Mr Wolf's Forum Posts

  • First, your title is entirely in caps. That is not good. It makes it seem like you came up with this on a whim and want to get people all excited about it. In fact, your post pretty much says that outright anyway.

    Next, what differentiates this from the PC itself? What use is there to put many games into what is essentially nothing more than a game launcher? If you just made individual games, you could release each one seperately and much sooner than if you tried to create a massive package of content. Also, if/when (most likely when) the project tanks, at least you might have gotten a simple game produced.

    Finally, from your lack of details, it appears that you have no idea what you actually hope to achieve. Your post is poorly written and no one will follow someone who writes or communicates poorly. It is one thing to tell a real life friend about an idea; it is an entirely different matter to pitch a development project to strangers on the internet and actually earn their confidence.

  • I'm trying to achieve a great camera for my 2D platformer and I'm using Mario games as my model of how it should work. It looks like it would be good to have the camera follow the player along X, but Y should only be scrolled if the player is jumping past a certain height on the screen, such as when you land on a platform close to the top of the screen or like in mario when you use a cape or something and fly way above the level. If Y scrolls all the time, it doesn't look very good and feels too jumpy with too much motion going on. This might be a little hard to explain, so I'll use a video and article: (this article has the video embedded as well if you want to go straight to this)

    I've tried all sorts of complex things involving the Advanced Camera Plugin. My most recent attempt was to try to use a "window" method like is mentioned in the linked article. In theory, when the player pushes up against a box around him, the window scrolls appropiately, otherwise it stays still. I did this by putting a Box at the top of the screen, (there would be one at the bottom as well) then using a couple cameras and camera switching and multiple layers with sprites and things, but it gets confusing and still won't work right.

    If anyone knows how to get this to work (a camera system like in SMB3 or SMW), it would be an amazing accomplishment and immensely appreciated.

  • I kind of got something to look right, but it is more for hills rather than ramps...

  • I solved it! I thought I would have to tell the sprite to change size for the animation, otherwise it would squish the 128x64 frames into the 64x64 sprite size. Nope. Construct does all the work of extending the sprite itself! It is amazing how much Construct does for you...

  • Ah, I understand now. I misunderstood how Hotspots worked. Thanks for clearing that up.

    As for the 302x302 sprite. When I resized him in Photoshop his sprite had less detail then having Construct scale it (don't know how that happened), so for early development I kept it at original resolution, but I know what you mean. I'll resize it. VRAM builds up quick...

    Edit:, I didn't misunderstand before. My Hotspot needs to be in the center for Auto Mirror to look right, but needs to be at X=0 when I resize, so I think I need to temporarily switch hotspots just during the resize so all the extra width goes on the right side of the sprite rather than being split on each side (when it is split on each side, it looks like you moved all of a sudden). I'll work on this more tomorrow. Being tired=terrible game development.

  • I have a 64x64 sprite (actually scaling from 302x302) and for a certain animation, the sprite stretches out part of his body to hit an enemy. The frames for this attack animation would be 64x128 because the sprite is actually bigger just during those animations. I tried temporarily making the sprite 64x128, but since my pivot point was in the middle of my sprite, it added the extra width onto both sides (32 pixels on each side rather than 64 pixels in the direction he's facing) and made it look weird. I tried making the canvases on all my animations bigger, but since my pivot point was still where it was when it was just 64x64 rather than in the new center of the image, it wouldn't flip right.

    So basically, I keep failing at this. Is there an easy way to use my 64x128 animation with my normally 64x64 sprite without making it look like the sprite moved or anything, just extended? Imagine a 64x64 box shooting out a 64 pixel width arm and punching an enemy. That is essentially what my sprite is doing.

    Note: The only idea I have left is to use 64x256 (64 in the middle for the regular sprite, then 64 on each side for the attack animation for each direction) images and do the facing left and facing right images for all my animations myself rather than Auto Mirroring.

    Edit: Okay, I tried the above and it insanely raises the VRAM. It went from about 20 MB to almost 75 MB...

  • Which version of Construct are you using? I'm using 0.99.82

  • I know this is an old topic, but, just to be clear, Freeware (like the Construct object which is GPL already) means there is no limitation on my use of it, correct? I can use it in a game for commercial purposes?

  • Thanks, that .cap is very helpful. I should be able to get it just right now.

  • I uploaded the .cap here:

    The file has an explanation in it via text objects.

  • A demonstration of a possible problem with the 3D Box object.


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  • This is unrelated to scrolling (that works fine for me in the newest version). This is where only 3D boxes overlapping or contained in the original screen resolution (the outlined area starting from 0,0) are visible. I have a .cap that demonstrates it. Is there a way to attach it to my post, or do I need to use an upload site?

  • Sorry about the completely stupid way I've been going about getting help. I also realize I'm explaining this poorly. I can do Jump Sustain and Double Jump with the Platform Behavior. They work, but they can't be controlled well enough (for me specificaly that is, unless I'm being stupid again), without being able to change the speed at which the jump is performed. I would like to know if there is a way I can alter how long it takes to perform the same strength (read: height) of jump. See, I want to be able to perform a jump with a set height, but do it faster than it is currently letting me. Just like there is Horizontal Speed, I want to be able to control Vertical Speed from a jump, and still be able to have the right height from the jump.

    Once again, sorry about this whole thing.

    Edit: I don't think posting a .cap will help at this point because it isn't something that is even in my game, so there's nothing to fix.

  • Yes, but that only makes sure that the top and front appear. This is the entire box.

  • Okay, I started messing with the 3D Box object, but if I spawn a box that is out of the original screen (the original 800x600 (my screen size) screen starting from [0,0]), it doesn't appear. I can interact with it, but it is invisible. If the box is overlapping the original screen, even from just how far it extends off the screen, it will show. Otherwise, nope. I am using the latest version (0.99.82) too.

    Edit: This was supposedly fixed a while ago, but I'm still having it happen just like the previous problem. It is listed on the bug tracker as closed: ... id=1003219