mist's Forum Posts

  • Not sure i understand what you mean, it bounces forever never coming to a stop.

    I just want the sprite to move down the screen, bounce and then stop.

    Or fail that just move down and stop.

    There must be something i'm missing..

    Edit: Ok i managed to make the sprite fall down by adding the "platform" behaviour and i can make it stop by hitting another sprite, now, is there a way i can make it bounce up a few times before settiling down?

  • Brilliant! Thank you so much.. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • How can i pin a sprite to another?

    The goal: To have a wooden sign drop into frame with the games logo pinned to it.

    I know i could do this in photoshop but i have some behaviours attached to my logo i want to retain.

    Currently the logo sprite does not come down with the sign, it is not pinned to it.

    This is how my event looks at present.

    <img src="http://s7.postimg.org/e3nw4zfwr/Capture.png" border="0" />

  • So it's not possible to have an item fall and then just stop or bounce off a solid it encounters and stop by using the "Bullet" behaviour?

  • Hi,

    I'm getting this error message every time i test in the browser (Chrome)

    <img src="http://s1.postimg.org/gp54oro9b/Capture.png" border="0" />

    Running version R161

    I can click it away and the game tests just fine but just wondering what this means if anyone knows.

  • Close; bullet, and set the sprite angel to 90, speed to ___.[/QUOTE > > Close; bullet, and set the sprite angel to 90, speed to ___. > > "Close" Where is this option and what is it's function? > > Currently the sprite passes through objects on the same layer even though i have them set as "Soild" unless i set my falling sprite to "Bounce off solid objects" but then it bounces non stop. > > Can i have it bounce a few times and then come to a complete stop? > > Is this what the "Close" will do?]

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  • Hi,

    What is the best practice to achieve the effect of sprites and other objects falling or dropping into the layout?

    Would it be to give the object a bullet behaviour and set it's gravity level to a high value?

    Or is there another prefered method?

  • Thanks, it's all sorted now.

  • Wow! I need sleep badly!

    Thanks muchly.. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Are particles handled differently in this release? R161

    I have not slept in two days for reasons i won't go into but i could swear they were added as a behaviour?


    Am i going mad because i can't find where to add particles for the life of me..LOL

  • I purchased a licence a few hours ago but did not receive my redemption code or e-mails from SCIRRA.

    I have e-mailed as per your instructions in the FAQ but still nothing.

  • Thank you.. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi,

    I was just wondering when i purchase my licence if i will be able to open open and resume working on projects i have started while using the free version?

  • Thanks

  • I have not purchased my licence yet, maybe that maked a difference? Also running the Beta R161 release.