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  • matriax +1

  • It is possible to make something like that in Construct 2?


  • It is possible to make something like that in Construct 2?


    After see all the imports the people made from shadertoy to C2 i guess this will be easy compared.

    I see a lot of Shadertoy requests, so, instead of request one by one every time we find something, not will be possible create an importer or plugin using the Shadertoy API to simply copy the code into the C2 to get the shader running?

    I don't know nothing about code, so i ask Ashley, Will be possible integrate the Shadertoy API inside C2 to get all the shaders working in seconds? I mean only the API, after that every developers is responsible o what shaders they add into their game.

  • It is possible to make something like that in Construct 2?


    In strange case like this ,some shaders are not running on c2 like Shadertoy.

    however ; I do not change much in the original source.

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  • > It is possible to make something like that in Construct 2?

    > https://www.shadertoy.com/view/lsSGWw


    In strange case like this ,some shaders are not running on c2 like Shadertoy.

    however ; I do not change much in the original source.

    You mean... you managed to get it work? I'm having a lot of difficulties :\ (I need a "realistic" fire by WebGL)

  • This one is not easy but:

    Find Noise texture and change this line ;

    float noise( in vec3 x ) // iq noise function
    	vec3 p = floor(x);
        vec3 f = fract(x);
    	f = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
    //	vec2 uv = (p.xy+vec2(37.0,17.0)*p.z) + f.xy;       <------ This line
    	vec2 uv = (vTex.xy+vec2(37.0,17.0)*p.z) + f.xy;  <------ By this one 
    	vec2 rg = texture2D( samplerFront, (uv+ 0.5)/256.0, -100.0 ).yx;
    	return mix( rg.x, rg.y, f.z ) * 2.0 - 1.0;
    good luck ... hope this will help you, or find Fire shaders on glslsandbox ..
  • tatogame Have you get the effect working? I tried myself changing the noise line and other things but nothing, i only have as result a big and beatyfull black square after an hour editing... at least now no get errors XD :S

    Gigatron Is there any tutorial/doc that how to pass from shadertoy to C2 ?

    Edit: Oh wait, after some changes i start to see something orange inside the square effect <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    Edit2: Nothing, can't get working <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> this was my try (.fx, .xml and .capx):

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/659 ... e/fire.rar

    If somebody can tell me what is wrong...

  • matriax nope :\ I chose another method (spritesheet animation lol) but i will try another way to make with WebGL...

    I found another fire effect made "by CPU" http://www.computableminds.com/jquery-p ... rator.html but is TOO HEAVY for anything less powerfull than nasa-pc xD

  • matriax nope :\ I chose another method (spritesheet animation lol) but i will try another way to make with WebGL...

    I found another fire effect made "by CPU" http://www.computableminds.com/jquery-p ... rator.html but is TOO HEAVY for anything less powerfull than nasa-pc xD

    tatogame I see! Well i leave the other flame code and search for one more easy, and after 2 hours i get this one working:


    I'm passing now all the variables to the .xml and create the example and live demo so i will publish today in the effects if nothing happens <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> .

  • Absolutely there is a solution... The human brain has no limit ... to code you must think like an ALIEN ...

    The burnfx is not simple cause it's using NOISE Texture ... but if we can replace noise Texture by computed NOISE function

    the result was not bad... but my english is bad to make a tutorial..

    I can tell something easy, you can MIX all function on 5000 shader toy functions... the result is unlimited..


    So here is little tips; i am sure others C2 users are better than me .. I am an expert of delphi pascal and hate javascript, C, assemblers and other languages ...

    ST: void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) : C2 void main()

    ST: vec2 uv = (fragCoord.xy/iResolution.xy); : C2 vec2 uv=(1.*vTex); if flipped do vec2 uv=(1.-vTex)

    To center correctly use: vec2 uv=(1.*vTex)-vec2(0.5,-0.5); here we accessed X and Y position of Vtex ..

    And Finaly

    ST: fragColor=vec4(col, 1.); : C2 gl_FragColor=vec4(col,1.0) ; 1.0 is alpha and col is declared

    like this: vec3 col=vec3(0,0,0); SO we have 3 vectors + 1 Alpha ... and

    declaration of gl_FragColor is right ... gl_FragColor=vec4(3vectors for col, and 1 for alpha) = 4 variables..

    vec4 means , X,Y,Z,W ------> like C2 gl_FragColor=vec4(X,Y,Z,W) ; we have 4 vectors variables; col=(x,y,z, and W is alpha)

    vec3 means X,Y,Z

    vec2 means X,Y

    etc........ Not hard no ???

  • Ok here is the file to C2 users.. Study change run, run run ... until you understand what you do.. and you win the fight !


    Have fun ..

  • Ok here is the file to C2 users.. Study change run, run run ... until you understand what you do.. and you win the fight !


    Have fun ..

    Oh great!

    I ported my first shader passing more than 25 variables and adding a few more. I'm working with the example .capx . I guess will be posted soon on the Effects forum <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Here a video of the example fille showing a variation of flames:


    Edit: Posted here: viewtopic.php?f=184&t=149940

  • Good job ;

    I am sure if you study (only) glsl during 1 month 8 hours a day you can do what you want ...

    Dont forget the Word VECTOR =variable but defined in space .... 2D/3D/4D

    good luck

  • Can anybody make something like CRT Shader FX without the ScanLines? Or just cut the scanlines from this source(comments included, but I don't know how to do that):

  • Can anybody make something like CRT Shader FX without the ScanLines? Or just cut the scanlines from this source(comments included, but I don't know how to do that):

    mef1sto Make what i do: See all the numbers in the .fx and edit/run, for example change 1 to 4, run C2 ¿What happens? THis modify the color? so go to the .fx and add a comment like : "// Modify RGB=RED".

    And you will get a code like this:

    	q.x *= 1.0; // Number of flames on horizontal
    	q.y *= fireVP; // Vertical Y Fire-Flame separation
    	float strength = floor(q.x+noiseT); // Total noise in all the flame
    	float T3 = max(fireSPD1,fireSPD2*strength)*seconds; // 1=Speed /  2=Speed2
    	q.x = mod(q.x,1.0)-0.5; // 1=Separation / 2- Move to right
    	q.y -= firePOSy;  // Position Y
    So, in the CRT code one of them will modify the scanlines, maybe the size, number of them,etc... if you find what value is, well, set to 0 
    Edit: I download the CRT effect, and looking the code seems is very easy to find it look this code in the CRT effect you want:
    vec4 scanlineWeights(float distance, vec4 color)
    	vec4 wid = 0.5 + 2.0 * pow(color, vec4(4.0));
    	vec4 weights = vec4(distance * 3.333333);                
    	return 0.51 * exp(-pow(weights * sqrt(2.0 / wid), wid)) / (0.18 + 0.06 * wid);
    With the Scanlines effect located edit them and in the numbers set  various of the to 0 and see what happens. I'm sure you will remove it in minutes.
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