matriax's Forum Posts

  • How can i open the browser dialog to load an image without use the NW.JS plugin or the "File Chooser" plugin wich is a form control ?.

    I tried to look in the browser actions but only appears "invoke download" to open the browse dialog to save some file but can't find the one for load to be used in the online version without form controls ¿?.

    Maybe i guess i should use "execute javascript" but can't find any code to do that. Any idea?

  • R0J0hound LOL! That's just the idea i had days ago and last night told to dop2000 that after the attempts we did i was gonna develop it and compare with the actual method we already have

    Not understand very well the way you did(I had another aproach) but yours looks better.


  • R0J0hound After all test i made, the unique way to take screenshot larger than the user screen is:

    With "Fullscreen in Browser" set "OFF" on Browsers and NW.JS. In case of NW.JS only in Window Mode.

    With that i can take screenshots even of 3200x3200 no matter that my max resolution is 1920x1080.

    But i can't get my interface looks right with "OFF" so my idea/workaround was start with Scale inner, and before the screenshot set "OFF" but there is no option to that in the system/browser actions, so wonder if there is anyway to access to that option using "execute javascript" ¿?

  • R0J0hound I already tried that way but not works or i can't get working.

    This are my events:

    I'm using "Scale inner" for scaling because is what works for me needs. Tried the rest of the options and all same or less resolution except with "Full screen scaling OFF".


    Exports an image of 2560x2560 with the texture area of: 2367x1668.

    Full Screen:

    Exports an image of at same resolution app starts or set initially.

    Maybe i understood you wrong ¿?

    Edit: Also the window app size can be larger than the user screen resolution, or at least in W7. Btw, the app also need to work online and there is no window size only on Nw.JS.

  • I want to export a 2048x2048 images in C2 or using the R0J0hound Paster plugin but have this problems:

    1.- Take snapshot canvas on System actions: (Image Ok - Resolution Fail)

    Problem > The image exported depends of the window app size. If user have max monitor resolution of 1920x1080 can't export to 2048x2048.

    2.- Paster plugin(WebGL). Pasting objects or Paste Layer: (Image Fail - Resolution ok)

    Can export 2048x2048 textures but the exported images with some WebGL effects not looks equal(Like contrast). Also if the image have any blend WebGl effects(Screen, Darken, Difference..) gives an error. Here a screenshot with the error:

    3.- Paster plugin(WebGL). Load texture from canvas: (Image Ok - Resolution Fail)

    Is similar to Canvas Snapshot, but i can set the canvas/resolution of the paster to 2048x2048 but the exported shows only the window app size:

    So, wonder if there is anyway to export up to 2048x2048(Or higher) using the canvas snapshot or paster plugin no matter the window app size. Or do a real screenshot of X size of the canvas/layout not only the window display.

    Any idea?

  • Seems Chrome have a limit to download more than 1.5mb file size.

    And due Nw.JS uses chromium after export have the same problem. On firefox and IE works fine due their size limit is more large. I know for Nw.JS i can use their Write file actions.

    But, for an online app, using the Browser plugin, how i can avoid the file size limit of 1.5mb on chrome browsers?

  • Gigatron I'm editing the shaders and realized this:

    With > vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;

    • The tileable pattern is only the original sprite size. On resize the sprite just works like a TileBackground, is repeated always.

    With > uv = vTex;

    • The tileable pattern adapts to any sprite resolution but streching it from original size to the final. I mean. If the original sprite is 256x256 and you make the sprite 512x256 you get the same but streched in horizontal.

    Question: is possible get the tileable pattern generated = the sprite size, no matter the original resolution and without stretch? (I don't know if i'm explained well). Or maybe only can be generated square images?


    Edit: Seems even with original sprite at 1024x256 the texture is generated as square and then stretched, mmm

  • Gigatron Just perfect thanks!

    The ones that i had lots of errors converting with your tool, have you look what kind of errors are to improve your toolbox for next time? Or are errors that can't be converted for some reason?

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  • Animated Tileable Water Caustics ... sp=sharing

    (Original by Dave Hoskins >

    At the moment just two parameters, more will be added in a next update.


    Hi Gigatron can you convert this one?:

    Again lots of errors i don't know how to fix :S

  • Working on the water caustics one

  • Gigatron Great! Updated the first post with your shader, removed the one converted of the list and changed the code for tiling.

    Edit: Had in mind add the RGB code too on my shaders and other stuff, but first i'm gonna try to pass all possible to C2 and see all the options becausmaybe there is someone with some function that i want in other shader so to no tepeat the proces i will wait to the end better.

  • Noise Clouds shader Download ... sp=sharing

    Example of images generated (With some tint shader to give color)

    Still needs some edits so will be updated soon. The idea is try to add some image manipulation inside the shader, like some stretch,etc...

  • Working on Noise Clouds conversion - Clouds

    EDIT: THis cloud shader is so fun, lots of customizations and things that can be done with it :O

  • Gigatron Ohh! lots of thanks! :O

    Love what you did here:

    vec2 uv;
    	if (p1==0.0) uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
        if (p1==1.0)  uv = vTex;
    	uv *= p2;[/code:149wmedq]
    With your permiss i'm gonna copy and apply the same code to my voronoise effect, very useful   . Also i will edit your shader passing all the values that makes any change to .XML and will upload. So, i guess i will change the other post thread and will post all the shaders i can convert about tileable noise instead of create one for each.
  • Oh! i see, so the thing is not possible is pick the color out the Paster plugin, but pick the color from an image pasted inside the Paster plugin is possible.

    So, blackhornet can you implement it? pls!