matriax's Forum Posts

  • Warp effect added. Now You can do better fluids and twisters! :O

    With the warp effect variables for X/Y the magma/lava looks more live.

    Also thanks to the Warp effect now you can do twisters! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Edit: Also added a OffsetX and FadeX to get more control about the shader.

  • Ah i see, well, for that you can create a texture with alpha with the colors of the point and set glow or something, this will give the effect you want i guess.

    You mean this?:

    In this case you no need a "emissive texture", in 3D yes, but for 2D you can do using glow, adding an image as light or how you want to recreate the effect are you looking.

    For example i did this time ago:

    Simple add an image with some glow like a shadow, add the "additive" blend and put over the graphic you want to have "emisive light" or whatever <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> .

  • Every time more and more things to do/create

    Today i added a Fade-In/Fade-Out option. 0= disabled and if you add speed this will Appear/Disappear with the speed you want.

    Now i'm with the Sinewave/Warp effect that is actually working so after some adjust and if all is correct tonight i will pass the variables to C2.

  • The specular light is a thing will be great to add in the future, but actually i not have the enough skill on C2/Shader to do that sorry. There is a .FX made by other user that have normalmap+specular without need another texture, get from the actual image.

    The bad thing is that seems to have some issues but i have in my queue invest some time to get the specular part and add to the normalmap .fx or made another different, will see, actually busy with my own project and working on a shaders editor.

    But you can test, use my normalmap effect adding their effect too, maybe looks a bit weird, maybe works great together, test it. Is called "Normal Mapping by GamesWarp".


    About "selfilluminated" textures what is exactly the effect? only be lighted in some zones? Well they already can do that using alpha, so if you want a texture or something that only want to add ight in some zones erase them and add a sprite with alpha with only the zones that you want to have light. If i understand well from here: ... amily.html

  • I don't know how to invert Y but all the programs i use have the option to invert Y or X before export. Check your program, what you use?

    Also have you tried only this:

    Every tick:

    set effect "NormalMapExtended" Parameter 0 to mouse.x/WindowWidth

    set effect "NormalMapExtended" Parameter 1 to mouse.y/WindowHeight

    Also, have you the last version of Firefox?

    Have you tried this live demo on firefox?: ... index.html

    The light is down the mouse? Is using the .capx demo provided, so if this live demo work on your firefox i not understand why when you compile not. In the case neither works, check if you have tha last version of firefox.

    But well, maybe in your code have something that modify any parameter that affect to the normalmaps i don't know. But also is weird that in Chrome/Nw.js works and not in Firefox.

  • As in the comments says, you have to put in the ScreenX and ScreenY of the NormalMap effects the screen resolution of your game. 640x480, 960x540 32x240 or whatever.

    If your resolution is: 960x540

    Screen X = 960

    Screen Y = 540

    After this, the light will follow your mouse.

    The light on the mouse form the example .capx not works for you?

    Parameter 0 and 1 of the effect are the position of X/Y of the light that are passed using the events.

    Parameter 0 (X) = (LayerToCanvasX(0, mouse.x, mouse.y))/WindowWidth

    Parameter 1 (Y) = (LayerToCanvasY(0, mouse.x, mouse.y))/WindowHeight

    The layerToCanvas option is because with that will works with ScrollTo too.

    If you are having problems try to change Light1 in the events by this:

    Parameter 0 (X) = mouse.x/WindowWidth

    Parameter 1 (Y) = mouse.y/WindowHeight

  • This is one of the things i want to add to my Shader Editor if is possible () .

    For create an explosion i guess will be center the shader and apply some grow-size changing variables.

    But an explosion with particles,etc... maybe is too different to add to the shader i'm doing and will be better create an Explosion shader editor for that.

    I will try add something in that way to see if works.

  • Prominent Obviously if i change the order of the variables then not will works . The variables of the parameters are in the .xml that are passed to construct2 in the same order. So when i add new variables they go to the last place.

    Like in all the .fx on construct2 to modify any variable you have to know what parameter number is each one. But no problem, simply like add a number before each "Variable Name" and ready like:

    0) Total Noise

    1) Fire Speed


    14) Fire Quantity


    With that you know what parameter have to modify in reference to the shader variable.

  • Prominent While all the new variables added by default have the 0 as number no problem, I can add in any moment and when i want any new variable to improve the editor because the shader in case of no have any value for the new parameters will set 0 as default, so no problem .

    I mean if the code for shader is:


    If i add 5 new variables the shader will do this:


    So, i always will can add new variables while their default number is 0 because is the numer that a shader get in case of no have this parameter.

    I don't know if that is what you asked(Sorry my english sucks).

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  • Working on a Shader editor for C2, started as a Fire Shader and become in something more:

    Now you can do fire, flames, water, acid, fog, gradients and other kind of things ready to use in your games.

    Also the option to share the Shader Coder you created to be use by anybody in their games.

    Still in development, hope to be available soon.

    Official post:


  • eli0s Is a shader with their parameters like any other. On a Sprite you add the effect "MyShader" and you have various parameters to edit. This is exacly the same.

    In this case, after see how customizable is i made a personal editor to play with their values in real time. So if you find some cool you will do "Get code" and this will give you something like this:

    4|2|3|1.25|0.25|1.5|0.75|1.2|1.2|-1.2|1.6|0.25|1.25|16|0.5|0.5|1.5|1.5|1|1|3|6|1.5|4|0 (This is the Torch Fire shader code)

    This numbers are the parameters of the Shader effect in order, from the Parameter 0 to the last one with a "|" separator. So you can simply pass this numbers 1by1 to the efect parameters of the sprite to get the effect you found in the editor or you can create a "For each" event that pass this variables automatically for you at the start of layout .

    And more!! Also i created a "shared code link" so if you found something cool you can paste the link here and when we press we go to a page with the editor loading your shader code automatically, and with that the people can share his creations in the forums and if somebody like one use it in their game! .


    New feature added this morning:

    • Undo/Redo Buttons

    Because i hate let pressed the Randomize button and pass an effect that was good XD.

  • Instagram video showing multiple effects you can do with this shader:

    What you think?

    Triying to discover how remove the black background without use Additive blend and triying to discover/test/ some features that push this shader to a next level.

    In some way is fun/addictive trying to test variables to see what effect they do and implement to a variable for C2. Learning a lot developing this shader <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> .

  • For this is the "Get code/Load Code" you can load the code that read the values. Also a get code to export and share it.

    With that you can create something cool and share with the comunity so they can use in their games.

  • you could always set a the text of a text-box object to : Browser.URL&"/?shadercode="&ShaderCode.Text

    The user would than be able to select and copy the text himself..

    Yes, is already what i have

    So, there is no option to get the link in the clipboard in html5?

  • I can set the clipboard using NW.js for win/mac/linux but not work in browsers.

    Is there any way to set the clipboard on HTML5 ?

    I want that when a button is clicked set the clipboard from elements i want like:


    That give:

    http:// websomething/?shadercode=4|2|3|1.25|0.25|1.5|0.75|1.2|1.2|-1.2|1.6|0.25|1.25|16|0.5|0.5|1.5|1.5|1|1|3|6|1.5|4|0|3

    With that you can share your creation inside a browser.

    I thought the plugin Browser had this option but not :S .