matrixreal's Forum Posts

  • any help please ?

    i success build the adhoc ipa and install it via itunes

    but when i lunch the app from the phone

    it lunch and crash on splash screen ... any help please ?

  • hi,

    i'm trying to swith to 64 bits architecure but ejecta gives me 55 errors and warning on xcode

    any one success to swtich to 64 bits with ejecta ?


  • ejecta is wrapper too and they don't reject ejecta games

  • your link is not working

  • You should put your score within the Window (dashed line), if that is not the case.

    I had the same thing today. My player starts at the bottom of the layout, and when the game starts the layout will be shown from there. But my hud stayed beneath from what is visible when you play the game (the dashed line).

    Hope that made sense.


    what you mean by "dashed line" ?

    i don't find it

  • global variable + webstorage

    see the tutorial its easy

  • what version of ejecta you use ?

  • thanks a lot ashley for this realease

    really i dont believe ... with some tricks my fsp is between 58 - 60

    my cpu usage is at maximum 5 % the game is runing good even on xcode simulator

    i'm very happy

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  • please i'm waiting ... in private if you want

  • hi all,

    i want to create an plugin for ejecta to show chartboost interstitiel

    anyone can share with me a chartboost plugin for phonegab from cramberry ?

    i try to contact him but he don't reply


  • matrixreal No a container layout is the best practice you can use because to create a object it has to be somewhere in your project if you have a container layout the images are only loaded when used or else for some objects i.e bullets you would have to put them somewhere in your project that is a active layout using memory that doesnt need to be used

    i prefer to put object on every layout (put them on layout but outside layer) and add for example an destroy outside layout behaviour ... this will optimise performance if you have to create them ... (read performance tips by ashley)

    or maybe i don't understand how you create this "container" layout .... ???

    maybe its a layout without even sheet ?

  • on xcode

    when the following javascript call is done it show the error

    "JS: ERROR: Error executing Javascript: {"line":1,"column":34}"

  • hi,

    i'm trying to done show interstitiel chartboost ad

    i follow the steps posted here

    every thing is okay , no warning , no erros on xcode ...

    if i set on appdelegate to show the ads it works on the start of game but i need to show the interstitiel ads on game over layout so i need to know what is the call to done it with javascript call with browser plugin

    tharek done it on this forum but for other ads company (tappx) he use a javascript call like this

    the problem is, is this "showAd.showChartboostInterstitial(Named_location_s_string);" a javascript call ?

    and how cani solve it

    thanks in advance

  • matrixreal is how I do Tappx. Search for Cordova Chartboost Plugin and add it in Intel XDK

    aquinn Tappx is cross promotion (give the website a look). However, with the 3rd party plugin you can set a percentage to change the ratio of showing tappx vs admob. For example 0.5 will show AdMob and Tappx 50/50. Also, Cordova Android build is good enough for small games such as

    i'm using ejecta

    just tel me how you convert an appdelegate call to javascript call ?


  • i suggest to you to

    preload banner on start of layout before

    then show the ad

    same for interstitiel