moiremusic's Forum Posts

  • What's the proper method to make one object the child of another and inherit its transforms?

    For instance, to have a player sprite pick up an object sprite (let's a say a hat), and the object sprite stays in the same relative position to the player sprite (and ideally the hat scales with the player, if necessary).

  • Thanks LittleStain! I think you meant < and not >, but it works great!

  • How would I compare the Y values of two sprites? I want Sprite 1 to behave in a certain way when it is within a certain number of pixels of Sprite 2's Y position on screen.

  • So each of these events is checking at a different point outside the player's collision volume for an overlap?

  • I just don't get it. I can't get this to work. Can someone check this? capx

  • Ah, I didn't realize that "is not Is Overlapping" would trigger an event! And it doesn't need to be done on every tick?

    Also, I fixed the sharing on that capx, so it should be downloadable now.

  • Very simplified version of what I'm seeing: capx

  • "Is overlapping" doesn't seem to do anything. Do collision volumes overlap? Isn't the point of collision to keep them from overlapping?

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  • Say I wanted to change the opacity of a sprite (or whatever) for the duration that it was colliding with another sprite? I get that I can used the "On collision with" condition, but I don't see a "while colliding with" or "when collision ends" condition. I'm sure I'm missing some basic theory here.

  • I have, but there's nothing particularly abnormal about them:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hey, thanks! I had no idea the answer would be so simple.

  • So I have some sprites with collision volumes, and you can move a character around and bump into the NPCs... but something feels off about the collision. It just feels kind of "sticky". I get into situations where it seems like I should be sliding across another collision volume, but I get stuck and have to back out of it first. Anyone else feel this? Try my capx to see what I mean.

  • So I'm trying to set up a faked 3D game where players and NPCs are sorted based on their Y value on screen. Something like this:

    <img src="" border="0">

    What is the best general way to go about this? Having trouble figuring out how to build events to sort everyone. Capx download here.

  • Wow, good catch. This is great!

  • I've set up the events like they are in your image... rotating and fixedangle are instance variables of the Rings family, and pickedinstance is a global variable. Still something is wrong though. No spinning. Will have to jump back into it later tonight. If you want to take a look:

    Edit: one thought... the Touch events aren't limited to touchscreen inputs, are they? Because I'm just testing with a mouse with a non touch-screen monitor in a browser.