MegaMente Br's Forum Posts

  • The C3 Events should looked something like this:

    ?? <-- For Trigger (that is also a condition)

    ? <-- For Condition

    ~ <-- For Action


    ?? Keyboard Pressed 'E'

    ? Player (Is Overlapping 'Door')

    ~ Player set position X:... Y:...


    Pay attention that "Player" Object Must be a Sprite Object.

    For this example, we will need 1 Sprite Object for "Player, 1 User Input Plugin named "Keyboard", and 1 Sprite or Tiled-Background or TileMap or almost anything else.

    Looks, I am not sure, but It think Sprite Object (Player) can detect collision (overlapping) from almost anything. But for more precise and custom box collision, you should use Sprite-Sprite collision... So I recommend the "Door" object to be a Sprite Object for you because you are newer here.

  • There is other free engine similar to Construct? Event-Action coding??

  • Just a tip. When you get more knowledge in C3. Using AI might help you. For example, if you may want to make a 3D ray cast for collision detection, you can ask AI on how to make it on JavaScript or a PseudoCode and try to convert it to C3 events. Maybe it could get it wrong, but sometimes it can be a workaround to make you understand the process to achieve what you need.

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  • Seems interesting. But can you destroy the ground? I mean, can you 'mine'?

    The '3d default project' is a project that I am trying to do, I thought you had the same idea.

    My objetive was to create a single project that could handle basically almost all 3D games. Practically a premade 3D engine using the plugin and C2 events.

  • Nice work bro! Is this a '3d default project'? Or are you going to build your game straight up?

    Remember that I was trying to build my own '3d default project'? I stopped for a while, a lot of things happened... But in case I decide to go try again: Did you managed to do 3D SAT collisions?

    I also can see that the top of the mountain is a bit more yellow, did you managed to do lighting too?

    P.S. did you found out how to do skybox? If don't, I may can help you, I am not good at it, but I did one quite good enough

  • Someone have the LiteTween behavior? I am planning to rebuild almost everything I did, I already did almost everything and acquired knowledge of most 3D things, I am not saying that I became an expert or sort of, I still very 'newbie' to this, but I hope I could do my project even better.

  • I'm working on 16x16 3d grid. Can't make it much larger because of floating point error on large layouts ( and I have quite big map ). Can't remember what to bias it is set, something like 0.03 maybe, best I could set. But the borders do flicker pixels. In general I did correct it to max of my possibilities. It would be nice if we could smooth it out.

    Re resolution, I had to set it to 8k, otherwise it was pretty bad.

    Can you post a picture the moment the shadow is 'flickering'?

  • > > R0J0hound Hey, i think that the shadow issue in first person is due to camera frustrum making objects behind the camera disappear. Unfortunately it is impossible to set camera near to anything lower than 0.01. Do you think you could this one little tweak? Thx


    > Whats the shadow issue?

    Two issue actually: 1. it flickers 2. It shrinks/expands/disappears depending on the viewing angle/ Now I know it is Z axis related. for shadows created at Z close to camera Z it doesn't happen. There's also a possibility that because of two sided mesh it generates two different shadows being casted from two opposing angles.

    About the flickering:

    I saw that... I didn't test, but I think that if you use rounded rotations it will be 'flikerless', what shadows map configs are you using? I think (3096; Infinty; 0.05) it's pretty good. Also, If you make your game 'higher', I mean, making your player have 300 pixels high instead of 32, for example, it might not even be noticeable.

    About the second issue:


    But... have you tried moving the light a bit and it's angle, or making the shadows bias higher a little bit?

  • R0J0hound Hey, i think that the shadow issue in first person is due to camera frustrum making objects behind the camera disappear. Unfortunately it is impossible to set camera near to anything lower than 0.01. Do you think you could this one little tweak? Thx

    Whats the shadow issue?

  • I am not feeling good.... :/// (I am just a bit upset about not knowing that before)

    Now I have to study like a month to understand how does this work! I just picked up the example you gave me but I can't even imagine how It works....

    I mean, To make it work for every mesh I will have to learn how mesh loading works and know how illumination must work FOR EVERY vertex... (I am crying internally in many different ways....)

    But anyway, thank you. I will try to see if this is easier rather than sync a 2D object with a 3D object.

  • Hold on a minute, it's atually possible to add ambient shadows? Is that what 'vertex color' stands for?

    BRUUUUHhhhhh.... I might get all the work back again :((((

    I really want that

  • How is it going?

    I decided to have some days off the project, it was really stressing me a bit. I might get back into working on it soon...

    And you? Did you figure out how to use Paster correctly?

