that it doesn't show anything in the object window and won't let me undo it.

    I searched the forum and the wiki but can't find any documentation of these things.

  • I see what you mean. In that case, it would be nice to have a way to arrange objects in the list so I don't have to scroll through 100+ to find what I want. Folders would be nice. I just really don't like having lots of sprites because I can't keep track of them all in the objects list window.

  • Let's say you have a fighting game like Street Fighter (although this would help with TONS of things). You would need two hitboxes: 1 for the player who can get hit and 1 for whichever part of his body is attacking (to register hitting the opponent). Now, to get that accurate, you have to use an image point or create a sprite for each part of his body or an invisible collision sprite for each part of his body. All of these things feel like work-arounds to me.

    I propose being able to create more than one collision mask for an object. Extra collision masks would help with melee attacks, complex hit boxes (eg. headshots, bodyshots, etc), or any time you'd want different parts of a sprite to do different things.

    You could add a box/option for collision/overlapping events to edit which collision mask you want for "On Collision" and "Is Overlapping" in each case and things like the Platform Behavior could just use the main collision mask (or whichever one you set it to use if that option would be useful).

    I don't have time at the moment to create some images and more examples to explain this better and show how useful it would be, but I think anyone could see how this would save a LOT of trouble/time/etc.

  • If you're swinging a sword in an arc, how about you make a pie-shaped detector like so:

    <img src="">

    Leave it there for the duration of the sword swing animation and check collision against that.

    Hmm, that looks like it would work.

    Edit: Also, any "Hit before the sword reached enemy" type problems would be solved by making the animation fast (kind of a given) but also delaying seeing the results of the hit until after the animation is finished. It'd be like in an anime where some guy slashes an enemy and then a few seconds later (much shorter in this case) you see him get cut in half.

  • Edit: Deleted your duplicate thread.

    Oh, thanks. I clicked submit then it said I had to sign in, so I thought it didn't post the topic (it went straight to the "Create a Topic" thing again).

    So it looks like I have a few options:

    1) Use an image point. Good for simple, small sprites.

    2) Create a second sprite for the weapon.

    3) The animation is just for show, but distance determines if it hits.

    I'm liking number 2 the most as it seems like it would have the most "correct" collision (hitting when the weapon actually hits), but I don't know how vsync affects things. Would "Is Overlapping" solve vsync problems as it would be overlapping for a longer time than just a single collision detection?

    Edit: What if each frame of the animation is held twice? That would give it a better chance to register right?

    Edit 2: Would setting a fixed framerate help with the vsync thing?

  • I've been wondering lately how to do melee weapons. In Castlevania, the weapon (during the attack animation) has its own hitbox. I'm sure I can't have two collision masks on one sprite at the same time, so do I have to make a seperate weapon sprite? That sounds like a lot of extra work to make them look/work like one sprite and all that. Any help is appreciated.

  • I don't think you'd even need to rotate the player for slopes. I think the normal method is to simply have the player sprite overlapping the slope slightly without changing angle. It is simple and effective.

  • Construct 2 will probably not be out (in a usable semi-stable beta version) for years huh...