moiremusic's Forum Posts

  • Just a bit lost here... what type of variable is pickedinstance and what object is it a variable of?

  • Thanks, mindfaQ. I'll start digging into this.

    Yeah, I knew performance would be an issue. I was just prototyping for now. Your idea of sort of manually mipmapping these sprites might work well, though.

  • I currently have a project that is creating and scaling concentric rings so they look like they are moving out towards the edge of the screen:

    Viewable on the web:

    Capx download:

    Where would I need to start to be able to spin these rings individually with a mouse? (eventually with a finger, but I'm not there yet)... They are each a simple png with alpha transparency.

    Also, an acceptable answer is: "hey pal, you're fundamentally doing this the wrong way."

  • Wow, I did an awful job of explaining this beforehand. I'm periodically creating randomly colored rings that scale up until they are off of the screen (or, technically, until they reach full resolution). It currently looks something like this, with each ring scaling up over time, appearing to move outward:

    Viewable on the web:

    Anyway, it's working satisfactorily right now.

  • Thanks, everyone. I ended up using what sinneruy posted in hisother thread:

    system compare two values - normal height > sprite.height

    -- Sprite set height to sprite.height+1

    system compare two values - normal width > sprite.width

    -- Sprite set width to sprite.width+1

    Ofcourse you should define the values for normal width and normal height

    Except I changed the expression from sprite.height+1 to self.height*1.005, so the rings' speed increased as it got closer to the edge of the screen. This way the rings stayed adjacent to each other instead of forming gaps between them.

    I'm not sure yet how to post a .capx that includes the art. When I figure that out I'll post it so that makes more sense.

  • I'll try that next. Was working on my laptop when this happened, and I'm not seeing the problem on my desktop with the same project. Definitely a computer-specific problem.

  • Thanks mrPeanut. Should my action be "Set size to"? So the event looks like:

    System > Every 10 seconds > Sprite > Set size to (Self.Width*0.01, Self.Height*0.01)

  • I need to create a sprite and scale it over time. Ideally it would be created at 1% and scale to 100% in about ten seconds or so. Any ideas where to start?

  • Hm. This does see to be a preview problem only. The art is scaled correctly when I run the project.

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  • I have a piece of art that is a ring of color just inside the art's borders. When I load it into the Edit:Image window, the edges of the art seem tight to the ring, and the origin is centered as expected. But once I drop it into my layout, the selectable area is 4 times larger than what I expected, and the origin is very far off from what I saw in the previous window. What is happening here?

    <img src="" border="0" />