Miu3's Forum Posts

  • This example is rather more advanced and just one of ways how to make the enemy patrol in its own horizontal zone and got a sight effect that responds by imitating the seeing of player in specific distance and takes actions by it.

    I hope its not too difficult to understand ^^;

    Note: No variables used.

    Sudgestions and examples with other ideas for this topic are welcome!

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -Enemy with bullet behavour patroling in its own horizontal, customizable patrol zone

    -Enemy chasing player on sight

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/Enemy%20Patrol.zip

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  • This time Iam the one who needs help lol

    what i try to do here is a patroling platform enemy with a vision area that when the player overlaps,the enemy will start chase the player, but only inside its patroling zone.

    Sofar i got nearest to what i desire by using sprites for making the distance because playing with the system distance caused too much trouble....

    Now heres what I need, I got two same enemies set up in their own patrol zone whos share same events and actions.

    I need the enemy to ignore chasing actions when the other one spots the player so I can use this to create a level full of enemies with their own patrol zones.

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/PatrolNeedHelp.zip

  • Ingenious. I've been looking for a good way to do this, this is great as it snaps the player to the edge... all that's missing is a smooth transition from freefall to the snapped location.

    Hm if I understand right, you can try add action "system wayt 0.1" in the first event as first action.

    It is a really small detail but it gives the player time to move closer to the "Overlaper" before it snaps.

    Sofar i didnt came up with other solution to this yet ^^;

  • Iiii dint really quite saw any example of this so I though ill share an example of jumping in air.

    Sudgestions and examples with other ideas for this topic are welcome!

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -performing doublejump once everytime the player is in air with Global variable

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/DoubleJump.zip

  • Yes, another example I made wich I hope doesnt start to get on nerwes to some ppl ^^;

    This example does that so called "Mario jumping" after the player kills the enemy plus a enemy spawner that creates enemies wich move to the edge like lemmings lol

    Sudgestions and examples with other ideas for this topic are welcome!

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -Enemy spawner that spawns every 5 seconds an enemy

    -Enemy with bullet behavour, completely made in events

    -Player with platform behavour that kills enemy by jumping over it and then performs a jump from it

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/EnemieJumpKillSpawn.zip

  • This is a simple example where I used the "Pin" behavour to give the player an effect of grabbing to something.

    Sudgestions and examples with other ideas for this topic are welcome!

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -Grabing on objects with pin behavour

    -Releasing the grabed object with "jump" button that makes a jump effect and "down" button to fall off the grabed object

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/EdgeGrab.zip


    EDIT: i made one small additional change in event3 to prevent the player droop rapidly

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/EdgeGrabFix.zip


    EXAMPLE2: In this example are basicaly familiar events and actions used to perform attach to the wall and jump away in oposite direction.

    Example contains:

    -Grabing on side of wall

    -Releasing the wall with jump to oposite side of the wall

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/WallAttachJumpOff.zip



    heres a lil more advanced with animation

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/advclimb.capx

  • You forgot to set Platform behavours Default control to NO in second layout hun

  • This is rather an example I came up with today while learning for making Platform games.

    Sudgestions and examples with other ideas for this topic are welcome!

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -Character can jump trough and land on platform object

    -By pressing down the player drops down trough the platform

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/JumpTroughPlatform65.zip

    Sorry if there was already a solution made

  • I wouldnt even bother trying to contact them since what you wanna make is a fan made game and finding contact to the original owner is almoust imposible in the first place.

    I would just put in credits "zig and sharko (c) Xilam Animations" and there you go.

    But you can try contact them if you can, I just see no reason to spend time on such thing for a non profit fan game.

  • These are definitely good ideas to make what I have in mind.

    Ill definitely gonna try and examples would definitely be moust apreseated :)


  • Thankyou very much for this example!

    It is definitely also a good way to create swimming behavour, allthough I noticed a glitch where the playier jumps out and remains in swimming mode while in air...

    The reason why I want to change the player from platform to 8 direction mode is to get more control in movement and not be influenced by things like gravity.

  • EDIT: Well I was playing today with this challenge and came up with a solution thanks to few comments to give me the right idea.

    So heres one solution i came up with

    Example contains:

    -Basic description in eventsheet

    -Combination of two player sprites with platform and 8dirrection behavour

    -Immitation of swimming with jumping out effect

    -Very basic animation sprite effected by player movement

    File: dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/SwimmBehavour.zip



    What Id like to do is a platform game where by overlaping the water area, the players "Platform" behavour would change into "8direction" behavour to imitate swimming.

    The way I understanded it, is the Ignore input suposed to be used for what I plan.


    -Platform behavour wont jump

    -When overlaping the water area, player does change into 8 dirrection but sinks to the botom

    Illustrated Plan:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5214903/GM/LetsGoSWIMM/swimmingPlan.jpg" border="0" />



  • Thats okay, thanks for the efford

  • Sooooo in otherwords you want in this topic let ppl share sprites that others can freely use for their own project?

  • Yes, but that effects only one frame of the whole animation.

    The idea is to give an option to apply to all frames at once so I dont need to resize each frame individualy.

    And as I know,resizing the sprite in layaout stores the original size in image editor wich migh slow down the game.