MegaMente Br's Forum Posts

  • Q: What are you trying?

    A: Replicate the plugin from Minecraft servers that let you make you text go rainbow, like using this code: &u + "Text".

    Q: Then what you need?

    A: I did everything and it works almost fine, beside it consumes too much CPU because the color variable changes all the time... there is anyway to make it consumes less CPU? Another way that can I build a event?


  • No problem! :)

    Thank you for your time!

    I'll try to figure it out (or maybe learn some javascript lol).

    P.S. Sooner I might post this project I uploaded some screenshots here or create another topic to everyone have access.

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  • Here is what I was talking about, I didn't bring a video, but some screenshots

    World creation... Everythings is fine and I can move and jump, completely normal:

    I create a block (bullet, laser or whoever), and... it's fine if It's above me:

    But if my Z position/elevation/height is above the object it starts clipping:

    I guess this happens because the object is created outside the "On start of Layout" Condition. Do you think I can do something or there is no way?

  • Oh yeah sorry. I was trying to simulte a bullet being spawned, or laser to know where the player is looking... I think there is multiple uses...

    When I finish the testing project. I will Upload here so everyone could make their own Construct 2 3D Game the easiest way possible.

    Until now, my project have:

    - simulate 3D Physics (not completely, it's similar to the Construct 3 "3D Platformer")

    - Can easily create 3D objects from a default 2d object from C2 (at the object variables have options to change the 'ZScale'; 'ZElevation'; 'ID'('bullet', 'cube',etc.); 'XScale' and 'YScale' = C2 default object size properties, but it's easier the way I did)

    - Have shadows and light (It's buggy, but have)

    - And easily import 3D Meshes and textures (at the object variables)

    - TODO: Add a way to work around to run 3d animations.

    - TODO: Add 3D Text object.

    *Soon, if I don't forgot to, I will upload a short video or gif to show what I meant from my previous reply.

  • R0J0hound After A LONG time, almost a month or more. I DID IT!!!! (Happy face) :)

    Now I have a little issue, when an object is created outside the "On start of layout" condition, like:

    - "On start of layout"

    -- Rojo 3D: Create 'floor' -- Works fine

    - "On mouse left click"

    -- Rojo 3D: Create 'object' -- If the camera is over (Camera.Z > object.z) than the object fades (goes blank right at the camera z position)**

    ** Camera.Z = 32;; Object.Z (from bottom) = 48 + [32 object Zheight] (Complete normal)


    Camera.Z = 64 === Object gets cut in half and

    Camera.Z = 96 === Object gets vanished

  • Sup Rojo! Can you give me some ideas again please?

    I am trying to create an object B (prototype for a bullet) around object A (player)

    *I already can perfrom correctly the rotation of the camera.

    But I am struggling to figure out how to create a object away from the camera position.

    Here, look what I am trying to do:

    (The zeros represent 'air' in a 3d dimensional space:


    [ 000,000,000]

    [ 000,0A0,000]

    [ 000,000,000]

    Pressed fire button (Looking straight up):

    [ 000,0B0,000]

    [ 000,0A0,000]

    [ 000,000,000]

    Pressed fire button (Looking to the right):

    [ 000,000,000]

    [ 000,0A0,0B0]

    [ 000,000,000]

    Pressed fire button (Looking to top-right):

    [ 000,000,0B0]

    [ 000,0A0,000]

    [ 000,000,000]

    Pressed fire button (Looking to top-right + looking a bit to the center):

    [ 000,000,B00]

    [ 000,0A0,000]

    [ 000,000,000]

    *I don't want to give you a headache, if you can't, please could at least give me a link

  • This plug-in only has one light. There currently isn’t a way to add more.

    After the last update the plug-in was at the point it needed a rewrite to support more things. I haven’t had time for such a project in a while though.

    Oh, It's Ok, Thank you anyway.

    Sry if i am bothering you. I just sometime get too much focused. Ty <3

  • R0J0hound

    I got a major problem...

    Is it possible to create more than on "light"?

    And how do I manage for it to work? (I think this I'll figure out but until now I had no success)

  • ROJO, I am trying to figure out how to fix the problem by myself and I came with a conclusion: I don't know how to code. :)

    BUT, I noticed that is the (Y) size that is messed up, I think...

    When I use "Scale Outer" or "Scale Inner", the only scale that get messed up is the vertical one (I think it's the "Y" or "Z"). It makes the objects get "Thinner" or "Thicker", but the object Width and Depth gets automatically fixed... See below with numbers what I am trying to say:

    » Create object (32, 32, 32).

    »» (Lettterbox scale -> 640,480) -> Object size (32, 32, 32) -- Well done! But we have the famous black borders.

    » Create object (32, 32, 32).

    »» (Scale Inner/Outer -> *Adapts*) -> Object size (32, 20, 32) -- Fail! The Object is now thicker than it meant to be.

    On the code part:

    The object size that changes is the Depth or It's Height? It's the (Z) or (Y) value?

  • Thx I'll try this soon.

  • What I am trying to do is to replicate the "fullscreen effect". I mean, you know when you press F11 and everything fits in and it simulate the letterbox resolution, but it cover all the black screen. Did you understand? Sry my english is not that well and I don't know how to explain.

  • There is anyway I can get to make the option (Fullscreen: Off) be centralized? I Don't think this is what I am looking for, but I think if this have a solution I might get what I need...


  • Someone can help me pls?

    I am trying to do a Ban System (using firebase), but I want to make it "automatic":

    I want be able to send a command at a secret area in my multiplayer game to ban/kick someone (like minecraft using like "/ban (firebase_userID) <time>"). But [but again lol] I don't know how to do it. I can't figure it out, even using **dictionarys and tokenat looks too complicated.

    **What a tryed until now: Have a string with a list of all the kickedplayers' Firebase_IDs with the reason for the ban and the time for it to end... It would be something like this:

    ////Example of the string to be loaded is in the end of my post/////

    |action|>>OneDictionary Load: AJAX(Firebase.string) *No, it's not json, it is really a string.

    |Condition|>>>>Repeat tokencount(OneDictionary.Get(KEY), "<account>")

    |action|>> TwoDictionary Add KEY:"tokenat(OneDictionary.Get("KEY"), 0, "<acname>")" Value:"tokenat(OneDictionary.Get("KEY"), 1, "<bfor>")"

    |Condition| find(TwoDictionary.AsJson, UserFirebaseID) = 1 [Shows that user's name is in the list]

    |Action| Go to layout "You are banned"

    |Layout "You are Banned"|

    |action| TXT: Set text (tokenat(TwoDictionary.GET(UserFirebaseID), 0, "<btime>")) [Reason: I have to write this way because it takes the string before the tag]

    |action| TIME: Set text: (tokenat(TwoDictionary.GET(UserFirebaseID), 1, "<btime>"))

    //// STRING: "UserID<acname><bfor>Banned For<btime>120<account>UserID<acname><bfor>Banned For<btime>120<account>"

    And a way for my to also be able to remove that name from the list.

    I know, it's not even a bit optimized, that's why I am asking for help plss!

  • Sir LoLz

    Did you find a way to calculate 3D physics? Or you just made the 3D ramps at the (0, 90, 180, 270, 360) degrees?

  • Basically, What I want to do is a Counter to know how many Players are Online at the exact moment. There is anyway to do it without the Multiplayer Plugin? I mean using the Ajax?

    So far, I tried using the "On suspended" to update the current number of players online to (playersonline.number -1), and "On resumed" to add 1 back to online. But I don't know... It seems to bug sometimes because it shows that have like 5 players online but actually there is only me.
