mollaq's Forum Posts

  • I re-send the game to apple and now it's waiting for review....

    I used the last CocoonJS plugin "restore purchase" version downloaded from this page: ... -purchases

    I waiting and see what happen....


    My game was rejected for the third time!!!!

    Same issue, this is the answer of the apple team:

    "We still found that your In-App Purchase product/s exhibited one or more bugs, when reviewed on iPad Air running iOS 7.1.2, on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

    We were unable to purchase your more lives IAP. Tapping on the "BUY" button does not function."

    They say to me to reproduce the issue....but I can't reproduce it because in sandbox mode all IAP works great!

    at this point I wait the solution of the Ludei Team.

  • 1 News:

    KLAUS answer to my question on LUDEI support portal, He is a ludei's user that few months ago had the same problem and He solved that IAP problem.

    here's the answer:

    ""As I wrote before: do not use managed mode! Try it simple. And store any verified purchase by yourself.

    CocoonJS.Store.onProductPurchaseVerificationRequestReceived.addEventListener(function (productId, data) {

    // only use productId, ignore data

    // will be called during purchase and during restore


    You will not need onProductPurchaseCompleted, since it is only called in managed mode.

    maybe that helps""

    if you want to get in the discussion follow this link: ... cale=en-us

    Maybe He can help us.

  • Thank's TheWyrm now I Know the difference.

    Infact I does a try, changing a little bit of my construct2 event, and I compiled my game in sandbox mode enabled, sending to Ludei cloud compiler and test my game with xcode 6 beta 5 on my real device.....

    all IAP works perfectly also restore purchase button work great....

    but the most frustrating for me is there isn't control when I disable the sandbox mode and send to the Apple for approval....

    they reject puntually the game with the generic answer "the IAP don't work".....but what??? how can I try to correct an issue if I can't try to reproduce the error and I can't try to simulate a real transaction with my game???

    They say (Apple team) that if IAP works in sandbox environment then it works also in real purchase...... but in reality it is not so!!!!

    and then what should we do?

  • gonzdevour and TheWyrm

    you know the difference between the two action of cocoonjs plugin "on purchase completed" and "Is product purchased"?

    has someone tried to test the game in "unmanaged" mode, sandbox mode enabled, and change the events with the action "is product purchased"?

  • Here another interesting discussion about IAP on the Ludei Dev Portal: ... cale=en-us

    seems that IAP Store Mode MANAGED not working

    and this is the part that I think is interesting:

    "Our app has been finally accepted by Apple, because we switched mode to 'unmanaged' and wrote our own implementation of receipt validation. Managed mode still does not work.

    I treat this solution as a workaround and we'd rather use managed mode if only it worked properly."

    Now I ask.... there is someone that know how to do to make a working IAP with UNMANAGED mode?

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  • Hi Mat,

    where did you find the var

    "var isTestMode = false;" ?

    in the file c2runtime.js that create construct2 when export the game?

  • OK its probably a Ludei issue.....

    and its probably a issue of ludei server that don't manage IAP, infact I found a discussion on the ludei dev portal that I link here: ... cale=en-us

    and this is the part that I think is interesting:

    "second - I fixed the purchasing process (by a workarround)

    This might help others:

    You do NOT want to use „managed“ mode! Just implement the onProductPurchaseVerificationRequestReceived, take the productId and store it somewhere on your own with localstorage (implement some security, so that the storage cannot be manipulated).

    That will save you a lot of troubles!


    There are server errors on the ludei backend

    You won’t get restorePurchases to work properly, because you will not receive a proper purchase item

    I cannot post more infos right now - this is too complex to write."

    At this point I think we should try to set Store Modo UNMANAGED...

    but I do not know how to follow the steps described above....

  • No I only send the game to the apple store....

    Now are 2 days that I send the binary to the apple store for reviewing...I also will write here if my app pass the check and will be approved.

    how do you set the setting of cocoonjs plugin in construct2?

    I set the store mode MANAGED

    and I set the store sandbox to DISABLED

    and you?

    you had used the cocoonjs object in your construct2 game? or you used the cocoonjs opensource plugin?

  • Here the answer of ludei team:

    "You can double check if the xcode project that you use to generate the ipa has the sandbox mode disabled. Maybe you'd try to open the project (right-click on the xcodeproj file and select "Show package contents". Head to the folder appData/game and double check that the code has the proper flag set"

    there is a button or procedure in xcode to disable the sandbox mode???

    I only know that on the setting of the cocoonjs plugin in construct2 program I can disable this true?

  • thanks but my problem is that my game was two time rejected for the same reason.... my IAP don't work! (the apple's person that controls my game says that tapping on buy button nothing happens!)

    but when I test my IAP on my iphone (in sandboxmode enabled) all works fine.....

    you have a consumable IAP that work?

    your game was approved on the apple store?

  • Hi to all,

    is already the second time that apple reject my game for the same reason!

    they try to buy "continue to the same level" iap (tap the buy button) and they write to me that does not work!

    Before to send my binary on itunes connect I tried my IAP on the sandbox enviroment (store sandbox enabled on Cocoonjs plugin) with my test apple account and all works I switch to store sandbox disabled, export to cocoonjs, compile the project and send the binary to

    itunes connect via xcode.....

    I waited a week before they reviwed my game and the response was "Rejected" for the same reason, they can't buy my in-app purchase!!!!

    At this point I do not know what to do....

    in test mode with test account all iap works fine on my iphone and ipad but when i disable the sandbox mode and send the app to apple for review this is regularly rejected!

    I ask if anyone has the same problems like me....

    I write for completeness that:

    • I have 2 in-App purchases (1 consumable and 1 unconsumable)
    • the first time I used the IAP plugin from construct 2 (and the iap works in test-mode but don't work for real purchase)
    • Now I used the CocoonJS plugin (the plugin that is integrated in construct 2, not the beta plugin opensource)
    • I set the store mode MANAGED
    • I set the store sandbox to DISABLED

    is there anyone who has managed to put its application on the apple store with the iap working?

    thank's in advance

  • Hi Irina I submit today my app and I've received the same email by apple.....

    (I use cocoonjs too)

    I would like to know if at the end your app was rejected or no....

    I red on other forum that this issue is only a "warning" apple don't reject the app affected by this problem, it is true?

  • aquinn

    Confirm that with IAP plugin and Ejecta Restore Purchases working well

    you are right when I launch the game using ejecta with xcode 6 (or Xcode 5.1) there are 11 "warning" but at the end the game run on my iphone 5c.

    I've noticed a lot of errors with Xcode 6 (or xcode 5.1) if I don't enable WEBGL on construct2 game settings, in addition on the xcode on the "capabilities" tab I must switch ON the "GAME CENTER" service and on the "IN-APP PURCHASE" service......

    also If I don't have the game center service on my game I must put it ON on the xcode otherwise the game not start (cause errors when i try to launch the game)....I don't know why, but I think this cause the login request at the game startup.

  • Hi,

    with IAP plugin of Construct 2 and exporting for Cocoon all work well, also restore purchases.

    I tested, few days ago, also Ejecta and with IAP plugin (not ejecta plugin) for construct2 and export to ejecta, all my purchases work well (consumable and not), but I didn't test restore purchases with ejecta.

    If you want I can test restore purchase with ejecta.... and say to you if work or not.