  • I tried doing what you said and now I am getting at maximum 20.000 collisions checks, I thinks this might be better :D

    Unfortunately, after a few new implementations I still got some issues with lagging. I will wait until the 'optimizing day' arrives again :)

    + I am trying to add a skybox. Everything went well, but is there a way to remove this white dots? It's a 'perfect' cube mesh, I don't thought I would get them, there is anyway to fix? (I will try using a sphere mesh later on and If I didn't work I will come back)

    And just a Chit-chat, What is a light that emits black light called?

  • > > Also, I'm not sure if your game is like minecraft and it needs all those boxes to be separate objects. Because if you have some static elements, then it is much better to create them using verts inside the plugin and to keep track of them just use tilemap with variables Z.

    > I saw some videos of 'recreating Minecraft' on YouTube and they talked about it... But to be honest I cannot imagine the solution on how to do it. Also, I think if I do this way the project my not be able to support lights? I mean every block have it's on info (light RGB, pos, behaviors) and I wouldn't be able to use the 'prebuilt' animations (rotation, scale and moving)

    If you are using sprites to control blocks, then it probably wouldn't be a problem.

    > I think I was getting about 1000 collisions checks per second lol. I think it was the physics behavior and all those objects is set to immovable, so I think they might be always colliding or something 😂

    Yeah, you want to deactivate the behaviour where it is not needed. ROOJ chipmunks physics is much better in that regards too. But the system I showed you, unless you are rotating around Depth axis and not using sprites, but code, will work better than physics. It has less to calculate.


    > Again I am away from my PC, but I remember only these:

    > Specs:

    > - it's a 11 years old PC

    > - 4 gb ram

    > - Intel i3 (3.50 GHz, 1 socket)

    > - About 20gb left in memory of 140gb.

    > - Windows 10

    > - bonus: The CPU usage (at project debug) is around 40-79.

    That's an old machine. you should at least upgrade cpu to i7 that uses same socket. You will get much better performance then i3 and they are cheap now. What gpu?

    I would like to try your project, out of curiosity, see if there's anything I can suggest to get you a better performance. I'm using Construct since 2007, so I kind of know a lot about it.

    My bad, I looked again here and I actually the game is doing 300.000 to 410.000 collisions per seconds (WHAAAAT??? LOL) 😂😂😂😂

  • > > R0J0hound Re Paster, I can't figure out how to paste object on the the paster canvas without paster object being placed exactly above the sprite. Is this the only way, or there's some other option? Tried quads but quads don't paste glfx.



    > sorry to intrude again... Why placing paster over a sprite is being a problem?

    Firstly, what specs do you have? Secondly, that still quite low performance for only 138 objects. you must be doing too many things at once. And instead of every second condition, it's better to create tick counter and use that, ie every frame tikCounter=(tikCounter+1)%10 . Once it will get to 10 it will instantly become 0 and counting starts again. And then you just create conditions if tikCounter = 0,1,2... etc and do events. It's much more precise then every second and you can plan updates much better.

    With paster I noticed that when pasting in to a quad it doesn't copy the fx. When just pasting it copies only one effect. But also, there's resolution which actually has to be high in order to paste the image faithfully. Oh well, will continue with what I have.

    Edit@ Here, this is a collision system made by ROOJ long time ago, but it's surprisingly versatile and light. Thanks ROOJ! With this system you can disable collision of your sprites, create more efficient way of picking which objects you want to check collisions with.

    You need to have player sprite and box colliders in one family and do PICK NEAREST, FOR EACH PICKED, or keep boxes/3dobjects id's you can create when spawning objects and put them in array if you are not using sprites, and then check distance against them. But example shows how to do it with sprites. If i remember well ax and ay is object's position from family "t". Creating your own basic movement system is also very easy. The advantage of that is that you can create it specifically for 3D while thinking in 2D.

    Also, I'm not sure if your game is like minecraft and it needs all those boxes to be separate objects. Because if you have some static elements, then it is much better to create them using verts inside the plugin and to keep track of them just use tilemap with variables Z.

    I saw some videos of 'recreating Minecraft' on YouTube and they talked about it... But to be honest I cannot imagine the solution on how to do it. Also, I think if I do this way the project my not be able to support lights? I mean every block have it's on info (light RGB, pos, behaviors) and I wouldn't be able to use the 'prebuilt' animations (rotation, scale and moving)

    I think I was getting about 1000 collisions checks per second lol. I think it was the physics behavior and all those objects is set to immovable, so I think they might be always colliding or something 😂

    Again I am away from my PC, but I remember only these:


    - it's a 11 years old PC

    - 4 gb ram

    - Intel i3 (3.50 GHz, 1 socket)

    - About 20gb left in memory of 140gb.

    - Windows 10

    - bonus: The CPU usage (at project debug) is around 40-79.