mbuckenmeyer90's Forum Posts

  • I've been using construct 3 for a couple of months now and I have renamed multiple animations in multiple sprites. But today all of a sudden when I rename an animation construct 3 crashes. How can I stop this? I would prefer to not have to create an account with GitHub to get this resolved.


    Error report information

    Type: unhandled rejection

    Reason: Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'iB') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'iB') at wM.k9b.Alb (https://editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:1913:347) at Array.tba (https://editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:1909:147) at window.xab.dispatchEvent (https://editor.construct.net/r305/main.js:1090:42) at window.xab.Sr (https://editor.construct.net/r305/main.js:2349:85) at d.Ra (https://editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:693:184) at d.gl (https://editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:694:6) at editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:244:318

    Stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'iB') at wM.k9b.Alb (https://editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:1913:347) at Array.tba (https://editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:1909:147) at window.xab.dispatchEvent (https://editor.construct.net/r305/main.js:1090:42) at window.xab.Sr (https://editor.construct.net/r305/main.js:2349:85) at d.Ra (https://editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:693:184) at d.gl (https://editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:694:6) at editor.construct.net/r305/projectResources.js:244:318

    Construct version: r305

    URL: editor.construct.net/r305

    Date: Thu Aug 11 2022 20:45:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

    Uptime: 12.1 s

    Platform information

    Product: Construct 3 r305 (beta)

    Browser: Chrome 104.0.5112.81

    Browser engine: Chromium

    Context: webapp

    Operating system: Windows 10

    Device type: desktop

    Device pixel ratio: 1

    Logical CPU cores: 8

    Approx. device memory: 8 GB

    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

    Language setting: en-US

    WebGL information

    Version string: WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium)

    Numeric version: 2

    Supports NPOT textures: yes

    Supports GPU profiling: yes

    Supports highp precision: yes

    Vendor: Google Inc. (AMD)

    Renderer: ANGLE (AMD, Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11)

    Major performance caveat: no

    Maximum texture size: 16384

    Point size range: 1 to 1024

    Extensions: EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_color_buffer_half_float, EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2, EXT_float_blend, EXT_texture_compression_bptc, EXT_texture_compression_rgtc, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, EXT_texture_norm16, KHR_parallel_shader_compile, OES_draw_buffers_indexed, OES_texture_float_linear, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info, WEBGL_debug_shaders, WEBGL_lose_context, WEBGL_multi_draw, OVR_multiview2


  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Ah, I see now. Thank you for the information. Your way was certainly simpler.

  • Nevermind, I think I got it working. I found another thread (IF SCORE/10 = WHOLE NUMBER...) that helped me out by elaborating on the expression you said.

  • Sorry, I'm a little lost. Can you elaborate more? or perhaps send a screenshot of an example?

  • So I am trying to get a "Good Job" to pop up when every tenth enemy is killed. Maybe I am going about it wrong but I was trying to do System>Score (Global Variable)> Equal to > Value ( And I was thinking of an expression like round(Score/10) )

    This obviously didn't work, I also tried a few others. Is there an expression to write this?

  • Looking at it again, I think it was creating multiple copies.

  • So the bottom sprite that says Good Job was there from the start of layout. But the top one is a Created Object when the blue dot is destroyed. Why does it get blurry like that? How can I stop it from doing that?

  • Thanks alextro

    I was afraid of the every X secs and the wait time overlapping and causing some graphical issues but it seems to be working fine. Although Id like to learn more with repeating events. Perhaps, in the future.

    Thanks again.

  • GeoffB

    I'm really new at all this. But I have a character on screen and I was just trying to get his dialog box to just pop up every so often.

    I have one object/sprite of the dialog box and it has 8 animations. So I wanted it to pick one randomly and show it and then go away and then later pick another randomly. And I wanted this to just be ongoing.

    Hope that makes sense.

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  • I am probably forgetting something but I can't seem to get my event to repeat. I have been trying many different setups and sometimes it would play through it once but it will not repeat. Also if I set repeat to Infinity then the game won't even load.

    Any ideas why or possible resolutions?


  • FYI, to anybody that comes to this forum, this conversation was later continued on another question forum I posted "HOW DO I SPAWN MULTIPLE COPIES OF A SPRITE?"


  • This seems like some pretty advanced stuff. Thank you for explaining everything so thoroughly. I think I am following along with everything.

    Also, thanks for the tip too, I did know that but had not gotten there yet. I typically used 'when an object falls so far below X=#'. Your condition is probably the better option though.

  • brainwavecreations Everade

    So I appreciate the help and I like the simplicity of the repeating action. Also this event doesn't seem to effect the splotches already created but I don't know why. I was hoping one of you could explain to me why that action (with the arrow next to it) is not changing blood splotches already on the screen.

    Additionally, I thought if I created another sub-event and moved that action down to it and not had it repeating then it would make all the splotches created at a single time to be the same (animation) frame, however that is not the case AND it even changes splotches already on the screen.

    So now I'm really confused, I thought I knew what I had to do but I guess not. :(

  • I'll definitely check out those channels. Big thanks for all your help!