The fireflames effects is the same from shadertoy, i made also the variations. Looks weird on Direct3D but good when WebGL is used, ¿Why? I don't know, i'm new on shaders , Maybe
Gigatron can explain what is happen here or look the code and solve it.
As i said in my C2 preview , i mean in the C2 layout, looks a bit weird(Direct3d is used), exactly that you screenshot, but when the effect runs on C2 using NW.js or in the browsers Firefox/Chorme that uses WebGL appears perfectly.
So, when DIrect3D is used looks like you, and when WebGL is used looks like my screenshot.
Also i not understad why in your case are using Direct3D, how are you getting this? NW.js? Browser? Mobile?... Also, have you tested to export to desktop o see with NW.js or chrome, firefox etc...? In all is the same?