Using the
Gigatron shader Nesify there are some predefined palettes like gameboy or Nes.
Wonder, if is possible create a shader that can load 256 colors in runtime from a given .pal format.
The colors on the shader are like this one:
TRY_COLOR (vec3 (13.0, 65.0, 56.0));
So maybe something like:
TRY_COLOR (vec3 (R0, G0, B0));
TRY_COLOR (vec3 (R255, G255, B255));
So i think this should be created from an automatic way due also needs to be created the uniforms and the .xml params.
Then i guess on events load the .pal file that is like:
24 0 8
56 16 24
64 16 24
80 24 32
And set the numbers for that effect params on the FX.
I don't know if this is possible or maybe there is another easy way.
What you think?