makis's Forum Posts

  • PSP all the way. Far better and more ''mature'' games, crystal clear screen, much more emulation options than the DS, and technically more advanced.

  • cheers mate, i'll try that..

  • I've solved the problem by using an action to make the text visible first! Now i encountered another problem. I want to destroy the message only if i press a key.

  • Can you be more specific please?

    On the Event Sheet Editor i have the following:

    • On collision between player and npc

    - Text: Start Timer "timertext" with length 1000, don't repeat, destroy when finished

    So when the player collides with the NPC the "timertext" is activated for 1000 milliseconds just once, and then it destroys itself. It doesn't work and i have no idea what i'm doing wrong!

  • Hi all

    Can any kind soul explain how to make a text object appear and then dissapear from the screen after n seconds?

    I managed to make the text appear on the screen, however when i add a new Destroy action

    the text dissapears instantly.


  • During the installation process i get a ini910.sys BSOD on top of the stop:0x0000008E error.

    The XP installation cd is full of scratches. Can this be the reason for the BSOD error?

    I hope that the problem lies in faulty ram, and it is not a mobo or CPU related error!

  • I've formated and reinstalled Win XP Pro recently but i keep getting a stop:0x0000008E error.

    This is not the only problem though. Sometimes Internet Explore freezes up, i can't open some folders and the system is quite unstable even in a clean installation. Maybe it's bad ram or a faulty hard disk. Any other ideas of what causes this stupid BSOD?


  • Project Status

    Level Design 8%

    AI 20%

    Graphics 85%

    Sounds 40%

    GUI 0%

    The original game constists of 4 episodes with 20 levels each . My plan is to remake the first episode.

    Thanks for your motivation Caspis Sinclair

  • Pharaoh's Tomb is a classic CGA platform game from the golden days of the DOS era. It was created by George Broussard of Duke Nukem fame. As it was the first game i've ever played on my PC it holds a special place in my heart:)

    A while ago i created a new version of Pharaoh's Tomb titled ''The Curse of The Golden Scarab" using Gamemaker. It constists of only four exra levels and slightly enchanced graphics. I've decided to port it to Construct, this time though i plan to create a faithfull remake of the original game.

    Below is a link to a screensht of Level 2 (apologise for the external link but i don't know how to use the Img command)

    <img src="">

    Fixed - Sol

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I think i solved it mate. I set the hotspot to 64,65 coordinates and it worked!

  • I enabled Toggle grid in the Grid Settings i set it to 32x32 and finally i enable snap to moving. However, when i place my tiles in the Layout Editor they don't snap in the correct positions! What on earth i'm doing wrong?

    Also can anybody tell me how can i place multiple tiles at once?

    In Gamemaker it is a piece of cake to create a level using the grid. Why in Construct is so damn complicated?

  • A grid option in the picture editor will be very handy! Right now it is quite difficult to do precise pixel painting.

  • Thanks PixelBirth

  • Hi everyone just a quick one.

    Can you please tell me how do i insert a new layout in Construct. I want to use it as a Menu Screen .