Mr Nice's Forum Posts

  • Construct is one the smartest IDE's ive ever seen. My only concern is performance on mobile and tablet and it's handling of large sprites, it's ongoing catch up with essential skeleton animation tools like Spriter and Dragonbones, and it's memory management.

    If it's performance was close to that of Corona SDK, it would be a beast.

    I do hope the team can cooperate with brashmonkey for C3 as i really like Spriter a lot.

  • I have been struggling with Corona sdk for some time. There is no decent IDE and i think C2 and the new 3 blows it out of the water for sheer UI and amazing event sheet development. I've been recently demoing a few C2 games on my smartphone and tablet and performance seems very good. The main reason i moved to Corona was because of it's native like performance. But in the last few years, mobiles and tablets have improved and are far more powerful.

    Unity is great but i feel it's overkill for simple 2D games and edu-tainment apps for kids.

    And so i'm close to buying myself C3 as a new years treat.

    Anyone care to share their thoughts on why they use construct over Corona or Unity

  • Hi folks!

    Some of you game devs might be interested in trying out this new FREE software. It's awesome!

    Storyboarder can help you with your game flow and those all important scene changes - especially if you're working on RPG's.

    No need to thank me. I'm Mr Nice <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

    PS i have no affiliation with this software nor it's developers.

    Go to external website:

  • That's exactly what i wanted. Many thanks for the link #99Instances2Go

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I want my player to follow mouse X Y position with an elastic delayed behavior that gives the player less accuracy but

    offers more fun and element of surprise. The delay would be about 0.3 seconds or thereabouts.

    Any feedback much appreciated thanks

  • Hi folks!

    I am working on a kids interactive Christmas book. I would like to create a few name variables and have the following system set-up if possible.

    Visitor to my website can add their child's name into a text field and download the C2 book with the custom name changes, ready for play. But i am at a loss how to achieve this once the book is compiled.

    Can anyone suggest a way to update the base C2 file externally with javascript or other. Can it be done?


  • Is dropbox secure for a website that offers free online HTML5 games for desktops and tablets?

  • It has to be a marketing stunt. You pays your $12 and get the bundle and then, maybe a few months down the road, they'll tell you that they're launching a brand new revamped engine - or possibly a monthly subscription model with all export modules included. After all, they were bought out last February for £10 million by PlayTech and they plan to release Gamemaker 2.0 for the New Year. But don't tell anyone please.

    Or maybe i'm wrong and the guys from head office Dundee have come over all philanthropic...ahem!

  • I used to enjoy using adobe Flash. In fact, i was using it in the days when Macromedia owned this great vector animation tool. With the death of Flash player on mobiles and the new kid on the block - HTML5 - i am viewing C2 as possibly a replacement. While there are other HTML5 animators out there, i am looking for an easy to use toolset that offers interactivity and nothing seems to compare to Construct 2. Flash Pro CC is a powerful beast and can export the animations to HTML5, but apart from being expensive, it requires javascript expertise to convert flash interactivity and game logic to the same HTML5 movie.

    But i am looking to use C2 more for entertaining interactive user experiences that are playable on all devices - think Powerpoint on Steroids - rather than just 2D platform games.

    I would like some feedback from anyone who might be using C2 in a non-game role or if you're an ex Flash user.

  • Work out the game using nothing more than pieces of paper and pencils or biros. Plenty of iterations are required as you progress because ideas evolve. And so you will need some kind of fencing to stop yourself evolving ever better ideas forever. Keep it simple and use simple graphics for the prototyping. Don't get hung up on the artwork until you have the game logic and mechanics sorted out. Build up the game and ensure all is rock solid and then start pruning back on the non essentials and then prune some more. Be like Michelangelo starting with a huge lump of carrara stone and start chiseling. Eventually you'll have a nice little game. And remember, amazing artwork will not save a crap game and an amazing game will only ever need simple but professional graphics: look at Don't Touch the Spikes as a lesson in simplicity of game concept and simplicity of visual style. It looks like you could have come up with that game one Sunday afternoon. But you didn't because you were sweating the details - right?

  • I would like to know if it's possible to create a Peg Puzzle with the same type of behaviours as in this Demo video


    Being able to drag the pieces from the side panel and allow them to snap into place from within say 35px and then animate the sprite, so far eludes me.

    I would be most grateful if anyone has some code hints, tutorials etc to point me too.


  • I would like to know if i could use C2 to create Brandable games & Interactive Gamification pages for companies etc.

    Clients would view demos online and buy the rights to use the product(s) on their websites / microsites.

    I am aware this could be a tricky river to cross with regards to Scirra copyright and licensing which is why i am also viewing Phaser io if this is not possible with C2.


  • I would like to see tweening built into the core

  • As wonderful as money is, it's important not to make it your raison d'etre. There are too many developers creating rubbish heap games with the sole intention of churning them out as little cash bots using interstitial advertising etc in the hopes of getting rich. The actual game is considered a by-product of a stealth advertising strategy for the app stores. This is highly damaging and has an equivalent offender on the Amazon Kindle store where thousands of wannabe get-rich-quick authors publish sub-standard ebooks with awful DIY illustrations, dire stories and worse, all because they think that if their crap ebook can generate $1 a day, then they deduce that 100 crap ebooks could bring in $100 a day.

    The genuine game developers always shine through, even if they don't create the next top 100 Appstore title.

    Design and develop games because you love creating amazing fun gaming experiences and not because you want to emulate the Flappy Birds financial success.

    If you enjoy statistics and money more than game development, you might as well give up now. The vast majority of solo / indie game developers won't make an annual income that exceeds what you'd earn flipping burgers in McDonalds.

    Alternatively, stuff the money and just make the next best game because you want to. If it's a financial success, then that's an added bonus.

  • How can Google do this? They're also gonna cause big problems for the Unity Player mid 2015 too.

    As you said Ashley, all HTML5 games are affected and i know that Gamemaker are also having to modify their HTML5 exporter