megatronx's Forum Posts

  • You mean like wall sliding? If you're interested in an event based solution, here is one which is basically an improved "push out" that treats the player as a circle:


    I posted before your edit. Yeah that would be useful if included in 8-dir.

    Yes, your help was helpful to me too. Unfortunately I realized that to have game working a intended I need to create several types of collisions for several different families and scenarios. And t's working all okeish, but lacks precision ( which is something I'm hoping to work out later).

    Tokinsom Yes, it should be included. Just like push out of solids should be included in all movement behaviors. And as should be many other standard features, as I described in the topic moth ago. I don't buy the answer "it can be done with events", because it makes plugins obsolete.

  • These forums are great, with great helpful people. But c2 does have a lot of annoyances too, so you wont escape spending some more time with it before you guys do what you went out for.

  • C2 is just one big abstraction layer.

    That part in the Wizard of Oz where the Wizard says pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

    Whats truly surprising is that there are people that choose not to look.

    Speaking for myself, I do look behind the curtain and I do very complex things in c2. What I'm after is making those complex events less of a fiddling around and more of a flow. Right now you have to do a lot of little thing to achieve something basic, that should be included in plugins already. That's takes a lot of time. That's why I see difference between okeish and great tools. Great tool are for example cubase and photoshop. Everything there is tight and thought out, letting the creator purely focus on creativity.

  • The thing with 9patch not being able to rotate could be fixed using a plugin using just webgl.

    You see it's the part about making as many people as possible happy that gets in the way.

    Yes, but i think there shouldn't be a need for workarounds in payed software.

  • Does anyone know why in this simple pathfinding demo the black square crosses over the ends of the red object when trying to move around it?

    Does pathfinding not use the objects collision polygon?

    No it doesn't. You have to write your own push out of solid. Use search on th forums, there are topics about it.

    • Post link icon

    I will release it as soon as Ashley gives me permission to post this "unofficial" (for the moment) plugin. It should solve most steam problems

    There shouldn't be a problem in releasing it in plugins forum, as there are already quite a few modded plugins in there.

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  • The only advantage I can think of for Dictionary objects is that you can create keys ad-hoc, during runtime and as you write the event sheets without finding the object and adding the variable. I also put objects onto global layers to store game data etc between layouts. The user-definable pretty pictures for each make it easier to find them in events IMO.

    This is spot on:

    > Personally all ways are good as long as they are easy for you to use, and which ones do the job best for certain tasks.


    Thanks! I still hope that c3 will introduce variables catalog thought. It would be so much easier at organizing them, especially with how family variables don't get translated between families families, which to be completely honest could be an option. If not this option, then something else that would speed up workflow. It is all very cumbersome right now. Ashley

  • I actually think that a object with loads of variables is a good way as well as having array in a file you load trough ajax is good too. And dictionary is possibly good too, but I've barely use it, so can't really say much about it. The question is,which one is most efficient? But I don't know. Personally all ways are good as long as they are easy for you to use, and which ones do the job best for certain tasks. For example, I found it easiest to have a dedicated object with boo's for sequential procedural generation, and arrays in file for scripting ai. And again, I don't really know for what purpose I'd ever use dictionary, when all other option are all I need right now? But will find out sooner or later probably.

  • Hi,

    Is support - a plugin for steam controller planned?


  • Considering how the rate of updates has slowed, and Ashley's scarceness on the forums (except to deal with bugs), I would imagine that C3 is under heavy development at this point. Course, holidays might not be the best time to reveal the future successor to your current product.

    I'll lay my money on early 2016 for the reveal, with early adopter following a few months later.

    I hope it's gonna be good and streamlined. Hopefully backwards compatible and with fixed issues from c2. And then I'll be an early adopter.

  • Cool, I'm going to be following more tutorials and doing more tests this week in UE4. So far, some things I wanted to do seem easier in UE4. It just seems like it was designed more for the kinds of games I want to make.

    By the end of this week, I should know if I will want to work with UE4 or not.

    Let us know the details how c2 compares with it, and is it difficult to switch?

  • Do you have a capx we can evaluate? Maybe there is another approach to what you are looking for.

    Thx, but not sharing capx. And there is not any other way!

    I'd like to know if there is a way to lock mouse functions, except for position?

  • Hi,

    In my project, player holds down rmb to activate object working as cursor. Default mouse cursor is set to none on start of layout. And it all works until I release lmb, because then default cursor flashes once for a moment. And that sux! Any thoughts?

    BTW. That's in Chrome. Don't know how it works in nw yet.

  • finally i used webstorage, and store the value here like aux value and works fine.

    Thanks for your answers

    You can use dictionary instead.

  • >

    > > UE4 blueprints are really easy to comprehend (after spending some years in C2 and CC). All you need to know is to learn a different workflow of the engine like GameMode, PlayerController, PlayerCharacter etc. It took me just about a week to learn how it works and to make a simple 3d adventure game system that have doors, rooms, transitions, player interactions, camera system... UE4 is stupid easy in comparison to Unity+Playmaker. To do exactly same thing in Unity with playmaker... i gave up after 2 weeks.

    > >

    > > Like megatronx said, there's a lot of neat stuff exposed in blueprint nodes: timelines, delays, custom events, literally hundreds of different types variables (I really don't like in C2 that I can't make an array variable or simple vector2 variable to store XY - instead you need to make 2 separate number variables sic!).

    > > And everything have build in help infos and tooltips, so there's no need to dig through the help online.

    > >

    > > One thing that can be overwhelming is UE4 editor itselfs, there are a lot of buttons, options, parameters, options in options, parameters in parameters

    > >


    > Wow, so you think UE4 is easier to use than Unity+Playmaker? I should have a look at it then. I always figured it would be harder, so I never really looked at it.


    At least for me

    UE4 blueprint nodes speaks to me better and they are managed and maintain by people from UE4 who constantly makes them better and faster. They are although 10-12 times slower than pure C+ but I'm just learning and not doing another AAA game (which in most cases they should be called BDB games - Beta Dollars Bugs xD) so i don't mind.

    But i hope they will soon figure it out (which are doing all the time) how to remove VM from blueprints and then it will be the same speed as C+

    Not to discouraged or anything, you can still make games with it

    Othink it's fast enough to make an indie games. Super tight action games are rather domain of bigger studios.