Mikal's Forum Posts

  • Talking to the rubber duck (or posting to a forum) debugging always works wonders!

    Also, nice idea for a transition effect with use gradient and a tween for controlling the cutoff, I hope you post it up to the C3 addons site. I have done things that are similar (but different), for example, see my Alpha Range mask effect here,

  • GorkhsI checked it out on itch, the truck animation is really nice, fan, reflections, etc. good luck with your project. I was testing out something a little similar, but probably very different gameplay (a drone protecting a truck convoy.)

  • TheRealDannyyy I'll take a stab at testing out a Mac version.

  • Nice work, looking forward to your next steps with this.

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  • Check the browser console output for some hints, can you post what you see?

  • You can get the full firebase rex conversion with C3 support and a lot more plugins from this collection. I have used a subset of the firebase collection in C3 and it's working (mostly just itemtable section.)


  • I hope it's working for you now, how about showing some of your results?

    Here's an example of some work I did with the effect that I ported from Somebody's work on a C2 version of a normalmap effect.


  • Read this C2 tutorial (should apply similar to C3). You need to have two sprites, one basemap, and one normal map.


    Using the builtin bump map effect is described here:


  • macube

    Go to the '+' icon look to the right panel and click the '3rd party files' tab up top. At the bottom there's button for add/remove files (I think you can also drag/drop.) You can then also right click in the plugin.js edit window to add file dependencies in that file. Though for DOM scripts (I pity you, if you have to deal with DOMside scripts and worker scripts), you need to add those dependencies yourself. Great tool indeed.

  • Beyond the XML check, here's a funny thing to try:

    y = -4.65 + 49.38333*x - 143.5*x^2 + 126.6667*x^3

    Y is offset, X is scale.

    This is a curve fit to the four points you supplied :) It probably does not work, because it goes negative as you get smaller in X and get very large quickly as you get above 0.5 in X. The fact that you get smaller in offset again implies going over some kind of threshold or wrapping.

  • Just because I ran into this problem today, what's the extend border properties set to in XML, it seems to make uv non local if they are both not set to 0, so harder to deal with.

  • Can you share the latest shader code, to get more context on the problem? In C3 I would be scaling the area of the texture by 0.5, due to sprite sheets, but I though in C2, there was only one sprite/texture, so absolute values should work. With your changes to get this far, do you now have have a different scale for x,y that you need to apply to 0.5?

    Also, it would be great to have an itch.io page with your effects and templates. I would be happy to buy/donate to get access.

  • Which mobile is this on? I have found that window size for IOS actually can be double what is reported or intended. One trick to try is just doubling the window size you send down (it will look wrong in preview on PC, but may work OK for mobile, at least worth trying.)

  • It might be looking for the window resolution. You can try passing that in as parameters/uniform to the effect and setting them in events based on screen resolution. To see something similar, see the normalmap extended effect (uh didn't you create that!) which also passes in screen resolution (see forum post on it for more details and example.)

  • Check it out.


    Caution if you export and the exported version uses spritesheets with multiple sprites / texture, the results will be unpredictable, so try it out first. Basic idea is from Somebody's Skend effect.