miketolsa's Forum Posts

  • Yup the updated version works better just have to figure out as how to stack more cubes on one base cube ..... like in example we can one cube on top ......

    still trying to figure it out ..... dammn its not that easy ....

  • purplemonkey this is really awesome !!!

    would learn a lot from this example ......

  • could you provide a sample file if possible ......

    Also if you are using a isometric board then you can't rotate the board in 3d ? so is that possible in 2d, I mean like the way you did ?

  • Hi QuaziGNRLnose,

    I am trying to build something like as in here - threejs.org/examples/webgl_inter ... inter.html

    I understood that I have to use the Q3Draycaster for this and tried working my way with the plugin. I have looked at the example of Raycaster and viewports.capx in this regard.

    However, I am stuck with some basic questions like -

    1. how do I pickup the cube and limit the cube movement in 3d axis while moving it only the grid.

    2. how to move it step by step on the grid in x or y directions (exactly into the square positions) along the grid

    3. Should I make the grid a Q3DModel object having one single object OR multiple square Q3DModel objects connected together?

    4. How can I place the cube only on top ( if there is a cube already at the bottom) etc., To do this, would I need to use collision testing feature as well?

    5. I think I can pick up the cube using the 2 conditions - Q3DViewport projection point in frame to mouse co-ordinates and Q3Dviewport --> Project,pick 1st, then I see I can pick-up the cube? Then should I use Q3Draycaster to move the cube along the raycaster? If so, how can I move along the raycaster? (Also, I assume I have to position the Q3Draycaster to cameraposition.xw, cameraposition.yw, cameraPosition.zw and direct it at the highlighted cube model?)

    Do you see this as relatively easy one to build OR slightly complex? Any quick helpful pointers on how to achieve this functionality would be really helpful.

    Did you have any success with your problem as I am facing the same issue & little bit confuse as where to start ..... if you can guide me as where to begin working to create the same voxelpaint example from threejs.org ....

  • purplemonkey could you please help me with minecraft example like on as i can't figure out the example as how to make it work with q3d plugin ?

  • miketolsa

    take a look at the raycaster example for an idea of how the picking can be done. After you have a surface and point you can find the nearest grid position by using this trick (which works in 2D aswell):

    X = round(xposition/cellXsize)*cellXsize

    Y = round(yposition/cellYsize)*cellYsize

    Z = round(zposition/cellZsize)*cellZsize

    This finds the X/Y/Z of the "closest" grid cell to a specified X/Y/Z position in a non-grid coordinate

    But i tried it still can't get it working just like the minecraft example threejs.org

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  • All right, I managed to make something out of my test scene.

    Try it, dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2053779/Q3D_TEST/index.html roll a ball, collect come points and win the game.

    would it be possible to make a tutorial as how you build this game using Q3D ......

    or share the .capx file if possible so that other having problem can learn little bit .....

  • This is really a gr8 concept ......

    Keep us updated ......

    Would like to get a chance to try it someday !!!

  • You can also check out the three.js docs to get a feel for how things work in the background, since q3d uses the three.js library. threejs.org

    atleast there should a list to relate those events or behaviours to three.js commands or classes or anything like that ? or how can someone compare both of them ?

  • I just purchased the Q3D v2.4 plugin but i am trying to figure our as how to create the voxelpainting sample preview using q3d 2.4 in construct 2 ?

    Here is the link - threejs.org/examples ... xelpainter

    if someone have succeeded then let me know would help me a lot .......

    hope someone throws some light on this topic ....

  • I just purchased this awesome plugin !!!

    Have been trying to learn a lot but without any help it is a real problem .....

    As i want to make a replica of voxelpainter of threejs.org to construct 2 using this plugin ??

    threejs.org/examples ... xelpainter

    Have any one done that sucessfully !!!

    if so I would like to know how to get this done completely ?

  • is there any proper site or tutorials on youtube for this plugin ?

  • Specially this is a responsive issue .....

    I have tried to search entire forum but didn't got any answer that properly work as a solution for my problem .

    So I have made my game in landscape (its a browser based game ) but I have to make that game work on all PC, MAC, Iphone & Ipad also on other android devices ( but thats exception ) now the problem is PC & MAC works fine as thats not a issue but in IPAD & IPHONE i have to set the game with their proper aspect ratio and this is where the problem arises so how to make the same game works in browser in all the above platform ?

    So what is a proper solution for that ?

  • LittleStain Could you please explain your last statement

    I always tend to use one of the fullscreen-modes and change layer-scale and or sprites, sizes, etcetera according to the size and orientation of the window.

    As I didn't know what do you mean by sprites sizes or size or orientation ?

  • is there any trial version of this plugin .....

    Also is it possible to create a game like using 3d blocks to build a city or something like that ?

    And would it run smoothly on browser ?