Miu3's Forum Posts

  • Hello, I was wondering if the next update version could have a small function in resizing the image.

    What I have in mind is that when you open the "resize image canvas", I personaly would like to see for example a check box with "Apply to multiple frames" that could be used to tell the program to effect all the frames with the one function.

    This would be nice for speeding up the workflow when I have a bunch of animated frames and I want them in high quality like in png rather than gif and resising them separately can be very time consuming.


  • On what will the entry be judged to get the first price?

  • Bee game WIP

    It tog me some while but it works more or lees the way I want.

    The graphic is sketchy till I get the remaining events done.

    Sofar it got:

    -Player following the mouse arrow with "bullet" behavour (couldnt figure out yet how to manipulate with speedup and slowing down, depending on distance)

    -Physic object joint to player (moust tricky in my opinion)

    -Animated objects that are randomly spawned on X-axis+ "wait" action before they fall (is there a posibility to add individual gravity or something? Also, personaly I prefer if the "resize image canvas had "Stretch" first and not "Align top-left")

    -Time limit with global variable that destroys and pauses the game after reaching 0


    I probably picked a boring gameplay type but I find it worth for learning and practice :P

  • Would this maybe help?

    Its more or leess a WIP but I think it has what youre looking for.

    platform animated movement

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  • Im not sure how to describe this problem but I think it is a bug.

    I was basicaly working on basic animated platform movement.

    After I reopened the save project,it started to work incorrectly especialy when I was writing notes...

    Removing notes doesnt fix it so there must be something else.

    <img src="http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h314/Miu3/erroeWhenOpening.jpg" border="0">

    This shows when I open the file

    <img src="http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h314/Miu3/errorinfirefoxTest.jpg" border="0">

    This shows when I try to preview in firefox


    Sorry if it was already posted,Im still a noob in this...

  • Thankyou ^^

    I paid now for the standard version and Im wayting for the email.

    Im so looking foward for all the nice news <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello

    If Ill get the Early Adopter now, will I later still get new features and upgrades, since its still under development?

  • Oooooh my, Iam so blind and dump... there is actualy a texture folder that opens the picture editor for importing the texture.

    It works now fine, thankyou verry much for the help

  • Did you add the texture file?

    I borowed from chrisbrobs one of hes examples and cleaned all seemingly unnecesary functions.

    When I type in the path of other existing object, it works.

    But when I make a new 3D object even in this file and put the same path of the same 3D model that also has a texture then it doesnt works.

    I cant seem to find in construct anything about texture for the model eather.


    Sorry for the trouble, I really try my best to find the ansvers myself before i go ask but this one got me lost ^^;

  • I have been now looking trough many topics to find the answer but cant seem to find anything that could help me solve this problem...

    So yeah, i tried newly out the nice examples from this topic

    It seems the main thing is to shoose the right path of the model in the properties after inserting the 3D object.

    Now heres the problem, I make a new 3D object to recreate the same object with the visible 3D model in construct.

    I put the same path for the model, but it wont show up...

    Is this a bug, or do I have to download a missing addon to make it work?

  • These examples are really great, but when i try to import a new 3D object, it wont show up...

    Could you help me please and tell how to make the object visible?

  • newton : Count me out ,I don't want to Contribute anything anymore.Im only getting insults when i try to give an opinion about something on these forums.Some even told me that im stupid and know nothing about Construct.Well i have been doing programming and indie games for over 10 years now so Construct is a synch to work with.I even made plugin's for Construct which i will never release because of these insults i get.

    They think it's funny to insult people and calling them trolls etc.I have never experienced this on other indie forum's.Sorry for dropping you this way , But i don't want to do anything when im being insulted this way.

    They will probably have something clever to say about this now.I tried to redeem myself of the past mistakes i made on these forum's but they just cannot seem to let the past go.

    Once again , I am truly sorry.

    Regards : DravenX

    Seriously? Sorry but dude, this is internet.

    Youll always find morons (like meee) who will disagree with you or will behave unfriendly. Dont get whiny, laugh about it

    Anyway, is it ok to post in this construct forum own made tutorials?

    I would like to share one day the experiences that i learned for making games :3

  • I voted for the last one as i find online games to be big in gaming and its always funn to play with random ppl.

    It would be neat to be able to make games like this one http://www.pixeljam.com/dinorun/

    As for the license... where you get that from?

    Sorry, but personaly im againts these extra dealings.

    I rather pay a license right on begining Once.

    I dont think it will ever reach the point of where the programer gets money of sold games over 50 000 when theres no official game made and such deal can turn off many potential game makers before they even begin to try using it.

    Thats atleast one of the reason why i avoid to even look at that Unreal engine XD;

    I mean, can you atleast explain how that specific % of the bill is suposed to be paid?

  • OMG i didnt knew construct can actualy import 3D models... i though all it can do is make 3D boxes! Lovely demo by the way, thankyou for sharing

  • How about including these examples from here?


    I think it got lots of new ones but im not sure. The website is in russia but the files are named english