mollaq's Forum Posts

  • Hi

    my iOS game Mr. Dot in January was in the "Best New Game: Update" on the Appstore, on that month I reached 70,000 downloads!

    Actually my game is on the "Made in Italy" section.

  • I confirm that with r198

    my game Mr. Dot run a little bit smooth

    I really appreciate this!


  • Many Thanks!

    I hope this helps others developers and I hope others developers helps Ludei to discover and fix this!

    thanks again

  • This is the reply of Ludei Team:


    Thanks a lot for the report. We have already fixed this issue. We have banned that id. Every time someone tries to purchase this product, the transaction will fail. Please, let us know if you still find strange product ids and we will do our best for helping you. We will try to figure out a better solution for the future, as there might exist plenty of these ids. We will inform you all as soon as the decision is made.


    If someone have strange Products ID on yours transaction's page please send it to Ludei this way they can fix on they server!

  • I know there are pirates that could hacking our works but if ludei can do something (on them server) to block that practice is better for all us....

    I read the article on the blog (that I posted first) and they write that you can block the product ID not genuine on the server side:


    So I ask if also in yours transaction page there are this strange product ID

    and I hope that ludei Team can block this pirate product.

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  • goodmornig I have a iOS game Mr. Dot made with Construct 2 and in this game I have 2 iAP working fine with Ludei server (managed mode).

    I noticed that on my transaction's page on ludei cloud compiling site there are a hundreds of:


    this is an image of my transaction page: ... MPj3-3-qCg

    Now I noticed that these strange transactions are added every day, especially on days when the game is downloaded many times!

    intrigued I did some research and found this blog where we talk about this, The article ends with this sentence:

    "Then check if the product_id is your genuine product or not. If not, just cancel it out. The most famous spoofed product id is :


    If you encounter any product ID apart from your own, then simply block them. They are not genuine at all!"

    link of the blog: ... er1-hacks/

    I ask the ludei Team if they can investigate this and if they can solve this.

    and ask others developer if they can check their transaction page and see if they have that string.

    I wait for reply


  • ludei Great News!!!


  • I don't Know why I have high impressions and high fillrate but so poor gain....

    this is a explicative image of my AdMob:

    what mean Impression CRT and Request RPM?

    I have these two value at 0! why?

    p.s. I use MoPub on CocoonJS

  • I'm very very confused.....

    there is not a mathematical formula that gives the resulting of what should be the gain compared to the impressions???

    why all is so aleatory???

  • Hi to all Constructor

    Finally I release my game Mr. Dot on PlayStore!!!

    for the uninitiated, this game was released a few months ago on the AppStore, and by yesterday is also available for Android device!

    Mr. Dot is a retro 8-bit style game following Mr. Dot on his mission to rescue his lovely wife who has been swept away into the grey box land while walking their dog. You play as Mr. Dot in a endless runner type world where you must avoid obstacles, jump from block to block and collect coins to advance to the next level all in a very small amount of time.

    The time limit per level is what makes this game especially challenging. Because your character loops back to the beginning you could easily beat any level if you had enough time… But with a limited time you really only have one shot to do it right, and even then it can feel like a tight squeeze. And when the buzzer starts counting down your final three seconds you had better find a clock to add five seconds or be at the finish line.

    Here the link of the PlayStore: ... dios.mrdot

    and Here the link of the AppleStore: ... 45104&mt=8

    Give me your advice!

    Thanks to all

  • Hi to all.

    few days ago an important update of my iOS game Mr. Dot was published, I put on my game AdMob banner.

    in 6 days I have totalized 35400 impressions!

    I think this is a big amount of impressions.... but only 0,36 € of gain.... it is normal???

    is my first time with Advertising banner...and I don't know if something is wrong or is normal!

    I put an image of my dashboard of AdMob

    I look your considerations


  • Hi vitorfgd

    search on the c2runtime.js file

    "img_["cocoonLazyLoad"] = true;"

    and set the value to false

    this will disable lazy loading

  • Hi

    I try also to compile my game Mr. DOT and run under CJS Webview+ and the game run fast! really smooth!

    In my game there aren't soundtrack but there are some sound fx (like jump sound, pickup sound ecc..) and all work fine.

    But I notice one issue....

    in some parts of the tiled background I see some transparent edges, like lines that break the continuity of the tiled backdround....

    I usually use the Linear sampling on the C2 setting and on Canvas+ all tiled backgraound are good, but in Webview+ there is that issue!

    I try also to use point sampling but the edge of the tiled background are always with that strange 1 px lines on some edges.

    You noticed this issue on webview+???+

    Or others noticed this?

  • Thanks nicmar I really appreciate your congratulation.

    Really I don't know why my game is so popular in Russia or in Mauritius.....

    also in Germany my game was downloaded 8000 times!

    I know that on the iphone 4 Mr. Dot has a terrible performance but is normal, the hardware of that device is too old,

    I had some issue with IAP and cocoonjs plugin, my game was rejected 3 times by apple reviewer, at the end Ludei team solve this issue and my game was approved, now all work fine also IAP and Restore Purchase.

    Now I'm curious to see your game....tell me when it will be avaible.

    P.S. Yes is possible to get all the coins of the level 5........there is a little trick..... try to jump ahead of the second small platform and let Mr. Dot to fall down over the coins....

  • Hi matrixreal

    at the end on my iOS game Mr. Dot I use CocoonJs open source plugin and Ludei Compile server.

    if you want to see my game work find it on the apple store.