Link to .capx file (required!):
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a project where you to save, retrieve or clear data from local web storage
2. Export to HTML5
3. Open IE10 and press F12 to see the developer console before opening your project.
4. Drag and drop your exported index.html into IE10
5. Execute event that interacts with WebStorage
Alternative steps:
1. Create a project where you to save, retrieve or clear data from local web storage
2. Export to Windows 8
3. Open solution with Visual Studio, create test certificate and debug solution in Local Machine (press F5)
4. Execute event that interacts with WebStorage
Observed result from IE10 in Windows 7 Pro 64-bit:
If trying to access value:
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'getItem' of undefined or null reference
c2runtime.js, line 14278 character 3
If trying to clear values with "Clear local storage":
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'clear' of undefined or null reference
c2runtime.js, line 14234 character 4
Observed result from IE10 Metro when debugging with Visual Studio in Windows 8.1 Preview:
Application crashes. Debugger shows the following:
When accessing values:
SCRIPT12004: Unhandled exception at line 14278, column 3 in ms-appx://75e7f9e6-4e1e-44f4-97bf-f9f221de47c3/c2runtime.js
0x80072ee4 - JavaScript runtime error: An internal error occurred in the Microsoft Internet extensionsFile: c2runtime.js, Line: 14278, Column: 3
When clearing values with "Clear local storage":
SCRIPT12004: Unhandled exception at line 14234, column 4 in ms-appx://75e7f9e6-4e1e-44f4-97bf-f9f221de47c3/c2runtime.js
0x80072ee4 - JavaScript runtime error: An internal error occurred in the Microsoft Internet extensionsFile: c2runtime.js, Line: 14234, Column: 4
Expected result:
Data should be saved or retrieved from web storage without crashing or throwing JS errors.
Browsers affected:
Chrome: no
Firefox: no
Internet Explorer: yes
Operating system & service pack:
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit / Windows 8.1 Pro Preview 64-bit
Construct 2 version:
Release 139 stable 64-bit
Visual Studio version:
Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Preview
The project works fine when running from Construct preview in Firefox in Windows 7.
Exported to HTML5 works on Firefox and Chrome.